fusioninventory / fusioninventory-agent

FusionInventory Agent
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Deployment is not triggered by agent #987

Closed r-dannhauer closed 1 week ago

r-dannhauer commented 2 years ago

Ho boy. For 2 days I've been trying to get this working. We use GLPI and Fusioninventory for, you guessed it, inventory management. Now I wanted to use the deployment feature to block updates to Windows 11. My colleague used the vbs script to install the agents during setup, but they have problems with "asking for packages to deploy". So I decided to install two machines with following parameters: /S /debug=2 /server="http://glpi.ak.local/plugins/fusioninventory/" /runnow /tasks=Collect,Deploy,Inventory /acceptlicense /add-firewall-exception /execmode=service /no-start-menu /no-ssl-check /installtype=from-scratch

Everything's fine, they communicate with GLPI and post their inventory, but they don't ask for packages to deploy. There's a task waiting to be deployed to clients (a simple file transfer and a command to move the "dummy.txt" to "C:\Temp\dummy.txt", but the agents don't even check for those.

I researched a bit and found common mistakes, like the service URL in entities, which I've set to http://glpi.ak.local (I tested a few, with a /, with /glpi and /glpi/)

I let both agents start their procedure multiple times, but "deploy" can't be found in the logs, and now I'm all out of ideas. Could someone please assist?

Please find the system specs from GLPI attached glpi.txt

r-dannhauer commented 2 years ago


ddurieux commented 2 years ago

In GLPI, in the entity form (root entity), you have a tab fusioninventory, check the URL is right. If ok, try run the agent with debug=2 (you can change in registry HKLM/SOFTWARE/FusionInventory-agent/debug et check the log file in c:/program files/fusioninventory-agent/fusioninventory.log

r-dannhauer commented 2 years ago

I already did that, as stated in my text.

r-dannhauer commented 2 years ago

Any ideas here?

ddurieux commented 2 years ago

You have error in the agent, it can't connect to the server

[Mon Jul  8 08:06:18 2019][error] [http client] communication error: 500 Can't connect to^M
[Mon Jul  8 08:06:18 2019][error] No answer from server at^M

So you have a server problem, check the error logs of your webserver. I think you must udpate too the version of PHP, the 7.2 version is no longer supported..