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QGISマニュアル・GDAL翻訳 #2

Open akidinosaurs opened 1 month ago

akidinosaurs commented 1 month ago





  1. 準備段階:

    • QGIS/GDALの基本機能を解説し、簡単な操作を実習します。
  2. 技術文書の翻訳:

    • 技術文書がどのようなフレームワークを利用して作成されているかを解説します。
    • 翻訳作業用ツールの利用方法を学び、参加者で翻訳作業を分担します。
  3. 中間および最終発表:

    • 翻訳結果や文書作成時の問題点・疑問点を中間発表・最終発表でプレゼンテーションし、参加者間でレビューを行います。
    • 翻訳の品質を向上させ、最終的な公開文書を作成します。
  4. ソフトウェアの利用体験:

    • GitHubを利用してマークダウン形式で文書を作成・公開し、共同編集する体験を通じて、方法を理解します。
    • デジタル文書作成・公開用フレームワークであるSphinxの操作を習得します。
  5. デジタル空間情報に関する英語スキルの向上:

    • デジタル空間情報関連のデータ操作についての英単語や英文の読解に慣れることを目指します。



akidinosaurs commented 1 month ago

Project Overview

In Aoyama Gakuin University's course "Applied Geospatial Information Science III," students from the Furuhashi Lab are leading a project focused on translating technical documents for open-source geographic information systems (GIS) like QGIS and GDAL.

Project Goals

Project Activities

  1. Preparation Stage:

    • Explain the basic functions of QGIS/GDAL and conduct simple operational exercises.
  2. Translation of Technical Documents:

    • Explain the frameworks used to create technical documents.
    • Learn how to use translation tools and divide translation tasks among participants.
  3. Interim and Final Presentations:

    • Present translation results, issues, and questions during interim and final presentations, and conduct reviews among participants.
    • Improve translation quality and create the final published document.
  4. Software Usage Experience:

    • Use GitHub to create, publish, and collaboratively edit markdown documents, gaining an understanding of the process.
    • Learn to operate Sphinx, a framework for creating and publishing digital documents.
  5. Improving English Skills Related to Digital Spatial Information:

    • Aim to become familiar with English vocabulary and comprehension related to data manipulation in digital spatial information.

Learning Objectives

Through this project, we aim to deepen our knowledge of open-source spatial information manipulation programs and acquire translation and internationalization skills.

akidinosaurs commented 1 month ago


Title: Localization of FOSS4G Tools and Building an Open Knowledge Platform in Japanese University Education

In the rapidly evolving field of geospatial technology, access to comprehensive and understandable documentation is vital for both new and experienced users. However, language barriers often limit access to valuable resources. Our project, conducted under the "Applied Geospatial Information Science III" course at Aoyama Gakuin University, aims to bridge this gap by localizing technical documents for Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) tools such as QGIS and GDAL. These tools are widely used for geospatial data manipulation, analysis, and visualization, yet much of their documentation remains predominantly in English. By translating these documents into Japanese, we aim to increase accessibility and foster a deeper understanding of geospatial technologies among Japanese-speaking users.

Our approach begins with a thorough understanding of QGIS and GDAL's functionalities, followed by hands-on exercises to familiarize participants with basic operations. This practical experience serves as a foundation for translating the technical documents, allowing participants to contextualize the content effectively. We employ tools such as Transifex for collaborative translation efforts, ensuring consistency and accuracy across translated materials.

The project also emphasizes the significance of open-source software communities. Participants are introduced to the collaborative nature of these communities, learning how user contributions enhance software development and maintenance. This aspect of the project not only highlights the technical skills required for translation but also the importance of community engagement in the open-source ecosystem.

Additionally, our project extends beyond translation by building an open knowledge platform. Utilizing GitHub, participants create, edit, and publish markdown documents, simulating real-world collaborative environments. This experience equips them with the skills needed to manage digital documentation effectively and fosters a culture of open knowledge sharing within the academic community.

We further explore the capabilities of Sphinx, a documentation generation tool, to publish our translated materials. By leveraging Sphinx's internationalization features, we ensure that our translations maintain the quality and structure of the original documents.

