Open oczkers opened 9 years ago
I have made a script that dips into the email inbox and gets the code - but i cannot for the life of me find out what URL to send the request too. The params are...
"twoFactorCode" => $thecode, "_trustThisDevice" => "on", "trustThisDevice" => "on", "_eventId" => "submit"
Why not just use the backup codes?
they can only be used once.
if you run out of the backup codes you can always regenerate more
I dont need too I have a script that grabs the code from the email account.
Same discussion here if it can help you:
We need the URL where the security data is sent
@LUFCMOT url is not the problem
anyone tested my commit?
@oczkers but where is "twoFactorCode" => $thecode, "_trustThisDevice" => "on", "trustThisDevice" => "on", "_eventId" => "submit"
POST too?
I have just tested it and it's working fine, anyone confirms?
How do you use it?
fut.Core('login', 'password', 'secret_password', code=123456)
code is needed only on first launch (and every 90 days) if you use cookies.txt
my test
import fut
Fifa = fut.Core(EmailAdd, PassWord, SecretAnswer, platform=PlatF, code=CodeOR ,emulate=Emu, cookies= EmailAdd)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "J:\FUT\22-test", line 16, in
and I receive a new code by email
@oczkers what url do you use for send the code? my step are:
Login -> send in POST the username / password -> RESPONSE: html page of "Two factor code" form -> i get URL of this page -> send in POST correctly the code -> RESPONSE: html page of "Two factor code" form.
the url of twofactorcode need of some extra cookie or extra header field?
I use a JAVA tool that i made for me.
^ Ditto but php.
Hi people. The new login with code verification works fine. Thanks a lot
@Innursery Post full logs (last response from server at least).
@christrato At the beggining of login process there is redirect to something like this:
s1 = post login data (username, password) s2 = request and post code s3 = dunno
There is no difference in headers between s1,s2,s3 besides referer.
EDIT: i'll release new stable version when we get more confirmations that it works (and logs from @Innursery) EDIT2: updated s1,s2,s3
2014-12-12 09:49:28,562 [INFO] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _new_conn: Starting new HTTP connection (1): (line 171)
2014-12-12 09:49:28,768 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "GET /uk/fifa/football-club/ultimate-team HTTP/1.1" 301 262 (line 344)
2014-12-12 09:49:28,770 [INFO] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _new_conn: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): (line 635)
2014-12-12 09:49:29,471 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "GET /uk/fifa/ultimate-team/web-app HTTP/1.1" 302 406 (line 344)
2014-12-12 09:49:29,475 [INFO] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _new_conn: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): (line 635)
2014-12-12 09:49:29,666 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "GET /connect/auth?response_type=code&client_id=EASFC-web&state=cyMOpPM8xPVCQ0aRC2VRtHN6G8eXkFnWMF2FL4sWC-4& HTTP/1.1" 302 0 (line 344)
2014-12-12 09:49:29,668 [INFO] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _new_conn: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): (line 635)
2014-12-12 09:49:29,899 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "GET /p/web/login?fid=F6i9vhuygGDc3rPSLK7ZY7YYluYYKwS HTTP/1.1" 302 0 (line 344)
2014-12-12 09:49:29,967 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "GET /p/web/login?execution=e1332693757s1& HTTP/1.1" 200 None (line 344)
2014-12-12 09:49:30,104 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "POST /p/web/login?execution=e1332693757s1& HTTP/1.1" 302 0 (line 344)
2014-12-12 09:49:30,172 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "GET /p/web/login?execution=e1332693757s2& HTTP/1.1" 200 None (line 344)
2014-12-12 09:49:30,174 [DEBUG] [root] __login__: b'\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="en">\n<head>\n <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>\n\n <title>Login Verification</title>\n <meta name="title" content="Login Verification"/>\n <meta name="description" content="Input your Two Factor Authentication Code"/>\n <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/p/favicon.ico"/>\n <meta name="lc" content="en_GB"/>\n <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no"/>\n <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge">\n\n<script type="text/javascript">window.EA = {};</script>\n<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>\n<script type="text/javascript">(function () {\n try {\n Typekit.load();\n } catch (ex) {\n var html = document.getElementsByTagName(\'html\')[0];\n