furuhashilab / FOSS4GASIA2024_general-track-presentation

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2024 Activities of YouthMappersAGU #1

Open shioue22 opened 4 months ago

shioue22 commented 4 months ago


We will introduce what did we do in 2024 as a member of students in Furuhashi lab and YouthMappersAGU, focused on technological aspects.

Keywords Visualization- Education

shioue22 commented 4 months ago

"Open Mapping towards Sustainable Development Goals" Japanese Translation

shioue22 commented 4 months ago

JOSM Validation Workshop w/UN Mappers

RECAP (graphic recording by students)



1. JOSM Install and Settings First, access this website, and following the instruction. Second, to check if it works, download the file, open it, and bring up "sample.com". Finally, switch off remote control of JOSM. This will allow the Tasking Manager to work together. Log in to Tusking Manager, select any project, set the editor to JOSM at that time, and start editing.

2. JOSM Basic Operation

3. JOSM Validation Bacic

4. JOSM Validation Advanced



shioue22 commented 4 months ago




JOSM (Java OpenStreetMap Editor)は、上級者向けのOSMのデスクトップエディターであり、Javaで書かれているので、WindowsとMacでしか作動しません。そして、活字のマニュアルは初心者にとっては難解で、そもそものツールを動作させることさえ上手くいかない場合が多いのが現状です。


古橋研究室の学生12名は、3月から6月の約3カ月間に渡って、UN Mappers主催の「OSM Data Validation Training Proposal」に参加しました。しかし、パソコン作業に不慣れな学生はインストールをするだけでも一苦労であり、実際に参加した学生のほとんどがトラブルに直面しました。JOSM Validationのレクチャーもリアルタイム且つ英語で行われたため、参加頻度やリスニング能力によって、学生の理解度に差が出てしまいました。その状態で作成したグラレコは、本質を突いたものにならなかったのでやり直しとなりました。その後、動画を見直して新しく描き直したものが、GitHubで全世界に公開されています。

JOSM Validationのグラレコを例にして、日本の大学教育におけるビジュアライゼーションの有用性について紹介します。


Furuhashi Lab continues to input data into OpenStreetMap for emergency rescue efforts and as a contribution to areas without maps.

Creating and providing accurate maps requires not only proper instruction but also mastery of the editing tools used. In addition, using JOSM is an efficient way to input and validate huge amounts of data in OSM without errors.

JOSM (Java OpenStreetMap Editor) is an advanced OSM desktop editor, written in Java, that only works on Windows and Mac. And the printed manual is difficult for beginners to understand, and they often have trouble even getting the tool to work in the first place.

On the other hand, Visual information has the advantage of overcoming language barriers and differences due to prerequisite knowledge and can convey information intuitively. Furuhashi Lab uses the graphic recording as a means to achieve this.

Twelve students from Furuhashi Lab participated in the "OSM Data Validation Training Proposal" sponsored by UN Mappers over a three-month period from March to June. However, students who were not used to working with computers had a hard time just installing the system, and most of the students who participated actually faced problems. The graphic recording was created in such a situation. The graphic recording created in this situation did not capture the essence of the lecture, so we had to redo it. Afterwards, the video was reviewed and newly redrawn, which is now available to the whole world on GitHub.

Using the example of the graphic recording at JOSM Validation, I will introduce the usefulness of visualization in Japanese university education.

shioue22 commented 2 months ago


大学教育におけるビジュアライゼーションの有用性~JOSM Validationハッカソンを例にして~

古橋研究室では、情報を確実に誰にでも分かりやすく伝達するビジュアライゼーションの手法として、グラレコを採用しています。グラレコとは、「会議やプレゼンの内容を絵や図形などのグラフィックを用いてまとめる手法のこと(OPTAGE for Business, 2023)」です。要点や結論が可視化されるので、文章のみの情報より分かりやすく、印象に残りやすいという利点があり、議論の活性化や振り返りにも役立ちます。何より、文字ではなく絵によって記録されるので、世界中の誰でも直感的に内容を理解できます。古橋研究室では、毎週の授業内容をまとめたり、個人の成果物の記録を残したりする際に積極的に活用しています。グラレコが内容を理解するために特に役立った経験として、6月の「UN Mappers Validation JOSM フォローアップハッカソン」という取り組みがあります。

古橋研究室は、3月からUN Mappers主催の「OSM Data Validation Training Proposal」に参加しました。毎週水曜日22:00 (JLT)からZoomを通して、OSMのValidationに関するレクチャーを受けました。3月~5月までの2カ月間レクチャーがありましたが、学生12名のうち全てのレクチャーに参加し、内容を理解できたのは1人もいませんでした。その理由は、講義が英語で行われており、かつ、内容が上級者向けであったからです。

