Critical to our success is the awarding of competencies to workers, so we know who can perform what work at what capacity / skill level.
Then we need to list all the competencies required by each function, and have a guess at the ratio of what the function will require, eg: 1 BA : 4 JS devs : 1 devops : PM
As the function scales up, we can know where our resource shortages are.
Also if we end or outsource a function, we will know what excess competencies we have, and can map those to staff members who are most likely to be made redundant if a function closes.
Finally, we can set career paths for people in terms of badges they seek to acquire and help them to get there. If they get these badges, they can gain access to the higher bonus work, or having a certain compliment puts them in a different pay bracket.
Critical to our success is the awarding of competencies to workers, so we know who can perform what work at what capacity / skill level.
Then we need to list all the competencies required by each function, and have a guess at the ratio of what the function will require, eg: 1 BA : 4 JS devs : 1 devops : PM
As the function scales up, we can know where our resource shortages are.
Also if we end or outsource a function, we will know what excess competencies we have, and can map those to staff members who are most likely to be made redundant if a function closes.
Finally, we can set career paths for people in terms of badges they seek to acquire and help them to get there. If they get these badges, they can gain access to the higher bonus work, or having a certain compliment puts them in a different pay bracket.