future-architect / vuls

Agent-less vulnerability scanner for Linux, FreeBSD, Container, WordPress, Programming language libraries, Network devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
10.9k stars 1.16k forks source link

Reporting multiple hosts results with ignore options to telegram doesn't work #1587

Closed aliiikz closed 1 year ago

aliiikz commented 1 year ago

What did you do? (required. The issue will be closed when not provided.)

I inserted multiple hosts to config.toml, then used vuls scan to scan the servers and at the end used vuls report with multiple options to send the results to telegram, but is only sends the results of the first host to the telegram. same thing happens when running vulsctl scripts scan.sh and report.sh in vulsctl/docker directory. also, the current link created is wrong on the host machine, it shows links the directory on the container not the host.

What did you expect to happen?

send the results of all of the servers to telegram with detail, also it would very useful to send the table results showed in terminal

What happened instead?

it only sent the very short summery of the first host

host1 (centos7.9.2009)

Total: 0 (Critical:0 High:0 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0) 0/0 Fixed, 0 poc, 0 exploits, cisa: 0, uscert: 0, jpcert: 0 alerts 529 installed

No CVE-IDs are found in updatable packages. 529 installed

[Reboot Required] host2 (centos7.9.2009)

Total: 6 (Critical:0 High:6 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0) 6/6 Fixed, 3 poc, 0 exploits, cisa: 0, uscert: 0, jpcert: 0 alerts 454 installed

+----------------+------+--------+-----+-----------+---------+----------+ | CVE-ID | CVSS | ATTACK | POC | ALERT | FIXED | PACKAGES | +----------------+------+--------+-----+-----------+---------+----------+ | CVE-2022-23816 | 8.9 | AV:L | | | fixed | kernel | +----------------+------+--------+-----+-----------+---------+----------+ | CVE-2022-23825 | 8.9 | AV:L | | | fixed | kernel | +----------------+------+--------+-----+-----------+---------+----------+ | CVE-2022-2588 | 8.9 | AV:L | POC | | fixed | kernel | +----------------+------+--------+-----+-----------+---------+----------+ | CVE-2022-26373 | 8.9 | AV:L | | | fixed | kernel | +----------------+------+--------+-----+-----------+---------+----------+ | CVE-2022-29900 | 8.9 | AV:L | POC | | fixed | kernel | +----------------+------+--------+-----+-----------+---------+----------+ | CVE-2022-29901 | 8.9 | AV:L | POC | | fixed | kernel | +----------------+------+--------+-----+-----------+---------+----------+

# Steps to reproduce the behaviour
1. install vuls on host/or use vulsctl docker
2. update
3. export directory variable
4. edit config toml
5. scan
6. report command with multiple options to telegram

# Configuration (**MUST** fill this out):

* Go version (`go version`):

go version go1.19.4 linux/amd64

* Go environment (`go env`):

GO111MODULE="" GOARCH="amd64" GOBIN="" GOCACHE="/home/htd/.cache/go-build" GOENV="/home/htd/.config/go/env" GOEXE="" GOEXPERIMENT="" GOFLAGS="" GOHOSTARCH="amd64" GOHOSTOS="linux" GOINSECURE="" GOMODCACHE="/home/htd/go/pkg/mod" GONOPROXY="" GONOSUMDB="" GOOS="linux" GOPATH="/home/htd/go" GOPRIVATE="" GOPROXY="https://proxy.golang.org,direct" GOROOT="/usr/local/go" GOSUMDB="sum.golang.org" GOTMPDIR="" GOTOOLDIR="/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64" GOVCS="" GOVERSION="go1.19.4" GCCGO="gccgo" GOAMD64="v1" AR="ar" CC="gcc" CXX="g++" CGO_ENABLED="1" GOMOD="/dev/null" GOWORK="" CGO_CFLAGS="-g -O2" CGO_CPPFLAGS="" CGO_CXXFLAGS="-g -O2" CGO_FFLAGS="-g -O2" CGO_LDFLAGS="-g -O2" PKG_CONFIG="pkg-config" GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -Wl,--no-gc-sections -fmessage-length=0 -fdebug-prefix-map=/tmp/go-build2246375873=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches"

* Vuls environment:

Hash : ____

To check the commit hash of HEAD
$ vuls -v



$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/future-architect/vuls 
$ git rev-parse --short HEAD 


* config.toml:

[servers] [servers.host1] host = "xxx" port = "xxx" user = "xxx" sshConfigPath = "/home/xxx/.ssh/config" keyPath = "/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa" [servers.host2] host = "xxx" port = "xxx" user = "xxx" sshConfigPath = "/home/xxx/.ssh/config" keyPath = "/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa" [telegram] chatID = "xxxxxxxxx" token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

* command:

cd install-host ./install.sh ./update-all.sh

export BASE_DIR="/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host"

vuls configtest -log-dir=$BASE_DIR/log -config=$BASE_DIR/config.toml -results-dir=$BASE_DIR/results

vuls scan -log-dir=$BASE_DIR/log -config=$BASE_DIR/config.toml -results-dir=$BASE_DIR/results

vuls report -debug -format-list -refresh-cve -cvss-over=7 -ignore-unscored-cves -ignore-unfixed -to-telegram -log-dir=$BASE_DIR/log -config=$BASE_DIR/config.toml -results-dir=$BASE_DIR/results

MaineK00n commented 1 year ago


Sorry for the late reply.

It seems to work in my environment with the -ignore-unfixed option.

Without -ignore-unfixed option Screenshot from 2023-01-26 13-57-55

With -ignore-unfixed option Screenshot from 2023-01-26 14-01-14

Without the -ignore-unfixed option, would the results for host1 and host2 be sent respectively in your environment?

aliiikz commented 1 year ago

@MaineK00n No problem, Thank you for replying to me It's intresting, because your getting the result of all of the host you have defined, but I only will receive one of them. config.toml

# Databases
type = "sqlite3"
SQLite3Path = "/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/cve.sqlite3"

type = "sqlite3"
SQLite3Path = "/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/oval.sqlite3"

type = "sqlite3"
SQLite3Path = "/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/gost.sqlite3"

type = "sqlite3"
SQLite3Path = "/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/go-exploitdb.sqlite3"

type = "sqlite3"
SQLite3Path = "/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/go-msfdb.sqlite3"

type = "sqlite3"
SQLite3Path = "/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/go-kev.sqlite3"

type = "sqlite3"
SQLite3Path = "/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/go-cti.sqlite3"

# https://vuls.io/docs/en/usage-settings.html#servers-section
host            = "xxx"
port            = "xxx"
user            = "xxx"
sshConfigPath   = "/home/xxx/.ssh/config"
keyPath         = "/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa"
host            = "xxx"
port            = "xxx"
user            = "xxx"
sshConfigPath   = "/home/xxx/.ssh/config"
keyPath         = "/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa"
host            = "xxx"
port            = "xxx"
user            = "xxx"
sshConfigPath   = "/home/xxx/.ssh/config"
keyPath         = "/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa"
host            = "xxx"
port            = "xxx"
user            = "xxx"
sshConfigPath   = "/home/xxx/.ssh/config"
keyPath         = "/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa"

# https://vuls.io/docs/en/usage-settings.html#telegram-section
chatID     = "xxx"
token = "xxx"

exporting directory path

export BASE_DIR="/home/htd/vulsctl/install-host"

scan command:

vuls scan -log-dir=$BASE_DIR/log -config=$BASE_DIR/config.toml -results-dir=$BASE_DIR/results


