fury-gl / fury

FURY - Free Unified Rendering in pYthon.
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Fixed the bug in line 118 #858

Open DanonymousCoder opened 5 months ago

DanonymousCoder commented 5 months ago

Changed z4= z2 * z2

skoudoro commented 5 months ago

Hi @DanonymousCoder,

Thank you for this. Can you provide the reference of this and add a unit test ? thank you

DanonymousCoder commented 5 months ago

Ok @skoudoro

skoudoro commented 5 months ago

Finally, I looked deeper, and no need to add a reference.

you just need to update the test: https://github.com/fury-gl/fury/blob/7804f5867f80935b06e5abe82deec13eb3aee50a/fury/tests/test_colormap.py#L12

DanonymousCoder commented 5 months ago

Is this okay ? @skoudoro
