furrtek / PrecIR

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Flipper Zero app? #16

Open z3r0l1nk opened 7 months ago

z3r0l1nk commented 7 months ago

Hello, Do you think that it can be implemented in Flipper Zero as an app?

Thank you, Z3r0L1nk

furrtek commented 7 months ago


I've been asked multiple times. The FZ hardware is perfectly able to communicate with those ESLs. Unfortunately, I don't have a FZ and I'm not planning on buying one. The fact that it can't do barcode scanning and doesn't provide an easy way to enter alphanumeric codes either means that updating ESLs with custom images would be quite cumbersome.

Moreover, all the info needed for someone to make an app is available in this repo and on my website. I find it a bit sad to see the FZ - a learning and hacking tool - mostly used as-is with a relatively small proportion of users daring to get their hands dirty.

If I'm lent a FZ and given a few $ or coffees, I'll do it. Otherwise I honestly have very little interest.