fusesource / jansi

Jansi is a small java library that allows you to use ANSI escape sequences to format your console output which works even on windows.
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Quarkus colorized output not supported (with TERM=xterm-256color or =cygwin) #171

Closed famod closed 3 years ago

famod commented 4 years ago

I was/am unable to get colorized output from Quarkus tests (via maven-surefire-plugin) because Jansi does not seem to support the rather complext color sequences, e.g.:

2020-06-22 19:38:27,575 somehost ERROR [com.somecompany.someproject.middleware.shared.persistence.id.test.TypedIdentifierTest] (main)({}) ~~~~~~~~~~TEST~~~~~~~~~~~~

It seems Jansi has trouble with the "38" sequence (forground color)?

Since I am using Git Bash on Windows 10, I tried adding -Djansi.passthrough=true to MAVEN_OPTS and voila: It works!

The OOTB experience would be much better though if colorized logging would just work right away.

PS: Maven 3.6.3 with Jasni 1.17.1 (also tried 1.18 but that didn't change anything).

famod commented 4 years ago

This seems to be related to TERM=xterm-256color. Switching to TERM=xterm seems to fix the problem.

But since we were facing Maven Surefire fork instabilities we stick to -Djansi.passthrough=true which works for both xterm and xterm-256color.

gnodet commented 3 years ago

@famod I'd like to investigate this issue. Jansi is suppose to handle those ansi sequences correctly.

The fact that it seems to work with TERM=xterm and not TERM=xterm-256color seems to point to this variable: https://github.com/fusesource/jansi/blob/7e6bd5b2a5f10a32ec50e3d85b2c452328bdbac1/jansi/src/main/java/org/fusesource/jansi/AnsiConsole.java#L62-L65

It should be true if the terminal supports native colouring and if that was the case, the ansi sequences should be just passed through directly. Could you check that the MSYSTEM environment variable starts with MINGW in your terminal ?

gnodet commented 3 years ago

If that's the case, a simple fix would be

    static final boolean IS_MINGW_XTERM = IS_WINDOWS
            && System.getenv("MSYSTEM") != null
            && System.getenv("MSYSTEM").startsWith("MINGW")
            && System.getenv("TERM") != null
            && System.getenv("TERM").startsWith("xterm");
gnodet commented 3 years ago

@famod Fwiw, I've just installed git bash on Windows 10, and the TERM env var ends up with xterm, not xterm-256color. Did you change that explicitly ?

famod commented 3 years ago


It is actually xterm when using Git Bash directly but I am using it within ConEmu. ConEmu task definition looks like this:

cmd.exe -new_console:t:someproject-mw-dev -new_console:d:C:\Develop\someproject\middleware\_develop\someproject-middleware /K "call c:\Develop\someproject\_cmd\th-rel.cmd && call gitbash"

th-rel.cmd just sets up JAVA_HOME etc. and gitbash looks like this:

@"C:\Program Files\Git\git-cmd.exe" --no-cd --command=usr/bin/bash.exe -l -i

Currently TERM is cygwin when I start it this way (cygwin is also installed). It is the same on my private machine.

Could you check that the MSYSTEM environment variable starts with MINGW in your terminal ?

On both machines, directly in Git Bash but also when "wrapped" by ConEmu:

$ echo $MSYSTEM
famod commented 3 years ago

the TERM env var ends up with xterm, not xterm-256color. Did you change that explicitly ?

I'm 99% sure that I did not change TERM myself.

Btw, on my business machine:

$ git --version
git version 2.26.2.windows.1

ConEmu 200615

gnodet commented 3 years ago

ConEmu support has been added with https://github.com/fusesource/jansi/commit/2f866c4cf31b8ae44e005515326ad9b2819a394f but not released. I'll do a release soon to get the latest fixes out.