html.className = (html.className || \'\') + \' wf-inactive\'\n }\n})();</script>\n\n\n <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>\n <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>\n <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>\n <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>\n\n<script type="text/javascript">\n if (!window.challenge_cancel) {\n window.challenge_cancel = function() {\n if ($("#btnCancel").length > 0) {\n $("#btnCancel").trigger("click");\n return true;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n</script>\n\n<script type="text/javascript">\n $(document).ready(function() {\n $.fn.tfa({\n });\n $("#twoFactorCode").focus();\n });\n</script>\n <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>\n <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>\n <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>\n <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>\n\n<!-- GA -->\n<script type="text/javascript">\n var _gaq = _gaq || [];\n _gaq.push([\'_setAccount\', \'UA-38277543-1\']);\n _gaq.push([\'_setDomainName\', \'\']);\n _gaq.push([\'_trackPageview\']);\n (function () {\n var ga = document.createElement(\'script\');\n ga.type = \'text/javascript\';\n ga.async = true;\n ga.src = (\'https:\' == document.location.protocol ? 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2014-12-12 09:49:30,479 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "GET /fifa/api/isUserLoggedIn HTTP/1.1" 200 40 (line 344)
@Innursery Try now :-) a8eadda59f00f32ba2ea49d96dcb28d1d93bc021
@oczkers not better for me
2014-12-12 10:14:30,423 [INFO] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _new_conn: Starting new HTTP connection (1): (line 171)
2014-12-12 10:14:30,642 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "GET /uk/fifa/football-club/ultimate-team HTTP/1.1" 301 262 (line 344)
2014-12-12 10:14:30,642 [INFO] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _new_conn: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): (line 635)
2014-12-12 10:14:31,392 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "GET /uk/fifa/ultimate-team/web-app HTTP/1.1" 302 406 (line 344)
2014-12-12 10:14:31,408 [INFO] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _new_conn: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): (line 635)
2014-12-12 10:14:31,611 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "GET /connect/auth?response_type=code&client_id=EASFC-web&state=Lh1HAOPpS_YOuU4iVNb3R6PsEGO3KnOXtG__9BoL8zc& HTTP/1.1" 302 0 (line 344)
2014-12-12 10:14:31,611 [INFO] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _new_conn: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): (line 635)
2014-12-12 10:14:31,845 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "GET /p/web/login?fid=FqvIw2wv25hj85BVaXuxNMTFwz2j7hL HTTP/1.1" 302 0 (line 344)
2014-12-12 10:14:31,908 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "GET /p/web/login?execution=e144050996s1& HTTP/1.1" 200 None (line 344)
2014-12-12 10:14:32,048 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "POST /p/web/login?execution=e144050996s1& HTTP/1.1" 302 0 (line 344)
2014-12-12 10:14:32,111 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "GET /p/web/login?execution=e144050996s2& HTTP/1.1" 200 None (line 344)
2014-12-12 10:14:32,111 [DEBUG] [root] __login__: b'\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="en">\n<head>\n <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>\n\n <title>Login Verification</title>\n <meta name="title" content="Login Verification"/>\n <meta name="description" content="Input your Two Factor Authentication Code"/>\n <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/p/favicon.ico"/>\n <meta name="lc" content="en_GB"/>\n <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no"/>\n <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge">\n\n<script type="text/javascript">window.EA = {};</script>\n<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>\n<script type="text/javascript">(function () {\n try {\n Typekit.load();\n } catch (ex) {\n var html = document.getElementsByTagName(\'html\')[0];\n html.className = (html.className || \'\') + \' wf-inactive\'\n }\n})();</script>\n\n\n <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>\n <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>\n <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>\n <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>\n\n<script type="text/javascript">\n if (!window.challenge_cancel) {\n window.challenge_cancel = function() {\n if ($("#btnCancel").length > 0) {\n $("#btnCancel").trigger("click");\n return true;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n</script>\n\n<script type="text/javascript">\n $(document).ready(function() {\n $.fn.tfa({\n });\n $("#twoFactorCode").focus();\n });\n</script>\n <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>\n <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>\n <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>\n <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>\n\n<!