そこで、講義がすべて終わった6月に、「UN Mappers Validation JOSM フォローアップハッカソン」と題し、研究室内で講義内容のまとめを行いました。Validationを目的とした JOSM の使い方をグラレコでまとめ、完成したグラレコをGit Hubで公開することを目標にしました。学生12名をそれぞれ、インストール編、JOSM基本操作編、Validation基礎編、 Validation応用編の4チームに分け、作業を進めました。参考にした資料は、UN Mapparesのオンラインレクチャーアーカイブ動画とUN Maps Learning Hub内に格納されたJOSM Validationについてのドキュメントです。

まず、インストール編では、JOSMの動作確認やTasking Manager との連動についてまとめました。完成したグラレコがこちらです。次にJOSM基本操作編では、JOSMの基本操作、Building Plugin の使い方、建物の形状修正(直角化やスナップしたノード処理)に焦点をあててグラレコを作成しました。完成したグラレコがこちらです。そして、Validation基礎編では、JOSM validator tool(妥当性検証)とTODO pluginについてまとめました。完成したグラレコがこちらです。最後に、Validation応用編では、Osmose の使い方とOverpassレイヤーを使ってJOSMで検証する方法の2つをまとめました。完成したグラレコがこちらです。


学生らは、担当の項目以外のレクチャーを見直すことはほぼありませんでしたが、それぞれのチームが作成したグラレコを一通り眺めることで、JOSM Validationのやり方をある程度理解することができました。その結果、UN Mapsが提供するJOSM Validationの確認テストに学生12名全員が合格しました。英語のレクチャーだけでは成し遂げることができなかったこの結果は、グラレコで必要な情報を抽出、整理して、学習を助けたことによって生まれました。


The Usefulness of Visualization in University Education - Using the JOSM Validation Hackathon as an Example(英訳)

Furuhashi Lab uses Graphic recording as a visualization method to reliably communicate information in a way that is easy for anyone to understand. Graphic recording is “a method of summarizing the content of a meeting or presentation using graphics such as pictures and figures (OPTAGE for Business, 2023"). Since the main points and conclusions are visualized, it has the advantage of being easier to understand and more memorable than text-only information and is useful for stimulating discussion and reviewing. Above all, since the information is recorded in pictures rather than text, anyone in the world can intuitively understand the content. At the Furuhashi Laboratory, we actively use the system to summarize the content of weekly classes and to keep a record of individual work. One experience in which Graphic Recording was particularly helpful in understanding the content was the “UN Mappers Validation JOSM Follow-up Hackathon” initiative in June.

Furuhashi Lab. participated in the “OSM Data Validation Training Proposal” organized by UN Mappers from March. Every Wednesday at 22:00 (JLT), we received lectures on OSM Validation via Zoom. 12 students attended the lectures for 2 months from March to May, but none of them could attend all of them and understand the contents. The reason was that the lectures were given in English and the content was for advanced students.

After all lectures were finished, in June, we held a “UN Mappers Validation JOSM Follow-up Hackathon” to summarize the lectures in our lab, with the goal of summarizing how to use JOSM for validation purposes in graphic recording, and publishing the completed graphic recording on Git Hub. The goal was to publish the completed graphic recording on Git Hub. The 12 students were divided into 4 teams: Installation, JOSM Basic Operation, Validation Basics, and Validation Application. The materials used for reference were the UN Mappers online lecture archive videos and the JOSM Validation document stored in the UN Maps Learning Hub.

First, in the installation section, we summarized the JOSM operation check and the linkage with Tasking Manager. The completed graphic recording is here. Next, in the JOSM Basic Operations section, we focused on the basic operations of JOSM, how to use the Building Plugin, and how to modify the shape of buildings (right-angled and snapped nodes) to create graphic recording. The completed graphic recording is here. In the Validation Basics section, we summarized the JOSM validator tool (validation) and the TODO plugin. The completed graphic recording is here. Finally, in the Validation application section, we summarized two methods: how to use Osmose and how to validate with JOSM using the Overpass layer. The completed graphic recording is here.

There was an obstacle in making the graphic recording public. The resolution of the first graphic recording was low, and except for the JOSM Basic Operations section, the graphic recordings of the three teams were not fully understandable because they were just copies of the lectures. For the students whose native language is Japanese, this may have been due to the fact that the lecture was given in English. Therefore, the lectures were redrawn, and the corrected versions are now available to the world (the aforementioned URL is also the corrected graphic recording version).

Although the students rarely reviewed lectures other than the items for which they were responsible, they were able to gain some understanding of how to do JOSM Validation by looking at a series of graphic recordings created by each team. As a result, all 12 students passed the JOSM Validation verification test provided by UN Maps. This result, which could not have been achieved by lectures in English alone, was made possible by the fact that graphic recording helped the students learn by extracting and organizing the necessary information.

This experience shows that graphic recording is a useful visualization tool in Japanese university education for understanding content explained in languages other than Japanese and in fields outside one's own expertise.