This project demonstrates how localization and open knowledge platforms can serve as gateways to greater geospatial literacy, bridging the gap between technology and language. By presenting our findings and methodologies at this international conference, we hope to inspire similar initiatives worldwide, contributing to a more inclusive geospatial community that transcends linguistic barriers.

akidinosaurs commented 1 month ago


タイトル: 日本の大学教育におけるFOSS4Gツールの多言語化とオープンナレッジプラットフォームの構築

急速に進化する地理空間技術の分野では、新規ユーザーと経験豊富なユーザーの両方にとって、包括的で理解しやすいドキュメントへのアクセスが重要です。しかし、言語の壁が貴重なリソースへのアクセスを制限することが多々あります。青山学院大学の「応用空間情報学Ⅲ」講座で行われた我々のプロジェクトは、QGISやGDALなどのFOSS4G(Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial)ツールの技術文書を多言語化することで、このギャップを埋めることを目的としています。これらのツールは地理空間データの操作、分析、可視化に広く使用されていますが、その多くのドキュメントは主に英語で提供されています。これを日本語に翻訳することで、日本語話者のユーザーに対するアクセスを増やし、地理空間技術の理解を深めることを目指しています。






akidinosaurs commented 1 month ago

Applied Spatial Information Science III foss4gi18nJP

akidinosaurs commented 5 days ago


QGIS translation manual

The "QGIS Documentation Japanese Translation Manual 2024" is an in-depth guide created by the Furuhashi Lab to support students and participants in translating QGIS Desktop user guides into Japanese using Transifex. QGIS, a widely used open-source GIS software, often has documentation primarily available in English, creating a language barrier for Japanese users. This manual addresses these challenges by providing step-by-step instructions on how to use Transifex, a translation management platform commonly adopted by open-source projects.

The manual begins by explaining the importance of QGIS's internationalization efforts (i18n) and why Japanese translations are crucial for expanding accessibility. It details the account registration process on Transifex, highlighting potential pitfalls and solutions, such as using GitHub to bypass certain registration restrictions. Additionally, the guide includes best practices for project participation and managing translation workflows to ensure high-quality outputs.

A key feature of the guide is its emphasis on collaboration through GitHub. By leveraging GitHub, participants can document their work, share insights, and address common issues encountered during translation. The GitHub repository serves as an open knowledge platform, encouraging participants to engage in discussions, post FAQs, and create markdown documents that simulate real-world collaboration. This environment helps both beginners and experienced users alike to enhance their skills, providing a hands-on learning experience that goes beyond traditional classroom instruction.

The manual also follows the JTF’s “Translation Guidelines,” ensuring that the translation efforts meet professional standards, particularly when dealing with open data. It breaks down the specific steps involved in translating QGIS documentation, including how to navigate po files within GitHub, a critical component for managing translations in GDAL. The guide also provides troubleshooting tips and common solutions, helping users maintain consistency and accuracy across all translated materials.

Furthermore, the manual explores the use of Sphinx, a documentation generation tool, which helps in publishing the translated documents while maintaining their original structure and quality. The Sphinx internationalization features are particularly highlighted, demonstrating how translated content can be managed effectively within a professional framework.

Overall, this project aims to bridge the language gap in geospatial technology by creating a comprehensive resource that supports the Japanese translation of essential QGIS documentation. By fostering an open knowledge-sharing culture, the initiative empowers students and participants to contribute meaningfully to the broader geospatial community. The project’s ultimate goal is to present these efforts at the FOSS4G International Conference, showcasing the impact of localization and collaborative learning on enhancing geospatial literacy for Japanese-speaking users.

For a complete guide and more details, please visit the page here.

GDAL translation

GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) is a versatile library and command-line tool used for converting and manipulating raster and vector data. It supports a wide range of geospatial data formats and is essential for data conversion, processing, and analysis in various GIS applications. The translation rules for GDAL documentation are aligned with those established for QGIS, ensuring consistency across these geospatial tools. GDAL translations are managed using po files on GitHub, facilitating collaborative updates and refinements. This approach allows contributors to work together efficiently, ensuring the documentation remains accurate and relevant.

By managing translations on GitHub, the GDAL community leverages version control, making it easier to track changes, address errors, and maintain high standards of quality across all translated content. This process enhances accessibility for Japanese-speaking users, promoting broader use of GDAL in academic, professional, and research environments. The GitHub repository serves as an open platform for sharing translation progress, encouraging community engagement, and providing a centralized location for all translation-related activities. This collaborative effort ensures that GDAL's powerful features are accessible to a wider audience, contributing to the overall growth and understanding of geospatial technology in different languages.