-- GA -->\n<script type="text/javascript">\n var _gaq = _gaq || [];\n _gaq.push([\'_setAccount\', \'UA-38277543-1\']);\n _gaq.push([\'_setDomainName\', \'\']);\n _gaq.push([\'_trackPageview\']);\n (function () {\n var ga = document.createElement(\'script\');\n ga.type = \'text/javascript\';\n ga.async = true;\n ga.src = (\'https:\' == document.location.protocol ? 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2014-12-12 10:14:32,174 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "POST /p/web/login?execution=e144050996s2& HTTP/1.1" 302 0 (line 344)
2014-12-12 10:14:32,236 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "GET /p/web/login?execution=e144050996s2& HTTP/1.1" 200 None (line 344)
2014-12-12 10:14:32,236 [DEBUG] [root] __login__: b'\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="en">\n<head>\n <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>\n\n <title>Login Verification</title>\n <meta name="title" content="Login Verification"/>\n <meta name="description" content="Input your Two Factor Authentication Code"/>\n <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/p/favicon.ico"/>\n <meta name="lc" content="en_GB"/>\n <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no"/>\n <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge">\n\n<script type="text/javascript">window.EA = {};</script>\n<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>\n<script type="text/javascript">(function () {\n try {\n Typekit.load();\n } catch (ex) {\n var html = document.getElementsByTagName(\'html\')[0];\n html.className = (html.className || \'\') + \' wf-inactive\'\n }\n})();</script>\n\n\n <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>\n <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>\n <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>\n <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>\n\n<script type="text/javascript">\n if (!window.challenge_cancel) {\n window.challenge_cancel = function() {\n if ($("#btnCancel").length > 0) {\n $("#btnCancel").trigger("click");\n return true;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n</script>\n\n<script type="text/javascript">\n $(document).ready(function() {\n $.fn.tfa({\n });\n $("#twoFactorCode").focus();\n });\n</script>\n <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>\n <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>\n <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>\n <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>\n\n<!-- GA -->\n<script type="text/javascript">\n var _gaq = _gaq || [];\n _gaq.push([\'_setAccount\', \'UA-38277543-1\']);\n _gaq.push([\'_setDomainName\', \'\']);\n _gaq.push([\'_trackPageview\']);\n (function () {\n var ga = document.createElement(\'script\');\n ga.type = \'text/javascript\';\n ga.async = true;\n ga.src = (\'https:\' == document.location.protocol ? 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2014-12-12 10:14:32,767 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "GET /fifa/api/isUserLoggedIn HTTP/1.1" 200 40 (line 344)
@Innursery It's worked correct now but "Incorrect code entered" appeared.
@oczkers I am sending the code to (s3)
but I just get a 400 error Bad request.
@LUFCMOT I might be wrong and it's s2 but hard to say whats wrong with your request if you don't attach headers etc. How about referer?
EDIT: it's dynamic url, for example e279030983 is changing on every login
private function Verify($url) {
$request = $this->_client->post($url, array(), array(
"twoFactorCode" => "84725048",
"_trustThisDevice" => "on",
"trustThisDevice" => "on",
"_eventId" => "submit"
$response = $request->send();
Yes I see but all try I put the right code
I use python 3.x
Same here
I was getting this problem, but now I believe I found out what was happening.
Only in the first time I needed to log in the webapp. I believe is was necessary to activate something in the account.
Next time I asked for another code and the script worked like a charm. I'm using cookies and restarted the script, its still working with a random code.
If someone is getting this invalid code error, try it. I used an anonymous google chrome tab to login in the first time and to ask for a new code in the second time, but in the second time we don't log in the browser again.
