fusioncharts / fusioncharts-dist

FusionCharts JavaScript Charting library. Over 95+ charts and 1,400+ maps to choose from, with integrations available for all popular JavaScript frameworks & back-end programming languages.
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SVG path for annotation charts has a bug #30

Open jaimecigna opened 2 years ago

jaimecigna commented 2 years ago

The svg path for annotation charts works, however it adds a comma to my path where there is supposed to be white space.

this is what my path is supposed to be:

M37.5 42.1875C49.1455 42.1875 58.5938 32.7393 58.5938 21.0938C58.5938 9.44824 49.1455 0 37.5 0C25.8545 0 16.4062 9.44824 16.4062 21.0938C16.4062 32.7393 25.8545 42.1875 37.5 42.1875ZM56.25 46.875H48.1787C44.9268 48.3691 41.3086 49.2188 37.5 49.2188C33.6914 49.2188 30.0879 48.3691 26.8213 46.875H18.75C8.39356 46.875 0 55.2686 0 65.625V67.9688C0 71.8506 3.14941 75 7.03125 75H67.9688C71.8506 75 75 71.8506 75 67.9688V65.625C75 55.2686 66.6064 46.875 56.25 46.875Z

This is what fusion charts does to the path after i specify it:


Can someone please let me know what the solution is?

it seems that there is some transformation logic under the hood that needs to be fixed.

Any help would be appreciated!