[Jan 28 15:35:25]  INFO [localhost] vuls-v0.22.0-build-20230128_152903_bfe0db7
[Jan 28 15:35:25]  INFO [localhost] Start scanning
[Jan 28 15:35:25]  INFO [localhost] config: /home/htd/vulsctl/install-host/config.toml
[Jan 28 15:35:25]  INFO [localhost] Validating config...
[Jan 28 15:35:25]  INFO [localhost] Detecting Server/Container OS... 
[Jan 28 15:35:25]  INFO [localhost] Detecting OS of servers... 
[Jan 28 15:35:26]  INFO [localhost] (1/4) Detected: ubuntu1: ubuntu 22.04
[Jan 28 15:35:27]  INFO [localhost] (2/4) Detected: centos2: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:35:28]  INFO [localhost] (3/4) Detected: centos1: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:35:28]  INFO [localhost] (4/4) Detected: centos3: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:35:28]  INFO [localhost] Detecting OS of containers... 
[Jan 28 15:35:28]  INFO [localhost] Checking Scan Modes... 
[Jan 28 15:35:28]  INFO [localhost] Detecting Platforms... 
[Jan 28 15:35:32]  INFO [localhost] (1/4) centos2 is running on other
[Jan 28 15:35:32]  INFO [localhost] (2/4) ubuntu1 is running on other
[Jan 28 15:35:32]  INFO [localhost] (3/4) centos1 is running on other
[Jan 28 15:35:32]  INFO [localhost] (4/4) centos3 is running on other
[Jan 28 15:35:32]  INFO [ubuntu1] Scanning OS pkg in fast mode
[Jan 28 15:35:32]  INFO [centos2] Scanning OS pkg in fast mode
[Jan 28 15:35:32]  INFO [centos1] Scanning OS pkg in fast mode
[Jan 28 15:35:32]  INFO [centos3] Scanning OS pkg in fast mode
[Jan 28 15:35:33]  INFO [ubuntu1] Scanning listen port...
[Jan 28 15:35:33]  INFO [ubuntu1] Using Port Scanner: Vuls built-in Scanner
[Jan 28 15:35:45]  INFO [centos1] Scanning listen port...
[Jan 28 15:35:45]  INFO [centos1] Using Port Scanner: Vuls built-in Scanner
[Jan 28 15:35:45]  INFO [centos3] Scanning listen port...
[Jan 28 15:35:45]  INFO [centos3] Using Port Scanner: Vuls built-in Scanner
[Jan 28 15:35:59]  INFO [centos2] Scanning listen port...
[Jan 28 15:35:59]  INFO [centos2] Using Port Scanner: Vuls built-in Scanner

Scan Summary
ubuntu1                         ubuntu22.04     812 installed              
[Reboot Required] centos1       centos7.9.2009  454 installed, 26 updatable
centos3                         centos7.9.2009  851 installed, 72 updatable
centos2                         centos7.9.2009  529 installed, 44 updatable

To view the detail, vuls tui is useful.
To send a report, run vuls report -h.

report command with ignore-unfixed option:

vuls report -debug -format-list -refresh-cve -cvss-over=7 -ignore-unscored-cves -ignore-unfixed -to-telegram -log-dir=$BASE_DIR/log -config=$BASE_DIR/config.toml -results-dir=$BASE_DIR/results

result of the terminal output:

