furuhashilab / mapping

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2021-04-05 あたりから海外勢による東日本大震災鎮魂マッピングの参加数激増と品質の悪いデータ入力 #47

Open mapconcierge opened 3 years ago

mapconcierge commented 3 years ago
スクリーンショット 2021-04-19 18 54 20


4/5 あたりから 東日本大震災鎮魂マッピング Tasking Manager 経由での海外勢編集が急増している。

Changeset のハッシュタグに

Building/Roads Mapping in #Kuji #hotosm-project-10548 #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #YouthMappersAGU #amazonpsas #gomicron21twsg#gomicron21tw#gom と記述あり。

micron ? マイクロン財団???

mapconcierge commented 3 years ago


https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/927104854 175394056_466753837976786_6545184865199121307_n

mapconcierge commented 3 years ago


[OSM-talk] Flagging issue with Micron organised editing Pete Masters pedrito1414 at googlemail.com Wed Apr 14 13:32:04 UTC 2021 Previous message (by thread): [OSM-talk] Call for talks, workshops and panels - SotM 2021 Online Next message (by thread): [OSM-talk] Better Ωuality monitoring needed from organized projects : Was Flagging issue with Micron organised editing Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] Hi all, writing with my HOT Head of Community https://www.hotosm.org/people/pete-masters/ hat on...Just want to flag that there has been a large scale mapping effort done by a company called Micron, which has led to some really poor quality mapping and damage to data mapped previously by communities in different places…Micron have (with good intent but little knowledge) jumped into mapping as an organisational activity both through the HOT tasking manager and by directly editing OSM. The edits can be identified through Pascal Neis’ changeset tool (#gomicron21 changeset comment) https://resultmaps.neis-one.org/osm-changesets?comment=gomicron21#2/6.3/30.6.These edits were brought to HOT’s attention on Monday and we have taken the following steps: - Found contacts at Micron and started a dialogue (they have now asked all employees to stop mapping)- Notified the DWG of the situation and sought advice on how to help resolve the poor quality edits- Mobilised validators to support cleanup of map data (using #microncleanup to identify these changesets)- Reaching out to communities where we have identified the biggest impactsI am posting here to flag that this has happened, but also to respond to a changeset comment https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/102826004#map=19/-11.83087/31.44469 and discussions happening on the talk-gb channel around another project using the tasking manager that has been affected.The Micron mapping was not done in collaboration or with support from any other organisation or community (including HOT or other Missing Maps members) and the company did not share their plans prior to starting to edit. In fact, HOT had no awareness of the company before researching the changesets once they were brought to our attention.However, members of HOT staff are working to help resolve the situation and appreciate the support we are receiving from the wider OSM community. A big thanks to those that spotted the issue and raised it, and to all those helping with data validation and correction! Thanks,Pete -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/attachments/20210414/fe9da0f3/attachment.htm Previous message (by thread): [OSM-talk] Call for talks, workshops and panels - SotM 2021 Online Next message (by thread): [OSM-talk] Better Ωuality monitoring needed from organized projects : Was Flagging issue with Micron organised editing Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] More information about the talk mailing list