fusioninventory / fusioninventory-for-glpi

FusionInventory plugin for GLPI
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Inventory error : GLPi 10.0.5 et FusionInventory 2.5.2 #3406

Open BoyerBrice opened 1 year ago

BoyerBrice commented 1 year ago


I have an issue on some computer. The Fusion agent send information to FusionInventory plugin, but does not link to any computer and no additional information ...

I am in GLPI 10.0.5, FusionInventory 10.0.3 and Agent Fusion 2.6 (All on a Windows Server 2019).

Here are the logs I get during an inventory from a W10 workstation :

[Tue Jan 31 13:34:52 2023][info] sending prolog request to server0 [Tue Jan 31 13:34:52 2023][info] running task Collect [Tue Jan 31 13:34:52 2023][info] No Collect job enabled or Collect support disabled server side. [Tue Jan 31 13:34:55 2023][info] running task Inventory [Tue Jan 31 13:34:55 2023][info] New inventory from XXXX.domain.local-2023-01-31-13-32-45 for server0 [Tue Jan 31 13:35:12 2023][error] [http client] unexpected content, starting with !DOCTYPE html [Tue Jan 31 13:35:19 2023][info] FusionInventory Agent memory usage: WSS=3358720 PFU=115367936 [Tue Jan 31 13:35:25 2023][info] FusionInventory Agent memory usage: WSS=3153920 PFU=115404800

Did you have any idea how to solve this issue ?

ddurieux commented 1 year ago


a problem with your GLPI installation (GLPI or plugin, or webserver configuration)

eanaro commented 1 year ago


I have the same problem. Can you help me? Do you have more details on where the problem comes from?


BoyerBrice commented 1 year ago

Thanks ! But i don't know where to look at :/ I don't understand why it works for some computers only.

ddurieux commented 1 year ago

You can run in debug = 1 or 2 in the agent to have more information

BoyerBrice commented 1 year ago

I've run it with debug level 2 :

I got this error message :

[Tue Jan 31 14:41:11 2023][debug] unexpected error in FusionInventory::Agent::Task::Inventory::Win32::License: Can't use string ("0x00000001") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at C:\Program Files\FusionInventory-Agent/perl/agent/FusionInventory/Agent/Task/Inventory/Win32/License.pm line 139.

and i've serach with the keywork "Doctype" :

[Tue Jan 31 14:40:10 2023][debug2] format: Plaintext [Tue Jan 31 14:40:10 2023][debug2] [http client] receiving message: <!DOCTYPE html>

FusionInventory - GLPI Maybe meta charset settings ?
g-bougard commented 1 year ago

@BoyerBrice This looks like the same bug I fixed for GLPI-Agent last week: glpi-agent #323 You can fix it by cleaning the related registry as a value key was set where none was expected.

ddurieux commented 1 year ago

it not display the URL used before [debug2] [http client] ?

BoyerBrice commented 1 year ago

it not display the URL used before [debug2] [http client] ?

Nope, it's the full error ligne

BoyerBrice commented 1 year ago

By the way, i've install GLPi Agent 1.5 too, and with debug level 2 i got those issue :

!DOCTYPE html html lang="fr" head

Authentification - GLPI

... [Tue Jan 31 15:11:01 2023][info] Deploy task not supported by server0 [Tue Jan 31 15:11:02 2023][debug] new thread 5 to handle task Collect [Tue Jan 31 15:11:02 2023][info] running task Collect

And the registery key : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office

I only have an empty key that i can not delete, (by default)

ddurieux commented 1 year ago

Humm, perhaps the url in entities menu, root entity and have FusionInventory tab. What url you have in this form?

BoyerBrice commented 1 year ago

Humm, perhaps the url in entities menu, root entity and have FusionInventory tab. What url you have in this form?

Thanks, in there i have http://X.X.X.X/glpi X.X.X.X is my GLPI Server

ddurieux commented 1 year ago

is the URL correct to connect (with web browser) to your GLPI server ?

BoyerBrice commented 1 year ago

is the URL correct to connect (with web browser) to your GLPI server ? Nope, it's https://Glpi.domain.local or https://X.X.X.X

I've tried to put that into Entity Menu and same result.

ddurieux commented 1 year ago

On agent side, what server URL you have defined?

BoyerBrice commented 1 year ago

in registery key for Fusion Inventory agent, i have : https://glpi.domain.local/plugins/fusioninventory/ and i think i have tried all combination, same result.

ddurieux commented 1 year ago

try with full url: https://glpi.domain.local/plugins/fusioninventory/front/communication.php

ddurieux commented 1 year ago

You must restart the service if you run with after modification of the registry

BoyerBrice commented 1 year ago

Thanks, i've tried and i got this now into Fusioninventory Agent log on client : [error] [http client] unknown content format

BoyerBrice commented 1 year ago

And something really strange :

And now, in client agent log, i got : [error] [http client] communication error: 404 Not Found [error] No answer from server at https://X.X.X.X/ocsinventory

I don't use ocsinventory, where this come from ?

ddurieux commented 1 year ago

Good question ;(