@ricklhp7 not working for me
Maybe I wasn't clear in last post, so I'll try to explain (sorry for my english):
First of all, part of my code:
fut = fut.Core(username, passw, answer_question, platform='xbox', code = code_ea, cookies=cokkies_username)
where: username is my email passw is my password question is the answer of the secret question code_ea is the pin we ask.
1) Open an anonymous google chrome tab and goes to webapp (
2) login, ask the code by email... Them unmark "Remember this computer/device" and use the code there. Actually we don't need to unmark that, but its easy to logou and login again, because we want them asking the code again.
3) Answer the Security Question and wait to login in your account.
4) Sign Out.
5) Go again to ( .
6) Just enter your email and password and click and login. Them will send a new code in your email. Don't login in the browser again, if you do this, you will need a new code. Just use this pin in your python file, it should work.
I had this problem and after I did that it worked. It worked in all my 5 accounts.
I forgot to say I'm using the code as string, because often the code starts with 0.
@Innursery This html page was send to you after posting email code (use to read to easly)
What code did you used and where did you get it?
@ricklhp7 You're talking about first login per ip or browserid? Could you upload logs (like Innursery)?
EDIT: code starting with 0 might be a reason, try using string instead
@tmontana3x Yes, i was testing and it works for me and at least one other guy. If your code is starting with 0, try using passing it as a string:
fut.Core("login", "password", "secret_password", code="0123")
@oczkers I use Python 3.4.2 now with the newest commits code (i just followed the link to the newest commit and downloaded the whole ZIP again...?)
I am doing import fut fut = fut.Core('email', 'pw', 'secretanswer', platform='pc', debug=True) and getting fut.exceptions.FutError: Error during login process - code is required.
so i go to my email get the code and doing:
fut = fut.Core('email', 'pw', 'secretanswer', platform='pc', debug=True, code='123456')
unfortunately the result is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in
then i get a new email with same code
@oczkers I use the code from origin in my email when I use the same code on the web it works.
I have the same setup as @tmontana3x (same python version) but i don't use string for the code. but I get the same result, put my code, get the response I send before, and get a new emailed code.
@ricklhp7 I retry your method but no change
@oczkers if i post the CODE in the "s3" url like this:
the server return error 505: Server returned HTTP response code: 505 for URL: basic.persona signin offline security.challenge
with Firebug i see that the webapp POST the code at the "s2" url.
ok... sorry... i was using this parameter: "twofactorCode" but the right one is "twoFactorCode".
now the login and the security code request works correctly.
ps: i post the code to the "s2" url.
@tmontana3x python3 fixed 936eefbe3a2422c36e12c14645fc2699190d1290
@christrato You'r right, it's s2.
@Innursery Ok guys, i know the reason now - you're posting wrong code, it was generated for specific browser id (session, instance) and every time you make clean start (without cookies.txt) new code is generated.
In short you have to use backup codes (for first launch only).
@oczkers yes you right, it works thanks again for your great support
@oczkers Thanks it works...Great work !!! debugger brings a lot of red text but in the end i seem to be logged in.
Would your recommend using the cookies.txt?
Bidding works now without permission denied :) Thanks again ! Great Job!
@tmontana3x What red text are you talking about?
@oczkers i dont have it anymore. i can now login without code.... for whatever reason...
I don't know what red text are you talking about but if you use cookies.txt code is required on first login and once every 90 days
My scripts are going down all the time. I have made one account today and its working fine for about 2 hours, I need more time to know if its really fine.
Maybe my old accounts are flagged, but they were working fine before this validation. Anyone with problems?
Other thing: I see there is no validation code for mobile app, I'm thinking about testing it if my bots don't get to work fine again.
Writing that it's "going down" is pointless you should post logs or at least error message because it could be for example just connection problem
I know, I just want to know if its happening to everybody.
I turned debug on and restarted my bots, I'll post the logs soon.
