fuse-open / fuselibs

Fuselibs is the Uno-libraries that provide the UI framework used in Fuse apps
MIT License
176 stars 72 forks source link

Example app - exception to do with touch #1376

Closed AndrewEQ closed 3 years ago

AndrewEQ commented 3 years ago

Uno 2.0.0-beta.5 + latest fuselibs (as of 28 Sep 2020)

Example App Test

Screenshot 2020-09-29 at 16 00 40

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                           Color="#FEFDFC" Instructions="Tap and hold the rectangle">
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            <PageWithTitle Title="Logic with TypeScript" HeaderColor="#F68FD7" HeaderTextColor="#FFF" Color="#FFF"
                           Instructions="Tap the screen to add items" Model="Logic">
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                            <Each Items="{items}">
                                <Rectangle ux:Name="item" Color="{color}" Height="{height}" Margin="5" CornerRadius="5">
                                        <Change item.Opacity="0" Duration="0.3" />
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                           Color="#FFF" Instructions="Use the slider to blur the logo">
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