furuhashilab / VF_UN-EC_OSS4SDG_hachathon2022

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ナレーション(英語) #11

Open Natsumi917 opened 2 years ago

Natsumi917 commented 2 years ago


Natsumi917 commented 2 years ago


◯イントロ(動画説明) ・こんにちは。 ・この動画ではPLATEAUデータのOpenStreetMapへのインポート手順を(私たちが描いた)グラレコを使ってわかりやすく説明します。

◯ボディ(手順) ・この手順書はQiitaで公開されているインポート手順(ドラフト)を参考に作成したマニュアルをもとに作られています。

・それでは始めましょう。 ・まず、あらかじめ作業で使うPCに最新版のJavaJOSMをダウンロードしておきましょう。 ・それが完了したらいよいよインポート手順に入ります。

・①対象地域のcitygmlファイルをG空間情報センターからCityGML形式でダウンロードし、zip展開します。 ・②変換スクリプトcitygml-osmをGitHubからダウンロードします。 ・③先ほどのCityGMLファイルをJavaを使って.osmに変換し、そこに該当する範囲のデータを.org.osmで保存します。   それらを比較、マージしたあとmrg.osm出力し保存します。 ・④手順③で保存した.mrg.osmをJOSMで開き、既存のOSMデータとPlateauデータが同じ領域で重なる部分があった場合、   対象のオブジェクトに "MLIT_PLATEAU:fixme"タグが付与されています。   この対象のオブジェクトをインポートすべきかは人間が確認し適切に処理する必要があります。 ・この作業をする時、背景画像にBingやMaxarなど、なるべく撮影年度の新しい衛星写真をセットしてください。   そこで明らかに現状存在しない建物オブジェクトがある場合は、そのオブジェクトを削除してください。   その際に削除以外の操作は行わないように十分注意してください。 ・⑤チェックの完了したファイルを名前をつけて保存する。保存する際の形式はchecked.osmにしましょう。 ・⑥ 今度はJavaを使って保存したchecked.osmを、アップロード用ファイルupload.osmに変換します。 ・⑦変換したupload.osmをJOSMで開き、妥当性を検証した後、osm.orgへアップロードしてください。 ・⑧最後にOSM wikiの対象リストにインポート済みであることを記載することも忘れないでください。


◯まとめ(締め) ・いかかがだったでしょうか。 ・インポート手順の理解は進みましたか?この手順のさらなる詳細については、こちらのマニュアルからご覧いただけます。 ・ぜひ併せてご参照ください。

Natsumi917 commented 2 years ago

デザイン部「UNVT Portable とは?」

◯イントロ(動画説明) ・こんにちは。 ・この動画ではUNVT Portable とは何かを(私たちが描いた)グラレコを使ってわかりやすく説明します。

◯ボディ(UNVT Portableの説明) ・what's UNVT Portable "UNVT Portable" is a package for RaspberryPi that functions as a map hosting server and can be freely accessed from a web browser.

・background The UN Vector Tile Toolkit is a package of open source tools designed under the UN Open GIS Initiative to enable UN Geospatial Information Services, national government It is designed to enable public basemap providers, such as mapping organizations, to leverage modern web mapping technologies to deliver basemap vector tiles. (Eom et al., 2017; M. A. Brovelli, 2021; UN Open GIS Initiative, 2022) The UNVT toolkit is packaged with existing proven open source software to generate, host, style, and optimize fast, interoperable basemap vector tiles for use in a variety of application frameworks. (Fujimura et al., 2019, The United Nations Vector Tile Toolkit, 2022) UNVT Portable is a package for RaspberryPi that acts as a vector/raster tile map hosting server and can be freely accessed from a web browser within a local network. It is mainly intended to function in an offline environment in the event of a severe disaster, and can be used at local government offices where disaster crisis response headquarters are set up to combine aerial drone imagaries with OpenStreetMap and various open data sets that have been prepared in advance and overlay them on a web browser. The system can display an overlay of the images in a web browser. As a result, the system is expected to play an active role in use cases, enabling an efficient grasp of the situation throughout the disaster area and prompt relief and reconstruction work.

・purpose In this study, assuming the currently available RaspberryPi 4 device, we will build a pre-installed dataset based on OpenStreetMap with realistically available specifications, and the storage method and other tiled dataset, etc., to be combined with OSM and each other. patterns, and calculate the appropriate storage allocation of basemaps, drone aerial photography data, and evacuation shelter and hazard map data for thematic mapping that is available as open data. In addition, we will conduct demonstration tests at local governments to identify issues in using the system on business terminals with secure settings.