Seeing my logs, its just a expired session, but it was ok before this validation thing.
I put 3 accounts to work together in the same vps I was using before, they don't go down in the same time. I can login in the account again, but sometimes EA asks for the pin again, even if I'm using cookies. But if I wait about one hours, I can login again without the pin. I believe they are changing something in the page that we need to request the pin. I will post logs of this soon, I'm looking for them in my archieve.
So I'll just post the log of my expired session, there is 3 logs of this problem here. My bot closes after this, but its my option, I tell my script to close for general exceptions, like that. Idk if they would work after this, I believe not, I'll try again later.
2014-12-15 15:02:41,836 [DEBUG] [root] request: request: args=(); kwargs={'params': {'maxb': 60000, 'start': 0, 'num': 1, 'type': 'player', 'maskedDefId': yyyyyy}} (line 310)
2014-12-15 15:02:41,841 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "POST /ut/game/fifa/transfermarket?maxb=600&start=0&num=1&type=player&maskedDefId=184431 HTTP/1.1" 200 70 (line 362)
2014-12-15 15:02:41,841 [DEBUG] [root] request: response: {"message":null,"reason":"expired session","code":401} (line 312)
2014-12-15 15:07:43,499 [DEBUG] [root] request: request: args=(); kwargs={'params': {'maxb': 55000, 'start': 0, 'num': 1, 'type': 'player', 'maskedDefId': zzzzzz}} (line 310)
2014-12-15 15:07:43,512 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "POST /ut/game/fifa/transfermarket?maxb=550&start=0&num=1&type=player&maskedDefId=184575 HTTP/1.1" 200 70 (line 362)
2014-12-15 15:07:43,513 [DEBUG] [root] request: response: {"message":null,"reason":"expired session","code":401}
3rd - This one is a little different, because I got an Internal Server Error before, but I have an exception for it, so the bot won't close for this reason. It just will try to do the same thing he was trying before the Internal Server Error. And yes, I care about rpm, thats not the problem for sure. The gap between these two requests was short because I had some auction close to the end, I didn't change my bot, only upgraded the toolkit to use cookies and to use this new security code. Everything was 100% fine until last week. 2014-12-15 18:27:57,157 [DEBUG] [root] request: request: args=(); kwargs={} (line 310)
2014-12-15 18:27:57,172 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "POST /ut/game/fifa/watchlist HTTP/1.1" 200 86 (line 362)
2014-12-15 18:27:57,172 [DEBUG] [root] request: response: {"debug":"","string":"Internal Server Error (ut)","reason":"","code":"500"} (line 312)
2014-12-15 18:27:57,172 [DEBUG] [root] request: request: args=(); kwargs={} (line 310)
2014-12-15 18:27:57,177 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] _make_request: "POST /ut/game/fifa/watchlist HTTP/1.1" 200 70 (line 362)
2014-12-15 18:27:57,177 [DEBUG] [root] request: response: {"message":null,"reason":"expired session","code":401} (line 312)
I realize that I cannot login again in some accounts, even if I wait hours, like a said before. I didn't know, but my scripts were running doing nothing! I will delete all cookies and use new pins. Sorryfor this mistake, I don't know why it happened.
So I believe my only problem is that I'm just getting disconnected too much...
Dinana, thanks for the reference. I'm going to check.
It's always good idea to look at one request/response before you got expired session - there could be something "weird" that makes your session expired.
I have an account that only check prices of a list of players, and this account has the same problem. This account doesn't buy, doesn't sell, just check prices like some sites does.
I'm seeing there are normal users with temporaries bans, like my accounts.
Now I'm trying to run the script for 20 minutes only, they are restarting after 15 minutes. I'll see if it helps.
The reason of creating new issue is to collect all info about new verification system (code, secreat answer, captcha etc.) in one place.
PS. I've pushed new commit (33f7192f55fc89820fe301cf8dcbf2e3490210fd) that enables two step verification (email/sms code), it's not yet tested and probably doesn't work ;-).