[Jan 28 15:38:12]  INFO [localhost] vuls-v0.22.0-build-20230128_152903_bfe0db7
[Jan 28 15:38:12]  INFO [localhost] Validating config...
[Jan 28 15:38:12]  INFO [localhost] cveDict.type=sqlite3, cveDict.url=, cveDict.SQLite3Path=/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/cve.sqlite3
[Jan 28 15:38:12]  INFO [localhost] ovalDict.type=sqlite3, ovalDict.url=, ovalDict.SQLite3Path=/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/oval.sqlite3
[Jan 28 15:38:12]  INFO [localhost] gost.type=sqlite3, gost.url=, gost.SQLite3Path=/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/gost.sqlite3
[Jan 28 15:38:12]  INFO [localhost] exploit.type=sqlite3, exploit.url=, exploit.SQLite3Path=/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/go-exploitdb.sqlite3
[Jan 28 15:38:12]  INFO [localhost] metasploit.type=sqlite3, metasploit.url=, metasploit.SQLite3Path=/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/go-msfdb.sqlite3
[Jan 28 15:38:12]  INFO [localhost] kevuln.type=sqlite3, kevuln.url=, kevuln.SQLite3Path=/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/go-kev.sqlite3
[Jan 28 15:38:12]  INFO [localhost] cti.type=sqlite3, cti.url=, cti.SQLite3Path=/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/go-cti.sqlite3
[Jan 28 15:38:12]  INFO [localhost] Loaded: /home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/results/2023-01-28T15:35:32+03:30
[Jan 28 15:38:12] DEBUG [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1 (centos7.9.2009): config.ServerInfo{
  BaseName:           "centos1",
  ServerName:         "centos1",
  User:               "xxx",
  Host:               "xxx",
  IgnoreIPAddresses:  []string{},
  JumpServer:         []string{},
  Port:               "xxx",
  SSHConfigPath:      "/home/xxx/.ssh/config",
  KeyPath:            "/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa",
  CpeNames:           []string{},
  ScanMode:           []string{},
  ScanModules:        []string{},
  OwaspDCXMLPath:     "",
  ContainersOnly:     false,
  ContainersIncluded: []string{},
  ContainersExcluded: []string{},
  ContainerType:      "",
  Containers:         map[string]config.ContainerSetting{},
  IgnoreCves:         []string{},
  IgnorePkgsRegexp:   []string{},
  GitHubRepos:        map[string]config.GitHubConf{},
  UUIDs:              map[string]string{},
  Memo:               "",
  Enablerepo:         []string{},
  Optional:           map[string]interface {}{},
  Lockfiles:          []string{},
  FindLock:           false,
  FindLockDirs:       []string{},
  Type:               "",
  IgnoredJSONKeys:    []string{},
  WordPress:          &config.WordPressConf{
    OSUser:  "",
    DocRoot: "",
    CmdPath: "",
  PortScan: &config.PortScanConf{
    IsUseExternalScanner: false,
    ScannerBinPath:       "",
    HasPrivileged:        false,
    ScanTechniques:       []string{},
    SourcePort:           "",
  IPv4Addrs:       []string{},
  IPv6Addrs:       []string{},
  IPSIdentifiers:  map[string]string{},
  LogMsgAnsiColor: "",
  Container:       config.Container{
    ContainerID: "",
    Name:        "",
    Image:       "",
  Distro: config.Distro{
    Family:  "",
    Release: "",
  Mode: config.ScanMode{
    flag: 0x01,
  Module: config.ScanModule{
    flag: 0x0f,
[Jan 28 15:38:12] DEBUG [localhost] centos2 (centos7.9.2009): config.ServerInfo{
  BaseName:           "centos2",
  ServerName:         "centos2",
  User:               "xxx",
  Host:               "xxx",
  IgnoreIPAddresses:  []string{},
  JumpServer:         []string{},
  Port:               "xxx",
  SSHConfigPath:      "/home/xxx/.ssh/config",
  KeyPath:            "/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa",
  CpeNames:           []string{},
  ScanMode:           []string{},
  ScanModules:        []string{},
  OwaspDCXMLPath:     "",
  ContainersOnly:     false,
  ContainersIncluded: []string{},
  ContainersExcluded: []string{},
  ContainerType:      "",
  Containers:         map[string]config.ContainerSetting{},
  IgnoreCves:         []string{},
  IgnorePkgsRegexp:   []string{},
  GitHubRepos:        map[string]config.GitHubConf{},
  UUIDs:              map[string]string{},
  Memo:               "",
  Enablerepo:         []string{},
  Optional:           map[string]interface {}{},
  Lockfiles:          []string{},
  FindLock:           false,
  FindLockDirs:       []string{},
  Type:               "",
  IgnoredJSONKeys:    []string{},
  WordPress:          &config.WordPressConf{
    OSUser:  "",
    DocRoot: "",
    CmdPath: "",
  PortScan: &config.PortScanConf{
    IsUseExternalScanner: false,
    ScannerBinPath:       "",
    HasPrivileged:        false,
    ScanTechniques:       []string{},
    SourcePort:           "",
  IPv4Addrs:       []string{},
  IPv6Addrs:       []string{},
  IPSIdentifiers:  map[string]string{},
  LogMsgAnsiColor: "",
  Container:       config.Container{
    ContainerID: "",
    Name:        "",
    Image:       "",
  Distro: config.Distro{
    Family:  "",
    Release: "",
  Mode: config.ScanMode{
    flag: 0x01,
  Module: config.ScanModule{
    flag: 0x0f,
[Jan 28 15:38:12] DEBUG [localhost] centos3 (centos7.9.2009): config.ServerInfo{
  BaseName:           "centos3",
  ServerName:         "centos3",
  User:               "xxx",
  Host:               "xxx",
  IgnoreIPAddresses:  []string{},
  JumpServer:         []string{},
  Port:               "xxx",
  SSHConfigPath:      "/home/xxx/.ssh/config",
  KeyPath:            "/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa",
  CpeNames:           []string{},
  ScanMode:           []string{},
  ScanModules:        []string{},
  OwaspDCXMLPath:     "",
  ContainersOnly:     false,
  ContainersIncluded: []string{},
  ContainersExcluded: []string{},
  ContainerType:      "",
  Containers:         map[string]config.ContainerSetting{},
  IgnoreCves:         []string{},
  IgnorePkgsRegexp:   []string{},
  GitHubRepos:        map[string]config.GitHubConf{},
  UUIDs:              map[string]string{},
  Memo:               "",
  Enablerepo:         []string{},
  Optional:           map[string]interface {}{},
  Lockfiles:          []string{},
  FindLock:           false,
  FindLockDirs:       []string{},
  Type:               "",
  IgnoredJSONKeys:    []string{},
  WordPress:          &config.WordPressConf{
    OSUser:  "",
    DocRoot: "",
    CmdPath: "",
  PortScan: &config.PortScanConf{
    IsUseExternalScanner: false,
    ScannerBinPath:       "",
    HasPrivileged:        false,
    ScanTechniques:       []string{},
    SourcePort:           "",
  IPv4Addrs:       []string{},
  IPv6Addrs:       []string{},
  IPSIdentifiers:  map[string]string{},
  LogMsgAnsiColor: "",
  Container:       config.Container{
    ContainerID: "",
    Name:        "",
    Image:       "",
  Distro: config.Distro{
    Family:  "",
    Release: "",
  Mode: config.ScanMode{
    flag: 0x01,
  Module: config.ScanModule{
    flag: 0x0f,
[Jan 28 15:38:12] DEBUG [localhost] ubuntu1 (ubuntu22.04): config.ServerInfo{
  BaseName:           "ubuntu1",
  ServerName:         "ubuntu1",
  User:               "xxx",
  Host:               "xxx",
  IgnoreIPAddresses:  []string{},
  JumpServer:         []string{},
  Port:               "xxx",
  SSHConfigPath:      "/home/xxx/.ssh/config",
  KeyPath:            "/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa",
  CpeNames:           []string{},
  ScanMode:           []string{},
  ScanModules:        []string{},
  OwaspDCXMLPath:     "",
  ContainersOnly:     false,
  ContainersIncluded: []string{},
  ContainersExcluded: []string{},
  ContainerType:      "",
  Containers:         map[string]config.ContainerSetting{},
  IgnoreCves:         []string{},
  IgnorePkgsRegexp:   []string{},
  GitHubRepos:        map[string]config.GitHubConf{},
  UUIDs:              map[string]string{},
  Memo:               "",
  Enablerepo:         []string{},
  Optional:           map[string]interface {}{},
  Lockfiles:          []string{},
  FindLock:           false,
  FindLockDirs:       []string{},
  Type:               "",
  IgnoredJSONKeys:    []string{},
  WordPress:          &config.WordPressConf{
    OSUser:  "",
    DocRoot: "",
    CmdPath: "",
  PortScan: &config.PortScanConf{
    IsUseExternalScanner: false,
    ScannerBinPath:       "",
    HasPrivileged:        false,
    ScanTechniques:       []string{},
    SourcePort:           "",
  IPv4Addrs:       []string{},
  IPv6Addrs:       []string{},
  IPSIdentifiers:  map[string]string{},
  LogMsgAnsiColor: "",
  Container:       config.Container{
    ContainerID: "",
    Name:        "",
    Image:       "",
  Distro: config.Distro{
    Family:  "",
    Release: "",
  Mode: config.ScanMode{
    flag: 0x01,
  Module: config.ScanModule{
    flag: 0x0f,
[Jan 28 15:38:12] DEBUG [localhost] Check if oval fetched: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:38:12]  INFO [localhost] OVAL redhat 7.9.2009 found. defs: 1460
[Jan 28 15:38:12] DEBUG [localhost] Check if oval fresh: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:38:12]  INFO [localhost] OVAL redhat 7.9.2009 is fresh. lastModified: 2023-01-27T19:02:22+03:30
[Jan 28 15:38:12] DEBUG [localhost] Fill with oval: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:38:13] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-23816 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:38:13] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-23825 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:38:13] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2588 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:38:13] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-26373 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:38:13] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-29900 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:38:13] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-29901 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:38:13] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-21835 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230195
[Jan 28 15:38:13] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-21843 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230195
[Jan 28 15:38:13] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-22809 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230291
[Jan 28 15:38:13] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-26401 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230399
[Jan 28 15:38:13] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2964 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230399
[Jan 28 15:38:13] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-25220 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230402
[Jan 28 15:38:13] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2795 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230402
[Jan 28 15:38:13]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: 13 CVEs are detected with OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:14]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: 429 unfixed CVEs are detected with gost
[Jan 28 15:38:14]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: 0 CVEs are detected with CPE
[Jan 28 15:38:15]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: 24 PoC are detected
[Jan 28 15:38:15]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: 0 exploits are detected
[Jan 28 15:38:15]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: Known Exploited Vulnerabilities are detected for 0 CVEs
[Jan 28 15:38:18]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: Cyber Threat Intelligences are detected for 38 CVEs
[Jan 28 15:38:18] DEBUG [localhost] CWE-ID 20->CWE-400 is not found in English CWE Dict
[Jan 28 15:38:18] DEBUG [localhost] Check if oval fetched: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:38:18]  INFO [localhost] OVAL redhat 7.9.2009 found. defs: 1460
[Jan 28 15:38:18] DEBUG [localhost] Check if oval fresh: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:38:18]  INFO [localhost] OVAL redhat 7.9.2009 is fresh. lastModified: 2023-01-27T19:02:22+03:30
[Jan 28 15:38:18] DEBUG [localhost] Fill with oval: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:38:18] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-21835 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230195
[Jan 28 15:38:18] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-21843 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230195
[Jan 28 15:38:18] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-22809 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230291
[Jan 28 15:38:18] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-4883 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230377
[Jan 28 15:38:18] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-26401 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230399
[Jan 28 15:38:18] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2964 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230399
[Jan 28 15:38:18] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-25220 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230402
[Jan 28 15:38:18] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2795 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230402
[Jan 28 15:38:18]  INFO [localhost] centos2: 8 CVEs are detected with OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:19]  INFO [localhost] centos2: 457 unfixed CVEs are detected with gost
[Jan 28 15:38:19]  INFO [localhost] centos2: 0 CVEs are detected with CPE
[Jan 28 15:38:20]  INFO [localhost] centos2: 24 PoC are detected
[Jan 28 15:38:20]  INFO [localhost] centos2: 0 exploits are detected
[Jan 28 15:38:20]  INFO [localhost] centos2: Known Exploited Vulnerabilities are detected for 0 CVEs
[Jan 28 15:38:24]  INFO [localhost] centos2: Cyber Threat Intelligences are detected for 40 CVEs
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CWE-ID 20->CWE-400 is not found in English CWE Dict
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] Check if oval fetched: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:38:24]  INFO [localhost] OVAL redhat 7.9.2009 found. defs: 1460
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] Check if oval fresh: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:38:24]  INFO [localhost] OVAL redhat 7.9.2009 is fresh. lastModified: 2023-01-27T19:02:22+03:30
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] Fill with oval: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-24903 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20224803
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1271 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225052
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1552 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225162
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1729 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225232
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1966 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225232
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-32250 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225232
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-26116 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225235
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-26137 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225235
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-3177 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225235
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21540 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225698
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21541 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225698
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-34169 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225698
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21123 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225937
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21125 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225937
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21166 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225937
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2526 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20226160
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-29154 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20226170
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-31676 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20226381
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-38177 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20226765
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-38178 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20226765
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-40674 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20226834
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21619 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227002
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21624 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227002
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21626 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227002
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21628 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227002
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-23816 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-23825 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2588 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-26373 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-29900 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-29901 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-42898 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20228640
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-21830 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230203
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-21843 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230203
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-22809 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230291
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-4883 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230377
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-26401 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230399
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2964 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230399
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-25220 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230402
[Jan 28 15:38:24] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2795 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230402
[Jan 28 15:38:24]  INFO [localhost] centos3: 40 CVEs are detected with OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:25]  INFO [localhost] centos3: 497 unfixed CVEs are detected with gost
[Jan 28 15:38:25]  INFO [localhost] centos3: 0 CVEs are detected with CPE
[Jan 28 15:38:27]  INFO [localhost] centos3: 33 PoC are detected
[Jan 28 15:38:27]  INFO [localhost] centos3: 0 exploits are detected
[Jan 28 15:38:27]  INFO [localhost] centos3: Known Exploited Vulnerabilities are detected for 0 CVEs
[Jan 28 15:38:31]  INFO [localhost] centos3: Cyber Threat Intelligences are detected for 51 CVEs
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CWE-ID 20->CWE-400 is not found in English CWE Dict
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CWE-ID 459->CWE-89 is not found in English CWE Dict
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] Check if oval fetched: ubuntu 22.04
[Jan 28 15:38:31]  INFO [localhost] OVAL ubuntu 22.04 found. defs: 11024
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] Check if oval fresh: ubuntu 22.04
[Jan 28 15:38:31]  INFO [localhost] OVAL ubuntu 22.04 is fresh. lastModified: 2023-01-27T19:02:29+03:30
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] Fill with oval: ubuntu 22.04
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2017-13716 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-20657 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2019-1010204 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-3530 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-27943 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-6952 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-45261 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3821 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-2568 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3996 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3715 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-46908 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-28653 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-1585 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-2781 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3287 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2015-3416 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-26318 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0128 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0156 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0158 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0213 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0261 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0318 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0319 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0351 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0359 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0361 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0368 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0393 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0407 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0408 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0413 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0443 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0554 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0572 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0629 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0685 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0696 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0714 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0729 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1629 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1674 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1720 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1733 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1735 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1785 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1796 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1851 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1886 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1898 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1927 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1942 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1968 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2124 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2125 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2126 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2129 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2175 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2182 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2183 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2206 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2304 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2343 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2344 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2345 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2571 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2581 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2845 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2849 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2862 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2889 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2923 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2946 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2980 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2982 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-0288 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-28861 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2012-1096 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2006-20001 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-36760 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-37436 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-31879 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-1000021 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3219 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-14145 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-41617 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-32325 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-39348 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-3981 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-40812 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-28391 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3857 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-21240 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-20013 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2013-7445 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2015-8553 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-8660 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2017-0537 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2017-13165 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2017-13693 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-1121 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-12928 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-12929 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-12930 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-12931 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-17977 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2019-14899 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2019-15213 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2019-16230 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2019-19378 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2019-19814 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-11725 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-14304 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-35501 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-26934 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-3864 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-39800 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-39801 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-4095 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-4148 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0400 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0480 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0995 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1247 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-23960 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-25836 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2961 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3238 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3543 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3545 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3623 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3640 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-36402 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-38096 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-38457 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-40133 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-4139 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-41848 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-4382 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-44032 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-44033 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-44034 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-4543 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-45884 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-45885 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-45886 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-45887 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-45919 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-47520 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-47940 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-0179 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-23454 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-23455 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-13844 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-10126 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1210 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2017-11164 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9797 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9798 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9799 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9800 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9801 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9802 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9803 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9804 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9917 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9918 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-10134 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-9770 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3563 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-29458 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2009-5080 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2013-7484 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: 174 CVEs are detected with OVAL
[Jan 28 15:38:31]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: 0 unfixed CVEs are detected with gost
[Jan 28 15:38:31]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: 0 CVEs are detected with CPE
[Jan 28 15:38:33]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: 97 PoC are detected
[Jan 28 15:38:33]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: 1 exploits are detected
[Jan 28 15:38:33]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: Known Exploited Vulnerabilities are detected for 0 CVEs
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: Cyber Threat Intelligences are detected for 95 CVEs
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: total 98 CVEs detected
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: 68 CVEs filtered by --cvss-over=7
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: 20 CVEs filtered by --ignore-unfixed
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: 0 CVEs filtered by --confidence-over=80
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: 0 CVEs filtered by --ignore-unscored-cves
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] centos2: total 97 CVEs detected
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] centos2: 68 CVEs filtered by --cvss-over=7
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] centos2: 24 CVEs filtered by --ignore-unfixed
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] centos2: 0 CVEs filtered by --confidence-over=80
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] centos2: 0 CVEs filtered by --ignore-unscored-cves
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] centos3: total 128 CVEs detected
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] centos3: 75 CVEs filtered by --cvss-over=7
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] centos3: 24 CVEs filtered by --ignore-unfixed
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] centos3: 0 CVEs filtered by --confidence-over=80
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] centos3: 0 CVEs filtered by --ignore-unscored-cves
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: total 174 CVEs detected
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: 74 CVEs filtered by --cvss-over=7
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: 100 CVEs filtered by --ignore-unfixed
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: 0 CVEs filtered by --confidence-over=80
[Jan 28 15:38:40]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: 0 CVEs filtered by --ignore-unscored-cves
[Reboot Required] centos1 (centos7.9.2009)
Total: 10 (Critical:0 High:10 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0)
10/10 Fixed, 4 poc, 0 exploits, cisa: 0, uscert: 0, jpcert: 0 alerts
454 installed

