If the SDO is a piece of logic, and the Intel Fractions are the accumulated state resulting from the execution of that logic, then ways to patch the code become very important.
Proposal 1:
All code specified in SDO in a subfolder - /src.
Intel is a repo that is a fork of the SDO, that contains /reports and /db
Permission managed is a submodule `/db/
Hence changes to the code can be merged as a PR over to the instancing of the SDO.
Reports are generated as a result of the db data.
Permissions management is done by using submodules inside
Proposal 2:
SDO code is a submodule of the surrounding implementation /sdo
If the SDO is a piece of logic, and the Intel Fractions are the accumulated state resulting from the execution of that logic, then ways to patch the code become very important.
Proposal 1:
Proposal 2: