futpib / policeman

Firefox extention for cross-site requests control (kind of RequestPolicy clone)
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Same request displayed multiple times in a popup #154

Open Halibut80 opened 9 years ago

Halibut80 commented 9 years ago

I see sometimes up to ~20 identical requests, in list of allowed requests, instead of one. For example: <img src="https://lh5.ggpht.com/-A-ZQijofVnQ/VLtXRi9rXlI/AAAAAAAAahI/0LjRSHS_D6Q/s0/thumb.jpg" <img src="https://lh6.ggpht.com/-sjC9NdF3vKk/VLtXS1gvAQI/AAAAAAAAahY/6---kNUd1gk/s0/thumb2.jpg"

http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?s=48d4ec594d6f6be13e14efc3d0be109a&t=146228 0.18pre10

futpib commented 9 years ago

I think this is what #108 is about

Halibut80 commented 9 years ago

@futpib Not sure. That issue about merger the same requests, but made several times, in the one. In my case, three requests of the pictures (on page they are all in one copy), are shown as nine. I have seen in the feedly, for one picture (only one entry in the rss, for one site, and in a single copy). twelve identical requests in the popup. Also, i did not had this problem with early policeman builds.

atomGit commented 9 years ago

i can also confirm this - i would add that this is a rather nasty bug

was editing a doc in WP and i noticed the editor was sluggish - i opened the Policeman pop-up UI and i saw over 4 or 5 THOUSAND requests, 99.9% of which were duplicates (each image duplicated hundreds of times for example)

i disabled the ext. (from the add-ons UI, not within the ext.) and reloaded the page and the sluggishness seemed to be gone

after i re-enabled the ext., i checked the pop-up UI again and there were only a few dozen requests (the count looked accurate), but as soon as i checked again, the number had nearly doubled

the number of requests continues to build even when the ext. is disabled when it is disabled from the within ext. (middle click on the icon in my case)

also, the sluggishness that i thought was specific to one page actually carries to all pages (as i'm keying this in i see the caret is not responding as it should)

Halibut80 commented 9 years ago

Also some log: <img src="https://lh5.ggpht.com/-5cfNr3piflE/VM6jPgX0dDI/AAAAAAAAalc/-0Ja-Xg4nAs/s0/thumb.jpg"

from this page (hangs browser with over 20.000 requests showed in Policeman popup).

Halibut80 commented 9 years ago

@futpib For now, in Policeman 0.19pre0, this is also break some rules with wrong request category, see: <img src="https://lh6.ggpht.com/-Q5ngybOsNwM/VM_HUKkylnI/AAAAAAAAam8/8o2qzBrSgiw/s0/thumb2.jpg"

with rule "images from feedly.com to any domain" i dont see some images, without Policeman placeholder, before refreshing page. Same on other sites.

I think, this issue not only ui and not minor.

futpib commented 9 years ago

@Halibut80 Is this 0.19pre0-specific? Please send me the page URL.

Halibut80 commented 9 years ago

@futpib This happening not regular, but on many sites. Screen from this. And yes, problem with wrong content category specific only for .19