・strategy Our research group has entered into disaster management agreements with several local governments in Japan, and is engaged in information support activities to provide prompt aerial drone photography in the event of a large-scale disaster. In the process of providing data, there is a current situation in which geospatial information is not always transferred smoothly, depending on the information literacy of the local governments to which the data is provided and the operating environment of the available terminals. Furthermore, we hypothesize that an easy-to-use web map-like system that functions properly in an offline environment is needed because the infrastructure was paralyzed by the typhoon disaster in 2019, including large-scale power outages and Internet outages, and will confirm its effectiveness through demonstration experiments.By designing on the premise of RaspberryPi devices, which are relatively inexpensive in terms of both performance and cost, the UNVT Portable terminal completed through this research will be deployed in large numbers to prepare for large-scale natural disasters that may occur in the future.

・design Fujimura, 2019 has already proposed an effective partitioning method for the worldwide OpenStreetMap dataset, and we think this method is still valid as of 2022. Based on the assumption of a RaspberryPi 4, we will compare and evaluate the capacity of the MicroSD card that can be installed and the performance of reading/rendering speed, and define 150 USD as the upper cost limit, which is half the price of 300 USD, the price range of a typical Chromebook. The web hosting server is currently Apache, but we are considering using open source tools such as nginx. For local network communication, wireless connection using Wi-Fi was designed as the highest priority. The connection to UNVT Portable uses an automatic Wi-Fi connection function with QR codes, and each thematic map is displayed with a QR code for each thematic map, etc., designed to allow even municipal staff unfamiliar with digital terminals to easily access geospatial information.

・discussion We generated multiple variations of tile datasets that are versatile depending on the data source. Specifically, we used OpenStreetMap, SRTM, Landsat imagery, and open geospatial data provided by the Japanese government. We plan to bring the UNVT Portable implemented in this way to local governments and conduct demonstration tests to see if it functions effectively in actual operations.

・operation work flow

  1. Read the 1st QR code for Wi-Fi connection
  2. Scan the 2nd QR code for the map view
  3. Disaster preparedness meetings can be held in an offline environment using maps

◯まとめ(締め) ・いかかがだったでしょうか。 ・UNVT Portableに関する理解は進みましたか?UNVT Portableのさらなる詳細については、こちらの[???]()からご覧いただけます。 ・ぜひ併せてご参照ください。

Natsumi917 commented 2 years ago

デザイン部「UNVT Portable のインストール手順」

◯イントロ(動画説明) ・こんにちは。 ・この動画ではUNVT Portable のインストール手順を(私たちが描いた)グラレコを使ってわかりやすく説明します。

◯ボディ(手順) ・この手順書はwikiで公開されているインストール手順を参考に作成したマニュアルをもとに作られています。

①RaspberryPi OS Lite (32bit) をインストール  インストール前に、SSHとWi-Fi設定を指定のものに変更しておく。   ※Raspberry Pi OS 1.6.2 のインストーラを使用する。  MicroSD カードにインストール ②インストール済み MicroSDカード を RaspberryPi 端末に差し込み起動 ③環境設定  APTのアップデート  以下のパッケージをインストール   ・apatch2   ・hostapd   ・dnsmasq   ・isc-dhcp-server   ・rng-tools ④Wi-Fiクライアントとしての設定を無効化  wpa_supplicantを止める  dhcpcdの設定を固定IPに変える  dhcpcd を再起動  hostapdの設定  hostapdをデーモンとして動かすときに hostapd.conf を読むように、/etc/default/hostapd を編集  デーモンを有効化  isc-dhcp-serverの設定  デーモンを起動 ⑤RaspberryPi を電源落として再起動  Wi-Fi 接続  DHCP設定 ⑥すべての設定を反映させて再起動 ⑦ホスティングしたいデータの FTP転送  /var/www の Permission を一時的に 777 に変更  CyberduckでSFTPデータ転送

