Closed Dallo71 closed 5 years ago
Seems to be an issue here as well. My specs and libraries are identical as Dallo71 and I get a lot of hosts in my scan but nothing is imported.
[Solved] I'm sorry but as I imagined, I made a stupid mistake: to make the SNMP scan work you have to add the authentication credentials in the IP Ranges. Manual at "3.2.2 - Target network creation" section says "If you want" but now I know it's mandatory...
I have the same problem, what can I do to import these not import devices
Hello, I'm not able to import any devices by doing a fusoninventory-netdiscovery task. For test purpose I tried with a well-known printer (but the same thing happens with any other device in my network) In the "Equipment ignored on import" page, I see that it fails on the "Global import denied" rule and also that the "Item Type" field is empty. If I run the program from the command line I see that the "type" field correctly reports the value "Printer":
I have the same problem on two different installations in two different sites. I tried reinstalling a server from scratch with the latest version of GLPI and FusionInventory carefully following all the instructions... The configuration of the server where I'm doing the tests now is the following:
Accordin to the FusionInventory instructions, I've also installed SNMP, nmap and NBname packages:
Setting debug level = 2 in the FusionInventory config file I can see only nmap scan is performed and it can't be able to send info about device type so the GLPI rules reject entry missing device type....
So, it's me that I'm doing something wrong or there's a problem in the plugin?
Thank you in advance