fusioncharts / angular-fusioncharts

Angular Component for FusionCharts JavaScript Charting Library
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annotationClick event for Angular #135

Open smithacigna opened 2 years ago

smithacigna commented 2 years ago

I have a few charts, where I am using annotations to give extra information in almost a tabular form on the sides of a chart. I have tried a heat map, but I am not able to control the sizing and space. But annotations are flexible. On the fusions charts documentation, 'annotationClick' is mentioned, but it's not working when I try it. The 'dataplotClick' works just fine. Is there a property or something I should be enabling before using the annotationClick, to get it to work? the HTML: <fusioncharts (renderComplete)="onRenderComplete($event)" containerBackgroundOpacity="0" width="100%" height="250" type="Column2d" [dataSource]="datasrouce" (annotationClick)="annotationClickEvent($event)"