◯まとめ(締め) ・いかかがだったでしょうか。 ・UNVT Portable のインストール手順の理解は進みましたか?UNVT Portableのさらなる詳細については、こちらの[???]()からご覧いただけます。 ・ぜひ併せてご参照ください。

chanceuxlife commented 2 years ago

UNVT Portable に格納するタイルデータセットの集合体を構造化するフォルダについて

UNVT Portable へのタイルデータの格納方法を説明します。


第一階層 今回は「XYZ/」と「Date/」の二つに分割します。「XYZ/」内には それぞれ、ベクタ、ラスタタイルデータ、地図データを入れることになっています。 「Date/ 」内にはその他のデータ、例えば KML 、Geojsonなどの地図ではないデータを入れます。 その理由として、地図の情報の中には、地図のデータと地図ではないデータがあるので、格納場所を分けた方がいいためです。

第二階層 [temp/] には入れ場所に困ったデータを入れ、一時的なデータの保管場所として使用します。。 [thematicmap/] にはbasemap上にオーバレイ、つまり、重ねていくデータを収納します。それは特定のテーマ(例えばカフェがどこにあるかなど)の情報が記載されている地図のことです。  [basemap/] には背景に置くデータを格納します。 具体的に何か表すなどというテーマがなく、一般的な地図のことです。 [data/]ではKMLデータや、GeojSONデータなどを分離して格納します。[zxy/]においては、地図データは「主題図」と「一般図」に分類することができるため、保存フォルダ先もそれぞれ[themathicmap]と[basemap]に分類されます。しかし、その二つ以外の「とりあえず保存したいデータ」もある場合のために[temp/]を用意します。

第三階層 セマティック階層の中身に関しては、
”カテゴリーYYYYMMDDサブカテゴリー_hoge” をもとに作成していきます。 ここがタイルデータの最終的なデータ分類地となり、「命令規則」によってファイル保存の方法をルール化します。命令規則は[大カテゴリーYYYYMMDD小カテゴリ_hoge]の形で保存してください。

「そのファイルが何のデータなのか」を明確にするために「大カテゴリー」と「小カテゴリー」を用いることになりました。そして文字の後に年月日をいれてください。それ以外にも、記載するべき事項は[_hoge]に書きましょう。 そして最後にXXZYの保存形式で保存します。

chanceuxlife commented 2 years ago

UNVT Portable に格納するタイルデータセットの集合体を構造化するフォルダについて

This video describes how to store tile data in UNVT Portable. Lets begin

The first hierarchy This time, it is divided into two parts: "XYZ/" and "Date/". XYZ/" and "Date/" XYZ/" contains vector and raster tile data, which means you can put, map data. In "Date/," you can put other data, such as KML, Geojson, and other non-map data. The reason for this is that although we are basically dealing with map data, there are non-map data so it is better to separate the storage locations.

The Second hierarchy

In [zxy/], map data can be classified into "thematic maps" and "base maps,"

[thematicmap/] It is a map that contains information on a specific theme such as where cafes are located [basemap/] It is the data to be placed on the background.  [temp/] is prepared in case there are other "data to be saved .

The third hierarchy We will write the contents (categories) of the sematic hierarchy.
Create them based on "category YYYYYMMDD subcategory_hoge."

Other contents that should be mentioned should be written in [_hoge]. Finally, save the file in XYZ format.

SotaSuzuki-1327 commented 2 years ago


Hi. In this video, we explain the procedure of importing PLATEAU data to OpenStreetMap in an easy-to-understand way using graphic record.

Body (procedure) This procedure is based on import manual published on Qiita.

Let's begin. First, download the latest versions of Java and JOSM to your PC in advance. After that, it is time to start the import procedure.

1: Download the citygml file of the target area in the CityGML format from the G-Spatial Information Center and extract the zip file. 2: Download the conversion script citygml-osm from GitHub. 3: Convert the CityGML file to .osm using Java, and save the corresponding range of data in .org.osm.   After comparing and merging them, output mrg.osm and save it. 4: Open the .mrg.osm saved in step 3 in JOSM, and if there is an overlap between the existing OSM data and the Plateau data in the same area, click the "MLIT" button on the target object.   The "MLIT_PLATEAU:fixme" tag is assigned to the object in question.   A human must check if this object should be imported and handle it appropriately. ・When you do this, please set the background image to a satellite image of the year when it was taken, such as Bing or Maxar, if possible.   If there is a building object that clearly does not exist, delete it.

5: Save the checked file as a format of "checked.osm". Now, convert the saved checked.osm using Java to upload.osm for uploading. 6: Next, convert the saved checked.osm file to upload.osm using Java. 7: Open the converted upload.osm with JOSM, verify its validity, and upload it to osm.org. 8: Finally, do not forget to mention that the data has been imported in the target list of the OSM wiki.

