I've set up a Ropsten node and let it sync fully, then tried to get some information about a contract but it doesn't seem to be able to. Am I missing something?
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use EthereumRPC\EthereumRPC;
use ERC20\ERC20;
$geth = new EthereumRPC('1xx.6x.3x.2xx', 8545);
$erc20 = new \ERC20\ERC20($geth);
$erc20->abiPath('assets/abi.json'); // ABI copy/pasted from Etherscan's contract page
$token = $erc20->token('0x24095DF431df6E9eD4E48b75E39080793Ca888b0');
Tried using web3.py, which throws an error as well. Changed the node url in the Python version which then did return the desired result. Conclusion: My node is causing the issue.
I've set up a Ropsten node and let it sync fully, then tried to get some information about a contract but it doesn't seem to be able to. Am I missing something?Returns:(Left the rest out to not create a wall of text)Entries from the composer.json:Edit: Tried using web3.py, which throws an error as well. Changed the node url in the Python version which then did return the desired result. Conclusion: My node is causing the issue.