futo-org / grayjay-android

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[bug]Crash when changing qaulity while buffering. #901

Open Doubs115 opened 1 month ago

Doubs115 commented 1 month ago

Reproduce: As simple as title, while buffering (and often in a queue), change to a different quality.

What happens is the app freezes a little and pops a system message that "grayjay stopped working". "close" or "wait". But even after the app recovers and tapping "wait" makes it go away for only 4 seconds and it comes back. In this state the app becomes haunted because it's still technically useable, but only Interactable durring the 4 second duration the error message is closed. Though video's will still play fine.

What should happen is:

  1. clicking "wait" should be more like an "ignore" because it's the system error message that's the problem not the semi-crash itself. or
  2. Have it not crash enough to trigger the system message.
Kelvin-FUTO commented 3 weeks ago

I could not reproduce this myself, is this on Youtube videos or a different platform?