|     CVE-ID     | CVSS | ATTACK | POC |   ALERT   |  FIXED  |            PACKAGES            |
| CVE-2021-26401 |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-headers,        |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools,                  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-23816 |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-23825 |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-2588  |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-26373 |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-2964  |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-headers,        |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools,                  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-29900 |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-29901 |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2023-22809 |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | sudo                           |
| CVE-2022-2795  |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | bind-export-libs               |

centos2 (centos7.9.2009)
Total: 5 (Critical:0 High:5 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0)
5/5 Fixed, 1 poc, 0 exploits, cisa: 0, uscert: 0, jpcert: 0 alerts
529 installed

|     CVE-ID     | CVSS | ATTACK | POC |   ALERT   |  FIXED  |            PACKAGES            |
| CVE-2021-26401 |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-headers,        |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools,                  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-2964  |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-headers,        |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools,                  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-4883  |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | libXpm                         |
| CVE-2023-22809 |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | sudo                           |
| CVE-2022-2795  |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | bind-export-libs               |

centos3 (centos7.9.2009)
Total: 29 (Critical:3 High:26 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0)
29/29 Fixed, 10 poc, 0 exploits, cisa: 0, uscert: 0, jpcert: 0 alerts
851 installed

|     CVE-ID     | CVSS | ATTACK | POC |   ALERT   |  FIXED  |            PACKAGES            |
| CVE-2021-3177  |  9.8 |  AV:N  | POC |           |   fixed | python, python-libs            |
| CVE-2022-2526  |  9.8 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | systemd, systemd-libs,         |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | systemd-sysv                   |
| CVE-2022-40674 |  9.8 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | expat, expat-devel             |
| CVE-2021-26401 |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-headers, kernel-tools,  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-1271  |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | xz, xz-devel, xz-libs          |
| CVE-2022-1552  |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | postgresql-libs                |
| CVE-2022-1729  |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools,                  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-1966  |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools,                  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-21540 |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | java-1.8.0-openjdk,            |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless    |
| CVE-2022-21541 |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | java-1.8.0-openjdk,            |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless    |
| CVE-2022-23816 |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-headers, kernel-tools,  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-23825 |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-headers, kernel-tools,  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-24903 |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | rsyslog                        |
| CVE-2022-2588  |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-headers, kernel-tools,  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-26373 |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-headers, kernel-tools,  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-29154 |  8.9 |  AV:N  | POC |           |   fixed | rsync                          |
| CVE-2022-2964  |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-headers, kernel-tools,  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-29900 |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-headers, kernel-tools,  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-29901 |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-headers, kernel-tools,  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-31676 |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | open-vm-tools                  |
| CVE-2022-32250 |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools,                  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-34169 |  8.9 |  AV:N  | POC |           |   fixed | java-1.8.0-openjdk,            |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless    |
| CVE-2022-38177 |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | bind-export-libs, bind-libs,   |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | bind-libs-lite, bind-license,  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | bind-utils                     |
| CVE-2022-38178 |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | bind-export-libs, bind-libs,   |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | bind-libs-lite, bind-license,  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | bind-utils                     |
| CVE-2022-42898 |  8.9 |  AV:N  | POC |           |   fixed | krb5-devel, krb5-libs,         |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | libkadm5                       |
| CVE-2022-4883  |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | libXpm                         |
| CVE-2023-22809 |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | sudo                           |
| CVE-2022-2795  |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | bind-export-libs, bind-libs,   |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | bind-libs-lite, bind-license,  |
|                |      |        |     |           |         | bind-utils                     |
| CVE-2020-26116 |  7.2 |  AV:N  | POC |           |   fixed | python, python-libs            |

ubuntu1 (ubuntu22.04)
Total: 0 (Critical:0 High:0 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0)
0/0 Fixed, 0 poc, 0 exploits, cisa: 0, uscert: 0, jpcert: 0 alerts
812 installed

