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problem with footer in documentation #874

Open WassCodeur opened 3 months ago

WassCodeur commented 3 months ago


When you hover over the menu in the footer, the footer tends to distort the footer and even the whole page. This problem is more serious for the API Reference page in the documentation.

Way to reproduce

you can see it in the video below


noobyco commented 3 months ago

I had noticed this issue too, including the search bar which looks weird.


deka27 commented 3 months ago

@WassCodeur The distortion can be fixed by removing/commenting line 270 from styles.css. You can check this in dev tools as well.


noobyco commented 3 months ago

Hii Kaustav!

I have resolved the API footer issue in https://github.com/fury-gl/fury-website/tree/gh-pages repo by tweaking the HTML code inside reference/*.html files. I have noticed a strange workflow for updating fury-website and I am not sure how to do this properly, I'm still figuring it out.

I have reached out to you via mail.

deka27 commented 3 months ago

@noobyco , I would not recommend updating the fury-website repo, as that will not be helpful. You will have to make changes in the fury-repo. I mentioned in my previous comment, where the change needs to be. You just need to make this change in local and the test it with the build. I would recommend going through Sphinx to understand the repo structure.

noobyco commented 3 months ago

Thanks, Kaustav. It took me time to understand the flow fully with your help eventually. It all makes sense now :)