fusez / Map-Editor-V3

Fusez's Map Editor Version 3 - This is a map editor for SA:MP
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Fuzes Map Editor Bug #3

Open Tester3801 opened 2 months ago

Tester3801 commented 2 months ago


Hello, I have a bug with the map editor. As you can see it bugs with the object moving. Whenever I try to move an object its very fast and I can´t really control it. The font/icons for the moving are also different. Hope someone can solve the issue

Walter-Correa commented 1 month ago

I believe the speed problem is related to this: https://github.com/fusez/Map-Editor-V3/blob/2c8e098ffd1a535e2eabc45c951599bcf902e605/filterscripts/mapedit/object/call.pwn#L70

Tester3801 commented 1 month ago

I believe the speed problem is related to this:


How do I fix it? You have any ideas?

Walter-Correa commented 1 month ago

Replace your mapedit.amx in filterscripts by this: https://www.mediafire.com/file/bdm7if9mw2ynfkd/mapedit.amx

NOTE: Make a backup before replacing!

I tested it here with the same object you used in the video and I had no problems!

After testing, reply to me here so I can know and then create a pull request to fix this!

Walter-Correa commented 1 month ago

About the icons and fonts being different, it's because it's clear in your video that you're using a lot of mods in your game, including mods that modify the default fonts. Modifications that change the game's fonts should never be used if you intend to play SAMP, as they will ruin the game's aesthetics. Many people think that the problem is with the server that has poorly made text draws, but most of the time it's the fault of the user who uses mods.

I also believe that your mouse speed is above normal and that's why when editing the object it moves faster than expected!

Tester3801 commented 1 month ago

Replace your mapedit.amx in filterscripts by this: https://www.mediafire.com/file/bdm7if9mw2ynfkd/mapedit.amx

NOTE: Make a backup before replacing!

I tested it here with the same object you used in the video and I had no problems!

After testing, reply to me here so I can know and then create a pull request to fix this!

I have tryed but the problem still remains.

About the icons and fonts being different, it's because it's clear in your video that you're using a lot of mods in your game, including mods that modify the default fonts. Modifications that change the game's fonts should never be used if you intend to play SAMP, as they will ruin the game's aesthetics. Many people think that the problem is with the server that has poorly made text draws, but most of the time it's the fault of the user who uses mods.

I also believe that your mouse speed is above normal and that's why when editing the object it moves faster than expected!

Can the problem be that I am playing on a MacBook via Parallels? I mean i have tryed it with no mods but the icons are exactly like in the video

Walter-Correa commented 1 month ago

Can the problem be that I am playing on a MacBook via Parallels? I mean i have tryed it with no mods but the icons are exactly like in the video

I can't say for sure about that, but I'm using an HP notebook and the only problem was the accuracy and speed of the object, which was compromised due to the code I presented. After the changes, it got much better.

In your case, it could be related to the device you're using, but it could also be related to the movement speed of your mouse (talking about the problem with the speed of the object). Regarding the icons, if you're using a completely clean installation of the game and you're still having problems, then it could be because of the MackBook, but I can't say for sure!