This completes the import of PLATEAU data into OpenStreetMap.

Summary (conclusion) How was your experience? Did you understand the import procedure? For further details on this procedure, please refer to this manual. Please refer to this manual as well.

shioue22 commented 2 years ago

デザイン部「UNVT Portable とは」(圧縮版)

〇body ・background According to Eom and Fujimura et al, The UNVT Tile Toolkit is a package of open-source tools designed by the UN Open GIS Initiative to enable public basemap providers to leverage the latest web mapping technologies and interoperate in a variety of applications. Also, UNVT Portable is packaged for RaspberryPi. It works as a vector or raster tile map hosting server and can be freely accessed from a web browser within a local network. It mainly works in an offline environment, where a severe disaster has occurred, and can combine aerial drone imageries with OpenStreetMap and various open data sets. The system can display an overlay of the images in a web browser. As a result, it is expected to play an active role in use cases to effectively assess the disaster area and enable to prompt relief and reconstruction work.

・purpose In this study, we will build a pre-installed dataset based on OpenStreetMap used by RaspberryPi 4 device, and calculate the appropriate storage allocation of the patterns of storage methods and other tiled datasets combined with OSM, basemaps, drone aerial photography data, and shelters and hazard map data for thematic mapping. All of these will be available as open data. In addition, we will demonstrate to identify issues, using the business terminal system with secure settings.

・strategy Our research group has conducted disaster management agreements with several local governments in Japan and engaged in information support activities to provide prompt aerial drone photography in the event of a large-scale disaster. In the process of data provision, geospatial information is not always transferred smoothly because it may depend on the information literacy of the local governments and operating environment of the available terminals. That's why we hypothesize that an easy-to-use web map-like system that functions properly in an offline environment is highly required, and we will confirm its effectiveness by demonstration experiments. On a RaspberryPi 4, the UNVT Portable terminals will be deployed in large numbers to prepare for large-scale natural disasters.

・design In 2019, Fujimura has already proposed an effective partitioning method for the worldwide OpenStreetMap dataset, and we think this method is still valid as of 2022. Assuming a RaspberryPi 4, we will compare and evaluate the capacity and the performance of reading or rendering speed of the MicroSD card. It defines 150 USD as the upper cost limit. We plan to use open-source tools such as nginx as the web host server. To connect to UNVT Portable, an automatic Wi-Fi connection function with QR code is used, which allows even those who are unfamiliar with digital terminals to easily access geospatial information.

・discussion We generated multiple variations of tile datasets that are versatile depending on the data source. Specifically, we used OpenStreetMap, SRTM, Landsat imagery, and open geospatial data provided by the Japanese government. We plan to bring the UNVT Portable implemented in this way to local governments and conduct demonstration tests to see if it functions effectively in actual operations.

SotaSuzuki-1327 commented 2 years ago

デザイン部「UNVT Portable のインストール手順」英語版

-Installation instructions for UNVT Portable

-Introduction (video explanation) Hello. In this video, we will explain the installation procedure of UNVT Portable in an easy-to-understand way using Grareco (which we drew).

◯Body (procedure) This procedure is based on the manual created by referring to the installation procedure published on the wiki.

1: Install RaspberryPi OS Lite (32bit)  Before installation, change SSH and Wi-Fi settings to the specified ones.   *Use the Raspberry Pi OS 1.6.2 installer.  Install to MicroSD card 2:Insert the installed MicroSD card into the RaspberryPi terminal and boot. 3: Environment setting  Update APT  Install the following packages

4: Disable configuration as Wi-Fi client  Stop wpa_supplicant  Change dhcpcd setting to fixed IP  Restart dhcpcd  Configure hostapd  Edit /etc/default/hostapd to read hostapd.conf when running hostapd as a daemon  Enable daemon  Configure isc-dhcp-server  Start the daemon 5: Power down the RaspberryPi and reboot  Wi-Fi connection  DHCP settings 6: Reflect all settings and reboot 7: FTP transfer the data you want to host  Temporarily change Permission of /var/www to 777  SFTP data transfer with Cyberduck

◯Conclusion How was it? For more information about UNVT Portable, please click here. For more details about UNVT Portable, please refer to the following page. For more information about UNVT Portable, please refer to this page.