furkanriza / Anadolu_Ajansi_intern_workspace

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SQLite üzerinde kullanıcı tablosu oluşturulacak. #3

Open zgrdmr opened 1 year ago

zgrdmr commented 1 year ago

Uygulamaya SQLite entegrasyonu yapılacak. Kullanıcılar tablosu oluşturulacak.

furkanriza commented 1 year ago

-Aranged the code base by adding required dependecies and sqlite, hibernate properties to code. -Cutomer class in backend as entity and customer entity in database were created. -Created CustomerController, CustomerService classes and CustomerRepository interfaces and tried to establish connection. -Versions of hibernet and jdbc didn't match and so many research has been surveyed to find computible ones. -Finally, connected to database by running GetMapping from postman and broser, data has been pulled and viewed.

