fusepool / fusepool-dlc-patents

This project provides a bundle with a service to transform patents in Marec XML format to RDF
Apache License 2.0
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Patent classification elements are missing in RDF output #12

Open ktk opened 10 years ago

ktk commented 10 years ago

There are classifications in the original patent XML data. We need this in the RDF data as Xerox needs that to test their prediction against real (man made) predictions. Currently it seems to be missing in RDF.

The XML elements are: classifications-ipcr (international patent classification) and classification-ecla (european patent classification).

If you need more information about the classification @daniel-treparel knows more and can help out. It seems to be quite a sophisticated classification.

luigiselmi commented 10 years ago

Each patent in the RDF data comes with a classification code (CPC - Cooperative Patent Classification). You can see the code with the query below. Is that code not enough ? What kind of classification information do they need ?

PREFIX pmo: http://www.patexpert.org/ontologies/pmo.owl# PREFIX skos: http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#

SELECT DISTINCT ?patent ?category_label WHERE {
?patent pmo:classifiedAs ?category . ?category skos:notation ?category_label .