fused-effects / fused-effects

A fast, flexible, fused effect system for Haskell
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Why are we slower than mtl? #424

Open robrix opened 2 years ago

robrix commented 2 years ago

We measure as slower than mtl—apparently on average?—and I want to know where and why that happens. Can we chip away at that? Can we fix it entirely?

It's not likely to matter a ton for consumers, but it will matter some, and I want to enable effect-ubiquitous programming in general.

patrickt commented 2 years ago

It’s worth noting that the eff and polysemy people have found that GHC sometimes fails to fuse/optimize across module boundaries. This could be a real problem for actually getting a grip on how we perform IRL.

robrix commented 2 years ago

@patrickt In that case we should be seeing the same factors with mtl, no?

patrickt commented 2 years ago

Yes, I believe it's common to all systems, and won't be remedied until Alexis's patch for delimited continuations in GHC. Don't quote me on that though.

robrix commented 2 years ago

Sure, but that doesn't address why there's a delta between mtl and us, just why there's a delta between intra- and inter-module perf.

patrickt commented 2 years ago

For sure. Just fretting about being able to actually measure and quantify these differences when it comes to real code, hah.

arybczak commented 2 years ago

According to a benchmark fused-effects is between 50% and 100% slower than mtl.

If you take the code and profile it, you might be able to find out why that is as I didn't really investigate.

it's common to all systems

It's not. effectful and cleff are fast, but they use completely different implementation technique. freer-simple is quite fast even though it uses free monads underneath. It's just mtl, polysemy and fused-effects that are slow.

re-xyr commented 1 year ago

I'm recently trying to locate performance problems by analyzing generated Core code, so I'll try to write up an explanation about why fused-effects is slower than mtl when the program is not specialized. We will consider this program:

import qualified Control.Carrier.State.Strict as F
import qualified Control.Monad.Identity       as M
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict   as M

programFused :: F.Has (F.State Int) sig m => m Int
programFused = do
  x <- F.get @Int
  if x == 0
    then pure x
    else do
      F.put (x - 1)
{-# NOINLINE programFused #-}

countdownFused :: Int -> (Int, Int)
countdownFused n = F.run $ F.runState n programFused

programMtl :: M.MonadState Int m => m Int
programMtl = do
  x <- M.get
  if x == 0
    then pure x
    else do
      M.put (x - 1)
{-# NOINLINE programMtl #-}

countdownMtl :: Int -> (Int, Int)
countdownMtl n = M.runState programMtl n

First, this is the Core for programMtl and programFused:

  = \ (@(m :: Type -> Type))
      (apDict :: Applicative m)
      ((>>=) :: forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b)
      ((>>) :: forall a b. m a -> m b -> m b)
      (get :: m Int)
      (put :: Int -> m ()) ->
      let {
        recurse :: m Int
        recurse = programMtl dict (>>=) (>>) get put } in
        get >>=
        \ (x :: Int) ->
           case x of wild { I# x1 ->
           case x1 of wild1 {
             __DEFAULT -> put (I# (-# wild1 1#)) >> recurse;
             0# -> pure apDict wild

  = \ (@(sig :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type))
      (@(m :: Type -> Type))
      (memDict :: Members (State Int) sig)
      (apDict :: Applicative m)
      ((>>=) :: forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b)
      ((>>) :: forall a b. m a -> m b -> m b)
         :: forall (ctx :: Type -> Type) (n :: Type -> Type) a.
            Functor ctx =>
            Handler ctx n m -> sig n a -> ctx () -> m (ctx a)) ->
      let {
        recurse :: m Int
        recurse = programFused memDict apDict (>>=) (>>) alg } in
      let {
        monadDict :: Monad m
        monadDict = C:Monad apDict (>>=) (>>) } in
      let {
        algDict :: Algebra sig m
        algDict = C:Algebra monadDict alg } in
      let {
        hasDict :: (Member (State Int) sig, Algebra sig m)
        hasDict = (memDict, algDict) } in
      get hasDict >>=
        \ (x :: Int) ->
           case x of wild { I# x1 ->
           case x1 of wild1 {
             __DEFAULT ->
               put hasDict (I# (-# wild1 1#)) >> recurse;
             0# -> pure apDict wild

Out of the gate we can see fused-effects has some extra overhead: we need to allocate for 3 instance dicts. But obviously that's not the whole story: what happens when we instantiate the effects?

  = programMtl

  = programFused

StateT and StateC are virtually the same, so are their Applicative and Monad code. So these are not the reason for the performance difference. Then, it comes down to other definitions, namely getStateT and putStateT for mtl and inj and algStateC for fused-effects. For mtl:

getStateT = \ (eta :: Int) -> (eta, eta)
putStateT = \ (s1 :: Int) _ -> ((), s1)

Looks pretty clean. What about fused-effects?

  = \ (@(m :: Type -> Type)) (@a) (op :: State Int m a) -> L op

  = \ (@s)
      (@(ctx :: Type -> Type))
      (@(n :: Type -> Type))
      (functorCtxDict :: Functor ctx)
      (handle :: Handler ctx n (StateC s Identity))
      (sig :: (:+:) (State s) (Lift Identity) n a)
      (ctx :: ctx ()) ->
      let {
        functorSCtxDict :: Functor (Compose ((,) s) ctx)
        functorSCtxDict = functorComposeDict functor(,)Dict functorCtxDict } in
      let {
          :: forall {x}.
             Compose ((,) s) ctx (n x) -> Identity (Compose ((,) s) ctx x)
          = \ (@x) (x1 :: Compose ((,) s) ctx (n x)) ->
              case x1 of { (x2, y) -> handle y x2 } } in
      (\ (s :: s) ->
         case sig of {
           L stateOp ->
             case stateOp of {
               Get co -> (s, <$ functorCtxDict s ctx);
               Put co s1 -> (s1, ctx)
           R other ->
             case other of { LiftWith with ->
             (with functorSCtxDict thread ((s, ctx) ))

...I guess you can see the problem here. The "algebra" that fused-effects used (instead of plain mtl-style typeclasses) does a lot of wiring for you that otherwise would need to be written manually, but the problem is this mechanism isn't as efficient as mtl when the user program is not specialized.