furrtek / portapack-havoc

Custom firmware for the HackRF SDR + PortaPack H1 addon
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Utilities - Signal Generator #313

Open makkiato83 opened 4 years ago

makkiato83 commented 4 years ago

Hello, I am trying to use the Signal Generator utility of Havoc.

Even if this is probably self-evident for many people, I have troubles understanding how this interface works. Unfortunately the wiki entry for this utility is still empty. I'd be happy to "contribute" and write the wiki entry as soon as I understand things better.

Some questions:

1) whatever the settings, when I click START the monitor goes black. I need to click something to see again the interface. Is this motived by something?

NOTE: The signal remains ON even when I click a button and get back to the interface.

2) If i select "Sine", what signal am I supposed to produce?

What does "Tone" (e.g., 1000Hz) do/set? Is would expect a FM modulation of the carrier (I set 14Mhz) with 1Khz signal?

3) What does the "Stop after Ns" does? If I have a Sine shape, the signal does not stop after N-seconds.

4) BW = 12khz. What does this setting do? This leads me to think that the signal is supposed to be modulate with voice from the MIC? However I connected a microphone (A Samsung smarphone hearphone+mic) and my voice doesn't seem to modulate the signal (again, SINE shape).

5) I see "Modulation FM". But I don't seem to be able, either with the buttons of by touch screen, to modify this. Is this the only modulation available? Again, with "Sine Shape" I don't seem to get any modulation anyway.


eried commented 4 years ago

1) This happens if you have the "Stealth mode" enabled


3) I think the app is just buggy, for me it hangs if I enable this

