User story: "As a person filling out this form, I want to be able to have a copy of the form I just submitted so I can refer to it as this process continues."
TBD: whether it would be additionally useful to allow emailing to another address. (ex: legal assister might want it to go themself as well as to the subject of the form.)
Also TBD: how to appropriately guard the contact info fields against spam/pranks/misuse.
User story: "As a person filling out this form, I want to be able to have a copy of the form I just submitted so I can refer to it as this process continues."
TBD: whether it would be additionally useful to allow emailing to another address. (ex: legal assister might want it to go themself as well as to the subject of the form.)
Also TBD: how to appropriately guard the contact info fields against spam/pranks/misuse.