No CVE-IDs are found in updatable packages.
812 installed

result of telegram:

centos2 (centos7.9.2009)
Total: 5 (Critical:0 High:5 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0)
5/5 Fixed
529 installed

CVE-2023-22809 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-22809) 8.9 IMPORTANT 
The sudo packages contain the sudo utility which allows system administrators to provide certain users with the permission to execute privileged commands, which are used for system management purposes, without having to log in as root.  Security Fix(es):   sudo: arbitrary file write with privileges of the RunAs user (CVE-2023-22809)  For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

[CVE-2022-2964](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-2964) _8.9 IMPORTANT _
The kernel packages contain the Linux kernel, the core of any Linux operating system.  Security Fix(es):   kernel: memory corruption in AX88179178A based USB ethernet device. (CVE-2022-2964)  * hw: cpu: LFENCE/JMP Mitigation Update for CVE-2017-5715 (CVE-2021-26401)  For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.  Bug Fix(es):  * Prevent unnecessary resets - Avoid leaving shost->lastreset with stale value if EH does not run (BZ#2128337)   i40e: Request to backport upstream commit 2e5a20573a92 (BZ#2129248)   disable VMA-based swap-in readahead on PowerPC (BZ#2142455)

CVE-2021-26401 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-26401) 8.9 IMPORTANT 
The kernel packages contain the Linux kernel, the core of any Linux operating system.  Security Fix(es):   kernel: memory corruption in AX88179_178A based USB ethernet device. (CVE-2022-2964)   hw: cpu: LFENCE/JMP Mitigation Update for CVE-2017-5715 (CVE-2021-26401)  For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.  Bug Fix(es):   Prevent unnecessary resets - Avoid leaving shost->last_reset with stale value if EH does not run (BZ#2128337)   i40e: Request to backport upstream commit 2e5a20573a92 (BZ#2129248)   disable VMA-based swap-in readahead on PowerPC (BZ#2142455)

[CVE-2022-4883](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-4883) _8.9 IMPORTANT _
The libXpm packages contain the X Pixmap parser library.  Security Fix(es):   libXpm: compression commands depend on $PATH (CVE-2022-4883)  For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

Report Test, [2023-01-28 15:38]
CVE-2022-2795 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-2795) 7.5 HIGH CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H
The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) is an implementation of the Domain Name System (DNS) protocols. BIND includes a DNS server (named); a resolver library (routines for applications to use when interfacing with DNS); and tools for verifying that the DNS server is operating correctly.  Security Fix(es):   bind: DNS forwarders - cache poisoning vulnerability (CVE-2021-25220)   bind: processing large delegations may severely degrade resolver performance (CVE-2022-2795)  For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

Report Test, [2023-01-28 15:38]
CVE-2022-21541 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-21541) 8.9 IMPORTANT 
The java-1.8.0-openjdk packages provide the OpenJDK 8 Java Runtime Environment and the OpenJDK 8 Java Software Development Kit.  The following packages have been upgraded to a later upstream version: java-1.8.0-openjdk ( (BZ#2083257)  Security Fix(es):   OpenJDK: integer truncation issue in Xalan-J (JAXP, 8285407) (CVE-2022-34169)   OpenJDK: class compilation issue (Hotspot, 8281859) (CVE-2022-21540)   OpenJDK: improper restriction of MethodHandle.invokeBasic() (Hotspot, 8281866) (CVE-2022-21541)  For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

[CVE-2022-34169](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-34169) _8.9 IMPORTANT _
The java-1.8.0-openjdk packages provide the OpenJDK 8 Java Runtime Environment and the OpenJDK 8 Java Software Development Kit.  The following packages have been upgraded to a later upstream version: java-1.8.0-openjdk ( (BZ#2083257)  Security Fix(es):   OpenJDK: integer truncation issue in Xalan-J (JAXP, 8285407) (CVE-2022-34169)   OpenJDK: class compilation issue (Hotspot, 8281859) (CVE-2022-21540)   OpenJDK: improper restriction of MethodHandle.invokeBasic() (Hotspot, 8281866) (CVE-2022-21541)  For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

CVE-2022-2795 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-2795) 7.5 HIGH CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H
The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) is an implementation of the Domain Name System (DNS) protocols. BIND includes a DNS server (named); a resolver library (routines for applications to use when interfacing with DNS); and tools for verifying that the DNS server is operating correctly.  Security Fix(es):   bind: DNS forwarders - cache poisoning vulnerability (CVE-2021-25220)   bind: processing large delegations may severely degrade resolver performance (CVE-2022-2795)  For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

CVE-2022-31676 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-31676) 8.9 IMPORTANT 
The Open Virtual Machine Tools are the open source implementation of the VMware Tools. They are a set of guest operating system virtualization components that enhance performance and user experience of virtual machines.  Security Fix(es):   open-vm-tools: local root privilege escalation in the virtual machine (CVE-2022-31676)  For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

[CVE-2022-1271](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-1271) _8.9 IMPORTANT _
XZ Utils is an integrated collection of user-space file compression utilities based on the Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain algorithm (LZMA), which performs lossless data compression. The algorithm provides a high compression ratio while keeping the decompression time short.  Security Fix(es):   gzip: arbitrary-file-write vulnerability (CVE-2022-1271)  For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

Report Test, [2023-01-28 15:38]
ubuntu1 (ubuntu22.04)
Total: 0 (Critical:0 High:0 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0)
0/0 Fixed
812 installed

As you can see it sends the result of 2 hosts, one of them with detail, the other one not. (3 centos7 + 1 ubuntu 22). but there are 4 hosts. I can not see the results of centos1 and centos3

aliiikz commented 1 year ago

without ignore unfixed command:

vuls report -debug -format-list -refresh-cve -cvss-over=7 -ignore-unscored-cves -to-telegram -log-dir=$BASE_DIR/log -config=$BASE_DIR/config.toml -results-dir=$BASE_DIR/results

terminal output:

