funsocietyirc / MrNodeBot

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Feature request - YouTube search #37

Open MillerBOSS opened 6 years ago

MillerBOSS commented 6 years ago

Something along these lines nick: `yt is it friday bot: (nick) Rebecca Black - Friday - length 3m 48s - 808,685 likes, 3,156,561 dislikes (20.4%) - 120,501,511 views - rebecca on 2011.09.17 -

Could be yt, oryoutube for multiple commands for a youtube search.

mark-y commented 6 years ago

Go to the watch-online page then do tv-play is it friday

MillerBOSS commented 6 years ago

Thanks @mark-y. Where is the watch-online page? I see this works. nick: `tv-play is it friday bot: YouTube 📺 I am now playing Lil Dicky  - Freaky Friday feat. Chris Brown (Official Music Video) on the #boats2 station for you, @MillerBOSS → YouTube ⚓

Also, I wonder why the selection is Lil Dicky versus Rebecca Black.

mark-y commented 6 years ago

It's for #fsociety on Freenode. I believe it's specified in a configuration file. If you want a particular artist, include them with the song title:

tv-play Rebecca Black Friday

The bot excludes content-restricted and non-embeddable YouTube videos.

davericher commented 6 years ago

Should note at the moment Chrome 67 broke the watch youtube feature. Due to it dropping support for autoplay, use anything other than chrome 67, or wait for me to fix it (will have to add a button to start the playing)