fushatech / tahir

Browser extension to avoid haram images & videos on the Internet
The Unlicense
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Feature request: One click to Toggle #20

Open meadows19 opened 3 years ago

meadows19 commented 3 years ago

Assalamu Alaykum,

Firstly, I'd like to thank you for making and sharing this extension. It works well.

I'd also like to suggest some small UX improvements:

1) Currently, if you want to turn the extension on or off, you need to click on the extension icon, then click on the on/off toggle switch. That's two clicks, for the most commonly performed action. I know you can use keyboard shortcuts, but a) sometimes they don't work (Vivaldi bug), b) sometimes you don't want to take your hands off the mouse.

I think it would be better if you could just the click on the extension icon to toggle the on/off state, as that will be the most common action a user performs, and it saves the user one click.

The icon itself would have two states (perhaps the Ta can be inside a red/green circle depending on whether it is active or not), showing directly and visually whether the extension is active.

It would be similar to how this extension works: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/images-onoff/nfmlhilnjccdggifdbhnhkffmjgalbgg

2) The extension settings, which I assume are never changed by the majority of users, are not necessary to be seen every time. So they can be moved to a separate page, accessible by right clicking on the extension icon.

On that settings page, it should show a complete list of all whitelisted pages.

It should also have the checkboxes for each option before the text label, as per convention. Currently, the settings checkboxes are after each label, which is a little confusing.

3) The command to whitelist a page can be moved also. It should be accessible when the user right clicks on any web page. A right click (page context menu) action can be added to allow the user to "Add page to whitelist" or "Remove page from whitelist". This would be similar to "Block Element" context menu action that shows when right clicking on a page while the uBlock Origin extension is installed.

If the user wants to see all pages in the whitelist, he can right click on the extension icon, go to the settings page, and see the full list there. On the list, he can remove individual pages from the whitelist by clicking an X next to the URL.

Please let me know what you think of these ideas.