[Jan 28 15:52:03]  INFO [localhost] vuls-v0.22.0-build-20230128_152903_bfe0db7
[Jan 28 15:52:03]  INFO [localhost] Validating config...
[Jan 28 15:52:03]  INFO [localhost] cveDict.type=sqlite3, cveDict.url=, cveDict.SQLite3Path=/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/cve.sqlite3
[Jan 28 15:52:03]  INFO [localhost] ovalDict.type=sqlite3, ovalDict.url=, ovalDict.SQLite3Path=/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/oval.sqlite3
[Jan 28 15:52:03]  INFO [localhost] gost.type=sqlite3, gost.url=, gost.SQLite3Path=/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/gost.sqlite3
[Jan 28 15:52:03]  INFO [localhost] exploit.type=sqlite3, exploit.url=, exploit.SQLite3Path=/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/go-exploitdb.sqlite3
[Jan 28 15:52:03]  INFO [localhost] metasploit.type=sqlite3, metasploit.url=, metasploit.SQLite3Path=/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/go-msfdb.sqlite3
[Jan 28 15:52:03]  INFO [localhost] kevuln.type=sqlite3, kevuln.url=, kevuln.SQLite3Path=/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/go-kev.sqlite3
[Jan 28 15:52:03]  INFO [localhost] cti.type=sqlite3, cti.url=, cti.SQLite3Path=/home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/go-cti.sqlite3
[Jan 28 15:52:03]  INFO [localhost] Loaded: /home/xxx/vulsctl/install-host/results/2023-01-28T15:35:32+03:30
[Jan 28 15:52:03] DEBUG [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1 (centos7.9.2009): config.ServerInfo{
  BaseName:           "centos1",
  ServerName:         "centos1",
  User:               "xxx",
  Host:               "xxx",
  IgnoreIPAddresses:  []string{},
  JumpServer:         []string{},
  Port:               "xxx",
  SSHConfigPath:      "/home/xxx/.ssh/config",
  KeyPath:            "/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa",
  CpeNames:           []string{},
  ScanMode:           []string{},
  ScanModules:        []string{},
  OwaspDCXMLPath:     "",
  ContainersOnly:     false,
  ContainersIncluded: []string{},
  ContainersExcluded: []string{},
  ContainerType:      "",
  Containers:         map[string]config.ContainerSetting{},
  IgnoreCves:         []string{},
  IgnorePkgsRegexp:   []string{},
  GitHubRepos:        map[string]config.GitHubConf{},
  UUIDs:              map[string]string{},
  Memo:               "",
  Enablerepo:         []string{},
  Optional:           map[string]interface {}{},
  Lockfiles:          []string{},
  FindLock:           false,
  FindLockDirs:       []string{},
  Type:               "",
  IgnoredJSONKeys:    []string{},
  WordPress:          &config.WordPressConf{
    OSUser:  "",
    DocRoot: "",
    CmdPath: "",
  PortScan: &config.PortScanConf{
    IsUseExternalScanner: false,
    ScannerBinPath:       "",
    HasPrivileged:        false,
    ScanTechniques:       []string{},
    SourcePort:           "",
  IPv4Addrs:       []string{},
  IPv6Addrs:       []string{},
  IPSIdentifiers:  map[string]string{},
  LogMsgAnsiColor: "",
  Container:       config.Container{
    ContainerID: "",
    Name:        "",
    Image:       "",
  Distro: config.Distro{
    Family:  "",
    Release: "",
  Mode: config.ScanMode{
    flag: 0x01,
  Module: config.ScanModule{
    flag: 0x0f,
[Jan 28 15:52:03] DEBUG [localhost] centos2 (centos7.9.2009): config.ServerInfo{
  BaseName:           "centos2",
  ServerName:         "centos2",
  User:               "xxx",
  Host:               "xxx",
  IgnoreIPAddresses:  []string{},
  JumpServer:         []string{},
  Port:               "xxx",
  SSHConfigPath:      "/home/xxx/.ssh/config",
  KeyPath:            "/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa",
  CpeNames:           []string{},
  ScanMode:           []string{},
  ScanModules:        []string{},
  OwaspDCXMLPath:     "",
  ContainersOnly:     false,
  ContainersIncluded: []string{},
  ContainersExcluded: []string{},
  ContainerType:      "",
  Containers:         map[string]config.ContainerSetting{},
  IgnoreCves:         []string{},
  IgnorePkgsRegexp:   []string{},
  GitHubRepos:        map[string]config.GitHubConf{},
  UUIDs:              map[string]string{},
  Memo:               "",
  Enablerepo:         []string{},
  Optional:           map[string]interface {}{},
  Lockfiles:          []string{},
  FindLock:           false,
  FindLockDirs:       []string{},
  Type:               "",
  IgnoredJSONKeys:    []string{},
  WordPress:          &config.WordPressConf{
    OSUser:  "",
    DocRoot: "",
    CmdPath: "",
  PortScan: &config.PortScanConf{
    IsUseExternalScanner: false,
    ScannerBinPath:       "",
    HasPrivileged:        false,
    ScanTechniques:       []string{},
    SourcePort:           "",
  IPv4Addrs:       []string{},
  IPv6Addrs:       []string{},
  IPSIdentifiers:  map[string]string{},
  LogMsgAnsiColor: "",
  Container:       config.Container{
    ContainerID: "",
    Name:        "",
    Image:       "",
  Distro: config.Distro{
    Family:  "",
    Release: "",
  Mode: config.ScanMode{
    flag: 0x01,
  Module: config.ScanModule{
    flag: 0x0f,
[Jan 28 15:52:03] DEBUG [localhost] centos3 (centos7.9.2009): config.ServerInfo{
  BaseName:           "centos3",
  ServerName:         "centos3",
  User:               "xxx",
  Host:               "xxx",
  IgnoreIPAddresses:  []string{},
  JumpServer:         []string{},
  Port:               "xxx",
  SSHConfigPath:      "/home/xxx/.ssh/config",
  KeyPath:            "/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa",
  CpeNames:           []string{},
  ScanMode:           []string{},
  ScanModules:        []string{},
  OwaspDCXMLPath:     "",
  ContainersOnly:     false,
  ContainersIncluded: []string{},
  ContainersExcluded: []string{},
  ContainerType:      "",
  Containers:         map[string]config.ContainerSetting{},
  IgnoreCves:         []string{},
  IgnorePkgsRegexp:   []string{},
  GitHubRepos:        map[string]config.GitHubConf{},
  UUIDs:              map[string]string{},
  Memo:               "",
  Enablerepo:         []string{},
  Optional:           map[string]interface {}{},
  Lockfiles:          []string{},
  FindLock:           false,
  FindLockDirs:       []string{},
  Type:               "",
  IgnoredJSONKeys:    []string{},
  WordPress:          &config.WordPressConf{
    OSUser:  "",
    DocRoot: "",
    CmdPath: "",
  PortScan: &config.PortScanConf{
    IsUseExternalScanner: false,
    ScannerBinPath:       "",
    HasPrivileged:        false,
    ScanTechniques:       []string{},
    SourcePort:           "",
  IPv4Addrs:       []string{},
  IPv6Addrs:       []string{},
  IPSIdentifiers:  map[string]string{},
  LogMsgAnsiColor: "",
  Container:       config.Container{
    ContainerID: "",
    Name:        "",
    Image:       "",
  Distro: config.Distro{
    Family:  "",
    Release: "",
  Mode: config.ScanMode{
    flag: 0x01,
  Module: config.ScanModule{
    flag: 0x0f,
[Jan 28 15:52:03] DEBUG [localhost] ubuntu1 (ubuntu22.04): config.ServerInfo{
  BaseName:           "ubuntu1",
  ServerName:         "ubuntu1",
  User:               "xxx",
  Host:               "xxx",
  IgnoreIPAddresses:  []string{},
  JumpServer:         []string{},
  Port:               "xxx",
  SSHConfigPath:      "/home/xxx/.ssh/config",
  KeyPath:            "/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa",
  CpeNames:           []string{},
  ScanMode:           []string{},
  ScanModules:        []string{},
  OwaspDCXMLPath:     "",
  ContainersOnly:     false,
  ContainersIncluded: []string{},
  ContainersExcluded: []string{},
  ContainerType:      "",
  Containers:         map[string]config.ContainerSetting{},
  IgnoreCves:         []string{},
  IgnorePkgsRegexp:   []string{},
  GitHubRepos:        map[string]config.GitHubConf{},
  UUIDs:              map[string]string{},
  Memo:               "",
  Enablerepo:         []string{},
  Optional:           map[string]interface {}{},
  Lockfiles:          []string{},
  FindLock:           false,
  FindLockDirs:       []string{},
  Type:               "",
  IgnoredJSONKeys:    []string{},
  WordPress:          &config.WordPressConf{
    OSUser:  "",
    DocRoot: "",
    CmdPath: "",
  PortScan: &config.PortScanConf{
    IsUseExternalScanner: false,
    ScannerBinPath:       "",
    HasPrivileged:        false,
    ScanTechniques:       []string{},
    SourcePort:           "",
  IPv4Addrs:       []string{},
  IPv6Addrs:       []string{},
  IPSIdentifiers:  map[string]string{},
  LogMsgAnsiColor: "",
  Container:       config.Container{
    ContainerID: "",
    Name:        "",
    Image:       "",
  Distro: config.Distro{
    Family:  "",
    Release: "",
  Mode: config.ScanMode{
    flag: 0x01,
  Module: config.ScanModule{
    flag: 0x0f,
[Jan 28 15:52:03] DEBUG [localhost] Check if oval fetched: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:52:03]  INFO [localhost] OVAL redhat 7.9.2009 found. defs: 1460
[Jan 28 15:52:03] DEBUG [localhost] Check if oval fresh: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:52:03]  INFO [localhost] OVAL redhat 7.9.2009 is fresh. lastModified: 2023-01-27T19:02:22+03:30
[Jan 28 15:52:03] DEBUG [localhost] Fill with oval: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:52:04] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-23816 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:52:04] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-23825 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:52:04] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2588 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:52:04] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-26373 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:52:04] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-29900 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:52:04] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-29901 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:52:04] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-21835 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230195
[Jan 28 15:52:04] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-21843 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230195
[Jan 28 15:52:04] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-22809 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230291
[Jan 28 15:52:04] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-26401 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230399
[Jan 28 15:52:04] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2964 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230399
[Jan 28 15:52:04] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-25220 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230402
[Jan 28 15:52:04] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2795 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230402
[Jan 28 15:52:04]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: 13 CVEs are detected with OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:04]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: 429 unfixed CVEs are detected with gost
[Jan 28 15:52:04]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: 0 CVEs are detected with CPE
[Jan 28 15:52:06]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: 24 PoC are detected
[Jan 28 15:52:06]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: 0 exploits are detected
[Jan 28 15:52:06]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: Known Exploited Vulnerabilities are detected for 0 CVEs
[Jan 28 15:52:09]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: Cyber Threat Intelligences are detected for 38 CVEs
[Jan 28 15:52:09] DEBUG [localhost] CWE-ID 20->CWE-400 is not found in English CWE Dict
[Jan 28 15:52:09] DEBUG [localhost] Check if oval fetched: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:52:09]  INFO [localhost] OVAL redhat 7.9.2009 found. defs: 1460
[Jan 28 15:52:09] DEBUG [localhost] Check if oval fresh: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:52:09]  INFO [localhost] OVAL redhat 7.9.2009 is fresh. lastModified: 2023-01-27T19:02:22+03:30
[Jan 28 15:52:09] DEBUG [localhost] Fill with oval: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:52:09] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-21835 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230195
[Jan 28 15:52:09] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-21843 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230195
[Jan 28 15:52:09] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-22809 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230291
[Jan 28 15:52:09] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-4883 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230377
[Jan 28 15:52:09] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-26401 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230399
[Jan 28 15:52:09] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2964 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230399
[Jan 28 15:52:09] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-25220 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230402
[Jan 28 15:52:09] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2795 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230402
[Jan 28 15:52:09]  INFO [localhost] centos2: 8 CVEs are detected with OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:10]  INFO [localhost] centos2: 457 unfixed CVEs are detected with gost
[Jan 28 15:52:10]  INFO [localhost] centos2: 0 CVEs are detected with CPE
[Jan 28 15:52:11]  INFO [localhost] centos2: 24 PoC are detected
[Jan 28 15:52:11]  INFO [localhost] centos2: 0 exploits are detected
[Jan 28 15:52:11]  INFO [localhost] centos2: Known Exploited Vulnerabilities are detected for 0 CVEs
[Jan 28 15:52:14]  INFO [localhost] centos2: Cyber Threat Intelligences are detected for 40 CVEs
[Jan 28 15:52:14] DEBUG [localhost] CWE-ID 20->CWE-400 is not found in English CWE Dict
[Jan 28 15:52:14] DEBUG [localhost] Check if oval fetched: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:52:14]  INFO [localhost] OVAL redhat 7.9.2009 found. defs: 1460
[Jan 28 15:52:14] DEBUG [localhost] Check if oval fresh: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:52:14]  INFO [localhost] OVAL redhat 7.9.2009 is fresh. lastModified: 2023-01-27T19:02:22+03:30
[Jan 28 15:52:14] DEBUG [localhost] Fill with oval: centos 7.9.2009
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-24903 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20224803
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1271 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225052
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1552 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225162
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1729 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225232
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1966 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225232
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-32250 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225232
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-26116 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225235
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-26137 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225235
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-3177 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225235
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21540 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225698
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21541 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225698
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-34169 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225698
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21123 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225937
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21125 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225937
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21166 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20225937
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2526 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20226160
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-29154 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20226170
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-31676 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20226381
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-38177 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20226765
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-38178 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20226765
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-40674 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20226834
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21619 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227002
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21624 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227002
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21626 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227002
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-21628 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227002
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-23816 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-23825 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2588 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-26373 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-29900 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-29901 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20227337
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-42898 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20228640
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-21830 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230203
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-21843 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230203
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-22809 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230291
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-4883 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230377
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-26401 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230399
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2964 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230399
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-25220 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230402
[Jan 28 15:52:15] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2795 is newly detected by OVAL: DefID: oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20230402
[Jan 28 15:52:15]  INFO [localhost] centos3: 40 CVEs are detected with OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:16]  INFO [localhost] centos3: 497 unfixed CVEs are detected with gost
[Jan 28 15:52:16]  INFO [localhost] centos3: 0 CVEs are detected with CPE
[Jan 28 15:52:18]  INFO [localhost] centos3: 33 PoC are detected
[Jan 28 15:52:18]  INFO [localhost] centos3: 0 exploits are detected
[Jan 28 15:52:18]  INFO [localhost] centos3: Known Exploited Vulnerabilities are detected for 0 CVEs
[Jan 28 15:52:22]  INFO [localhost] centos3: Cyber Threat Intelligences are detected for 51 CVEs
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CWE-ID 20->CWE-400 is not found in English CWE Dict
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CWE-ID 459->CWE-89 is not found in English CWE Dict
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] Check if oval fetched: ubuntu 22.04
[Jan 28 15:52:22]  INFO [localhost] OVAL ubuntu 22.04 found. defs: 11024
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] Check if oval fresh: ubuntu 22.04
[Jan 28 15:52:22]  INFO [localhost] OVAL ubuntu 22.04 is fresh. lastModified: 2023-01-27T19:02:29+03:30
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] Fill with oval: ubuntu 22.04
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3287 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2017-13716 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-20657 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2019-1010204 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-3530 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-27943 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-26318 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-2568 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3996 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-31879 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-46908 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0128 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0156 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0158 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0213 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0261 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0318 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0319 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0351 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0359 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0361 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0368 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0393 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0407 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0408 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0413 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0443 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0554 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0572 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0629 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0685 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0696 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0714 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0729 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1629 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1674 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1720 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1733 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1735 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1785 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1796 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1851 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1886 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1898 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1927 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1942 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1968 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2124 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2125 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2126 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2129 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2175 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2182 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2183 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2206 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2304 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2343 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2344 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2345 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2571 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2581 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2845 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2849 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2862 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2889 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2923 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2946 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2980 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2982 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-0288 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2015-3416 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3715 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-1585 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2006-20001 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-36760 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-37436 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-28653 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-2781 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-6952 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-45261 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-1000021 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3219 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2012-1096 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-28861 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3821 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-20013 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3857 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2009-5080 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2017-11164 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-28391 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-3981 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-10126 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1210 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-39348 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-14145 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-41617 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-13844 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-32325 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2013-7445 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2015-8553 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-8660 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2017-0537 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2017-13165 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2017-13693 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-1121 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-12928 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-12929 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-12930 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-12931 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2018-17977 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2019-14899 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2019-15213 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2019-16230 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2019-19378 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2019-19814 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-11725 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-14304 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-35501 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-26934 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-3864 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-39800 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-39801 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-4095 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-4148 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0400 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0480 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-0995 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-1247 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-23960 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-25836 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-2961 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3238 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3543 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3545 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3623 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3640 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-36402 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-38096 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-38457 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-40133 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-4139 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-41848 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-4382 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-44032 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-44033 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-44034 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-4543 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-45884 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-45885 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-45886 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-45887 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-45919 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-47520 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-47940 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-0179 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-23454 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2023-23455 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-21240 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-29458 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9797 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9798 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9799 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9800 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9801 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9802 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9803 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9804 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9917 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2016-9918 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-10134 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2020-9770 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2022-3563 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2021-40812 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22] DEBUG [localhost] CVE-2013-7484 is newly detected by OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: 174 CVEs are detected with OVAL
[Jan 28 15:52:22]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: 0 unfixed CVEs are detected with gost
[Jan 28 15:52:22]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: 0 CVEs are detected with CPE
[Jan 28 15:52:24]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: 97 PoC are detected
[Jan 28 15:52:24]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: 1 exploits are detected
[Jan 28 15:52:24]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: Known Exploited Vulnerabilities are detected for 0 CVEs
[Jan 28 15:52:31]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: Cyber Threat Intelligences are detected for 95 CVEs
[Jan 28 15:52:31]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: total 98 CVEs detected
[Jan 28 15:52:31]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: 68 CVEs filtered by --cvss-over=7
[Jan 28 15:52:31]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: 0 CVEs filtered by --confidence-over=80
[Jan 28 15:52:31]  INFO [localhost] [Reboot Required] centos1: 0 CVEs filtered by --ignore-unscored-cves
[Jan 28 15:52:31]  INFO [localhost] centos2: total 97 CVEs detected
[Jan 28 15:52:31]  INFO [localhost] centos2: 68 CVEs filtered by --cvss-over=7
[Jan 28 15:52:31]  INFO [localhost] centos2: 0 CVEs filtered by --confidence-over=80
[Jan 28 15:52:31]  INFO [localhost] centos2: 0 CVEs filtered by --ignore-unscored-cves
[Jan 28 15:52:31]  INFO [localhost] centos3: total 128 CVEs detected
[Jan 28 15:52:31]  INFO [localhost] centos3: 75 CVEs filtered by --cvss-over=7
[Jan 28 15:52:31]  INFO [localhost] centos3: 0 CVEs filtered by --confidence-over=80
[Jan 28 15:52:31]  INFO [localhost] centos3: 0 CVEs filtered by --ignore-unscored-cves
[Jan 28 15:52:31]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: total 174 CVEs detected
[Jan 28 15:52:31]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: 74 CVEs filtered by --cvss-over=7
[Jan 28 15:52:31]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: 0 CVEs filtered by --confidence-over=80
[Jan 28 15:52:31]  INFO [localhost] ubuntu1: 0 CVEs filtered by --ignore-unscored-cves
[Reboot Required] centos1 (centos7.9.2009)
Total: 30 (Critical:2 High:28 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0)
10/30 Fixed, 11 poc, 0 exploits, cisa: 0, uscert: 0, jpcert: 0 alerts
454 installed

