fusioninventory / fusioninventory-agent

FusionInventory Agent
GNU General Public License v2.0
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The agent creates duplicate record in GLPI #1024

Open vazome opened 1 year ago

vazome commented 1 year ago

Some computer records got duplicated in GLPI over time with no precursor to it. Both records would have the same UUID value. When duplication occurs:

  1. the original record stops receiving Fusioninventory updates
  2. the duplicated record starts receiving Fusioninventory updates This can be tracked by record's history. Documents and attachments does not get copied to a duplicated entry.

The duplicated record may exist before the switch. Only computers are affected, VMs aren't, so we believe the issue is with the config. Could the config cause the duplication?

server = https://server.address/plugins/fusioninventory/
delaytime = 3600
lazy = 0

scan-homedirs = 1
scan-profiles = 1
html = 0
backend-collect-timeout = 180
force = 0
additional-content =
no-p2p = 0

proxy =
user =
password =
ca-cert-dir =
ca-cert-file =
no-ssl-check = 0
timeout = 180
logger = File
logfile = /var/log/fusioninventory.log
logfile-maxsize = 10
logfacility = LOG_USER
color = 0
tag = 
debug = 0

include "conf.d/"

We use FusionInventory Agent 2.6