fusioncharts / angularjs-fusioncharts

AngularJS Directive for FusionCharts JavaScript Charting Library (for Angular 1.x)
MIT License
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cannot load chart from json file #20

Closed vkanta closed 9 years ago

vkanta commented 9 years ago

Hi , I am having an issue loading a chart from my json file. bellow is a copy of my scripts I can see the json file in firefox if I call on it also standard chart with data source in the $scope works fine only the external json file has issues

I need the data to be external since I would like the file later to be generated via a script thank you in advance for the help Billy

{ chart: { caption: "Disk Space Usability", subcaption: "sv01", startingangle: "120", showlabels: "0", showlegend: "1", enablemultislicing: "0", slicingdistance: "15", showpercentvalues: "1", showpercentintooltip: "0", plottooltext: "Disk Uasage : Total space : ", theme: "fint" }, data: [ { label: "Free space ", value: "214640357376" }, { label: "size", value: "16613142528" } ``` ] ``` }
adotg commented 9 years ago

Hey vkanta Can you describe more about the 'issues'. I might also need you to explain how you feeding data to FusionCharts from the json file.

vkanta commented 9 years ago

i have figured it out the problem was the encoding on the json file