fusioninventory / fusioninventory-for-glpi

FusionInventory plugin for GLPI
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Add a job button does not work in glpi 9.5.x #3053

Open ghost opened 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to create a job for a task, but when I click the button nothing happens.

GLPI 9.5.2 Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Teclib' and contributors FusionInventory 9.5.0+1.0 - Copyleft © 2010-2019 by FusionInventory Team

2020-10-23 10_59_31-GLPI - FusionInventory - 3

OliQuentDigital commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have exactly the SAME ISSUE, when i want to click on the Add a job Button, nothing happen and so I am unable to create a new job for my task

ddurieux commented 3 years ago

Sale problem in 9.5+3.0 ?

OliQuentDigital commented 3 years ago


This is my version :


And the Add job button is clickable but nothing happen, I click and nothing, no new screen, no error message, nothing

ddurieux commented 3 years ago

you have installed with marketplace?

OliQuentDigital commented 3 years ago

I downloaded it there :


Then I put it on my installation server via my FTP ( FileZilla ), everything else is ok and functionning but the ADD JOB BUTTON is not responding.

ddurieux commented 3 years ago

You got the archive fusioninventory-9.5+3.0.tar.bz2? If yes, open developper console in your browser (F12) and see the errors you have when you click on the button

OliQuentDigital commented 3 years ago

Sorry but no error messages, nothing, it seems that there is nothing " behind " the button actually.

I saw that someone else had the same error and the same problem in October 2020, and another one sooner.

ddurieux commented 3 years ago

I not have the problem, so I need the error to see what' is the problem. In the developper console, can you try too but in 'network' tab?

OliQuentDigital commented 3 years ago

Here the screen


ddurieux commented 3 years ago

:( And in tab 'console' nothing?

OliQuentDigital commented 3 years ago


Here is the screen :


There is nothing at all........ and it's still non working to add a job.

OliQuentDigital commented 3 years ago

Can you review your code or try something else ? everything else seems to be OK

chrhui commented 2 years ago

Hi, Initially wrote my 2c in #3146, but this one is closed. I have exactly the same issue than #2837, #3146 and #3053, using an internal server running on Centos 7.6. GLPI 9.5.6 + FusionInventory 9.5+3.0

Tried complete reinstallation of the plugin, used remi php 7.2, even 7.3, same symptoms as described in the former ticket. Tried commenting the code as said in ticket #2837, no way. Same using Firefox, Edge.... And in those, I see that no event is generated when clicking the button. Did anyone of made any progress on this point? I'm running out of ideas, please help!

ddurieux commented 2 years ago

Seems a problem with some installations, unable to know why, because never seen this problem :(

chrhui commented 2 years ago

Yes I understand, for being a dev for years, I know it is just like gambling. Anyway, can you give any clue to track it down? Files or functions possibly missing in glpi or FI, where the events are generated, any other button designed the same way that I can examine for comparision... N'importe quoi qui puisse me donner des pistes en somme.

ddurieux commented 2 years ago

The best solution is for me is to check directly on your glpi / server

chrhui commented 2 years ago

That's what I did. None of the log is reporting anything, exactly as @OliQuentDigital reported, Just as if I didn't clicked on the button. Y'a t'il d'autres boutons dans FI qui soient fait de la meme maniere?

ddurieux commented 2 years ago

It's in javascript, so 2 possibilities : 1/ error with javascript 2/ error with the webpage requested by the javascript

ascrypt commented 2 years ago

I even cannot see Add a job button. 9.5.6 +3.0

ddurieux commented 2 years ago

Have you errors in the console of your browser (F12)? in console and in network

ascrypt commented 2 years ago

@ddurieux No error in browser console, php_error and apache error logs

ddurieux commented 2 years ago

Can you 'inspect' the button and do a screenshot of the <form> code, like in my screenshot?


ascrypt commented 2 years ago


ddurieux commented 2 years ago

Seems right... Is your GLPI is available on the internet? if yes perhaps you can give me access to it to try to see the problem.

ascrypt commented 2 years ago

@ddurieux The problem was related to my CSS style customization. I fixed it and also button works correctly. Thanks for your help

ddurieux commented 2 years ago

You CSS style customization? can you explain more for other users have the same problem?

Thanks ;)

ascrypt commented 2 years ago

I added this style incorrectly : .tab_cadrehov tbody tr:last-child,.tab_glpi:last-of-type{display:none}

ddurieux commented 2 years ago

ok thanks ;)

perrinegarnier13 commented 2 years ago


I have the same issue, when i click on add for a new config job for configure the discovery network nothing is happening. I am on [GLPI 9.5.7] Windows server 2019 (IIS), PHP 7.5.27, Mysql 8.0 ; I try [FusionInventory 9.5.0+1.0]2.0]3.0] same issue. My GLPI is not connected to internet and i download the plugin on github.

I have nothing in the console when i click on "Add a job": image

Maybe It is a javascript problem, when i am on the menu.php. I have this issue already: image

thanks in advance for your help. Perrine

perrinegarnier13 commented 2 years ago

Bonjour @ddurieux ,

J'ai l'impression que le problème vient du fait que nos GLPI ne sont pas connectés à internet du coup le jquery ne se charge pas depuis le webpack. Est-ce qu'il y aurait un moyen de mettre ces sources en local sur notre serveur et de dire à votre plugin de se baser sur ce dossier ? Car ma machine est isolé niveau réseau et elle ne peux donc pas sortir sur le web.

Merci pour ton retour

ddurieux commented 2 years ago

Je veux bien mais normalement tout est en local, tu as la liste des requêtes qui essayent de partir sur le net quand tu charge la page?

sygfi commented 1 year ago

Hi @ddurieux, I have same problem with GLPI10.0.7, when I click on Add a Job nothing happen. Do you have some news about this issue ?

sygfi commented 1 year ago

Does anyone find a solution or a workaround ?