fusionjs / fusion-plugin-i18n-react

Migrated to https://github.com/fusionjs/fusionjs
MIT License
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Client side translations broken in 1.2.0-1 #188

Closed brendean closed 5 years ago

brendean commented 6 years ago

Type of issue



After upgrading from 1.1.1-1 to 1.2.1-0 translated strings are not loaded in the browser, instead the keys are displayed.

Current behavior

Translated strings not shown on client

Expected behavior

Translated strings shown on client

Your environment

KevinGrandon commented 6 years ago

Possibly due to https://github.com/fusionjs/fusion-plugin-i18n-react/pull/184?

Edit - actually, maybe not - that change looks really simple.

rtsao commented 5 years ago

This was due to duplicate i18n packages in the node_module tree.