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Curiosity-driven Exploration by Self-supervised Prediction #28

Closed msrks closed 1 year ago

msrks commented 7 years ago


In many real-world scenarios, rewards extrinsic to the agent are extremely sparse, or absent al- together. In such cases, curiosity can serve as an intrinsic reward signal to enable the agent to explore its environment and learn skills that might be useful later in its life. We formulate curiosity as the error in an agent’s ability to pre- dict the consequence of its own actions in a vi- sual feature space learned by a self-supervised inverse dynamics model. Our formulation scales to high-dimensional continuous state spaces like images, bypasses the difficulties of directly pre- dicting pixels, and, critically, ignores the aspects of the environment that cannot affect the agent. The proposed approach is evaluated in two en- vironments: VizDoom and Super Mario Bros. Three broad settings are investigated: 1) sparse extrinsic reward, where curiosity allows for far fewer interactions with the environment to reach the goal; 2) exploration with no extrinsic reward, where curiosity pushes the agent to explore more efficiently; and 3) generalization to unseen sce- narios (e.g. new levels of the same game) where the knowledge gained from earlier experience helps the agent explore new places much faster than starting from scratch.

msrks commented 7 years ago

好奇心 Curiosity の概念を導入することで、スパースな報酬しか与えられない環境においても、効率の良い探索 Exploration を実現することを示した。

好奇心に対する報酬 と 通常の報酬の合計を最大化するように学習する。



let us divide all sources that can modify the agent’s observations into three cases: (1) things that can be controlled by the agent; (2) things that the agent cannot control but that can affect the agent (e.g. a vehicle driven by another agent), and (3) things out of the agent’s control and not affecting the agent (e.g. moving leaves). A good feature space for curiosity should model (1) and (2) and be unaffected by (3). This latter is because, if there is a source of variation that is inconsequential for the agent, then the agent has no incentive to know about it


上記のことを実現するモジュールとしてICMを導入した。 下図の右のICMでは、(右)観測情報の特徴量として、行動を予測するために重要なものだけを残すように学習して、(左)その特徴量を予測しづらいような行動が、好奇心を満たす行動とする(報酬が大きい)

2017-05-11 1 07 57


msrks commented 7 years ago