|      CVE-ID      | CVSS | ATTACK | POC |   ALERT   |  FIXED  |            PACKAGES            |
| CVE-2014-9939    |  9.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | binutils                       |
| CVE-2015-4042    |  9.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | coreutils                      |
| CVE-2021-26401   |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-headers,        |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools,                  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-23816   |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-23825   |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-2588    |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-26373   |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-2964    |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-headers,        |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools,                  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-29900   |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-29901   |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2023-22809   |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | sudo                           |
| CVE-2015-8982    |  8.1 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | glibc                          |
| CVE-2015-8983    |  8.1 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | glibc                          |
| CVE-2015-4041    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | coreutils                      |
| CVE-2016-10044   |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2017-1000365 |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2018-20976   |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-1011    |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-2639    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-43750   |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-4378    |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2009-5155    |  7.5 |  AV:N  | POC |           | unfixed | glibc                          |
| CVE-2016-4425    |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | jansson                        |
| CVE-2021-22946   |  7.5 |  AV:N  | POC |           | unfixed | curl                           |
| CVE-2021-3714    |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-2795    |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | bind-export-libs               |
| CVE-2022-4379    |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2021-0146    |  7.1 |  AV:P  |     |           | unfixed | microcode_ctl                  |
| CVE-2022-3564    |  7.1 |  AV:A  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2021-3864    |  7.0 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | kernel                         |

