fusion809 / AppImages

[NO LONGER MAINTAINED] My repository of recipes for building AppImages. Fork of https://github.com/probonopd/AppImages.
MIT License
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Please make one repo per application #8

Open probonopd opened 6 years ago

probonopd commented 6 years ago

This would allow the AppImages to be included in https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageHub

fusion809 commented 6 years ago

Only the Calibre app I still regularly build and it was copied from your YAML so I must admit I don't see much point. I've sort of lost interest in bundling AppImages, not because I dislike the format, still is my favourite cross-distro packaging (or bundling) format and if I was to build a Linux app it'd be the one I'd use to distribute it, just I have no use for it anymore.

EDIT: If I do take it up again I'll keep this in mind, though, thanks.

I only used AppImages when I was using distros for whom packages frequently became outdated and weren't updated by the packagers all that frequently. For example, Fedora. Many packages of it are updated with each new release of the distro or when security issues hit them. Plus distros for which the repos weren't all that comprehensive were also ones that made AppImages attractive. I now use Arch Linux / Gentoo Linux as my primary distros and their repos are very extensive and should I find a package not in said repos it's easy for me to create one. But thanks for informing me of this.

probonopd commented 6 years ago

Thanks. :+1: Once the new release is out, please ping me over at https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageHub/