futel / asteriskserver

SIP server for Futel
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Implement single playback message box #573

Open breedx2 opened 1 year ago

breedx2 commented 1 year ago

I heard a call on an old tape that I thought was a cool idea.

The caller is prompted to record the new message (limited to like 30s or something). After they are done recording the new message, they immediately hear playback of the old message. After playback, the old message is deleted and their recording becomes the new message.

I couldn't think of a great name for this right now, but it's like a one-shot anonymous/random voicemail.

The prompt goes something like: "Please record a message for the next caller, up to 30 seconds. After you have recorded your message, you will hear the previous caller's message and then it will be deleted."


breedx2 commented 1 year ago

Inspiration example at 36:04 on side 1 of this tape: https://archive.org/details/noise-arch_tentacon/tentacon_1.mp3

kra commented 1 year ago

See also #286

kra commented 1 year ago

Can't play content from users that hasn't been vetted, this is blocking a few other ides, see #574.

breedx2 commented 1 year ago

Can't play content from users that hasn't been vetted, this is blocking a few other ides, see #574.

Ah yeah bummer. I forget that we can't have nice things. Well, happy to reopen/reconsider once we have moderation.

kra commented 1 year ago

The content vetting is implemented for the challenges, and it won't be hard to generalize it to other content.