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OpenHazardMap 和訳 #80

Open Natsumi917 opened 2 years ago

Natsumi917 commented 2 years ago


Natsumi917 commented 2 years ago

JA:ウィキの翻訳 https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:ウィキの翻訳   JA:翻訳 https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:翻訳

Natsumi917 commented 2 years ago
Natsumi917 commented 2 years ago

As of today (22.04.2012), tags exist for flood-prone areas only. Why not extend it to all natural (and man-made?) hazards?


Natsumi917 commented 2 years ago

・ページ全体の口調(だ・である、です・ます)を統一する。 ・リンク ・専門用語を調べる


Natsumi917 commented 2 years ago

Before anything, it is important to define what hazards are relevant and whether / how they can be identified:


Natsumi917 commented 2 years ago

Some flood zones have already been mapped in OSM. If this multi-hazard approach gains momentum and proves to be useful and universal enough, the existing flood-related information might be translated into the new tag-system.


Natsumi917 commented 2 years ago

The following tags are aimed at carrying enough information so that relevant analysis can be carried out, while keeping the model simple enough.

hazard_prone=yes hazard_type= hazard_intensity= hazard_return_period= hazard_occurrence=


Natsumi917 commented 2 years ago

・Should the hazard data be stored along with the traditional OSM data? If not, what should be the most appropriate structure to ensure compatibility and ease of use?


・What is the risk of vandalism and how to fight against it? As real estate prices highly depend on the safety of the location (who would like to buy a flat in what is known as landslide-prone area?), wouldn't some people be tempted to create nonexistent hazard zones or to suppress actual zones?


rensanrenren commented 2 years ago


Natsumi917 commented 2 years ago

It is not enough to define a hazard zone only with a polygon. Some attributes are required to store (at least) the intensity (is it a powerful landslide, or a relatively weak one?) and the return period (does it come back every year or once per generation?). The challenge here is to keep the model simple enough for non-specialists to be able to input data, but complex enough to keep some significance. A very simplified and intuitive approach is proposed here:


Hazard intensity hazard_intensity=*

Low intensity: a low intensity hazard is powerful enough to damage (but not to destroy) a house that would hypothetically be located on its path High intensity: a high intensity hazard is powerful enough to destroy a house that would hypothetically be located on its path NB: by "house" we mean the type of habitat construction that is most commonly found in the region where the hazard is considered. The intensity is thus a value that is relative to the local environment.

災害強度 hazard_intensity=*

低強度:低強度の災害は進路上に位置していると仮定した場合、家屋を損傷する(ただし破壊はしない)のに十分な威力を持つ。 高強度:高強度の災害は進路上に位置していると仮定した場合、家屋を破壊するのに十分な威力を持つ。 注:「家屋」とは、災害が想定される地域で最も一般的に見られる居住構造の種類を意味します。したがって、強度は地域の環境に相対する値である。

Hazard return period hazard_return_period=*

The return period is given as the approximate return time period, in years. A seasonal flood coming every year will thus be given a return period of 1. A landslide that has been observed once in a generation will be given a return period of 30.

As the return period are usually not known precisely (and as they anyway fluctuate), a better approach is to categorize it in 3 very easily understandable categories:

< 3 years: any hazard that occurs almost every year (seasonal flood, spring avalanche...). Those are very well-known from communities, as they impact there life and activities every year) 3 - 50 years: any hazard that occurs more than once in a lifetime > 50 years: any hazard that happens once (or less in a lifetime)