Open github-actions[bot] opened 3 weeks ago
Hello, world. GitHub is very sexy. I mostly use TeamCity and YouTrack.
Used for open source projects in personal life. Professionally not really used it yet as project still predominantly on AzDO.
As for CI/CD used Azure DevOps pipelines YAML in professional setting. TeamCity used to run pre-configured builds
only knowing the concept of CI/CD, no experience to github
Have used it for personal projects,
teamcity only, no github experience
No GitHub Actions experience. Used mainly Azure DevOps but also not too much work with pipelines
Public projects and personal code version management like 3rd party service experience in dev life.
Couple of years' experience with AZDO, GitHub experience limited to basic tasks like running pre-configured pipelines and approving and reviewing code etc.
had personal projects for exercise before, but in work using DevOps for most of time to manage code repo, CI/CD and user management.
What is your experience with GitHub? Whats is your experience with other CI/CD tools? Comment below 👇