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FURY - Free Unified Rendering in pYthon.
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Issue with Navbar in the documentation site #870

Open deka27 opened 3 months ago

deka27 commented 3 months ago

Navbar display bug

The documentation site has a small issue. Only for the API reference page, the Navbar is showing a separate look than normal.

I am not quite sure why it is loading like that, navbar should be loaded based on configuration in conf.py for all pages.

This is Normal (other pages are all fine)


This is for API Reference page (tutorials also behaving same)


I will check this.

skoudoro commented 3 months ago

good catch and thank you for looking into this

deka27 commented 3 months ago

@skoudoro I am not sure why but I am not able to reproduce this bug on local at all. I have tried cloning the repo again with a clean installation.

For me it shows like this, it doesn't have that old style of navbar.

API Reference Page image

Tutorials Page image

I am not sure how exactly to tackle this problem on local.

After looking around, I checked the GH-pages repo for the website. I see that some of the pages are not updated from the new build.

image image

I am assuming this might be why the api reference and tutorial pages are still using the same old style of things. (Because the build didn't get updated for those specific folders and the index.html file remained the same).

Please let me know if this might be the reason.

skoudoro commented 3 months ago

I see, make sense, thank you for the analysis. this fix is part of the GSoc Project 1. Modernize FURY Codebase.

Meaning we need to update how we deploy the fury website. For now, it will stay like that unfortunatly