centos2 (centos7.9.2009)
Total: 29 (Critical:3 High:26 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0)
5/29 Fixed, 11 poc, 0 exploits, cisa: 0, uscert: 0, jpcert: 0 alerts
529 installed

|      CVE-ID      | CVSS | ATTACK | POC |   ALERT   |  FIXED  |            PACKAGES            |
| CVE-2014-9939    |  9.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | binutils                       |
| CVE-2015-4042    |  9.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | coreutils                      |
| CVE-2016-4071    |  9.8 |  AV:A  | POC |           | unfixed | php                            |
| CVE-2021-26401   |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-headers,        |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools,                  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-2964    |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-headers,        |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools,                  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-4883    |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | libXpm                         |
| CVE-2023-22809   |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | sudo                           |
| CVE-2015-8982    |  8.1 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | glibc                          |
| CVE-2015-8983    |  8.1 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | glibc                          |
| CVE-2015-4041    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | coreutils                      |
| CVE-2016-10044   |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2017-1000365 |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2018-20976   |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-1011    |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-2639    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-43750   |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-4378    |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2009-5155    |  7.5 |  AV:N  | POC |           | unfixed | glibc                          |
| CVE-2016-4070    |  7.5 |  AV:N  | POC |           | unfixed | php                            |
| CVE-2016-4425    |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | jansson                        |
| CVE-2017-9118    |  7.5 |  AV:N  | POC |           | unfixed | php                            |
| CVE-2019-19246   |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | php                            |
| CVE-2021-22946   |  7.5 |  AV:N  | POC |           | unfixed | curl                           |
| CVE-2021-3714    |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-2795    |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | bind-export-libs               |
| CVE-2022-4379    |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2021-0146    |  7.1 |  AV:P  |     |           | unfixed | microcode_ctl                  |
| CVE-2022-3564    |  7.1 |  AV:A  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2021-3864    |  7.0 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | kernel                         |

centos3 (centos7.9.2009)
Total: 53 (Critical:6 High:47 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0)
29/53 Fixed, 19 poc, 0 exploits, cisa: 0, uscert: 0, jpcert: 0 alerts
851 installed

|      CVE-ID      | CVSS | ATTACK | POC |   ALERT   |  FIXED  |            PACKAGES            |
| CVE-2015-0469    | 10.0 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | icu                            |
| CVE-2014-9939    |  9.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | binutils                       |
| CVE-2015-4042    |  9.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | coreutils                      |
| CVE-2021-3177    |  9.8 |  AV:N  | POC |           |   fixed | python, python-libs            |
| CVE-2022-2526    |  9.8 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | systemd, systemd-libs,         |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | systemd-sysv                   |
| CVE-2022-40674   |  9.8 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | expat, expat-devel             |
| CVE-2021-26401   |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-headers, kernel-tools,  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-1271    |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | xz, xz-devel, xz-libs          |
| CVE-2022-1552    |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | postgresql-libs                |
| CVE-2022-1729    |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools,                  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-1966    |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools,                  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-21540   |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | java-1.8.0-openjdk,            |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless    |
| CVE-2022-21541   |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | java-1.8.0-openjdk,            |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless    |
| CVE-2022-23816   |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-headers, kernel-tools,  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-23825   |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-headers, kernel-tools,  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-24903   |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | rsyslog                        |
| CVE-2022-2588    |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-headers, kernel-tools,  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-26373   |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-headers, kernel-tools,  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-29154   |  8.9 |  AV:N  | POC |           |   fixed | rsync                          |
| CVE-2022-2964    |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-headers, kernel-tools,  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-29900   |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-headers, kernel-tools,  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-29901   |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-headers, kernel-tools,  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-31676   |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           |   fixed | open-vm-tools                  |
| CVE-2022-32250   |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | kernel, kernel-debug-devel,    |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools,                  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | kernel-tools-libs, python-perf |
| CVE-2022-34169   |  8.9 |  AV:N  | POC |           |   fixed | java-1.8.0-openjdk,            |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless    |
| CVE-2022-38177   |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | bind-export-libs, bind-libs,   |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | bind-libs-lite, bind-license,  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | bind-utils                     |
| CVE-2022-38178   |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | bind-export-libs, bind-libs,   |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | bind-libs-lite, bind-license,  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | bind-utils                     |
| CVE-2022-42898   |  8.9 |  AV:N  | POC |           |   fixed | krb5-devel, krb5-libs,         |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | libkadm5                       |
| CVE-2022-4883    |  8.9 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | libXpm                         |
| CVE-2023-22809   |  8.9 |  AV:L  | POC |           |   fixed | sudo                           |
| CVE-2015-8982    |  8.1 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | glibc                          |
| CVE-2015-8983    |  8.1 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | glibc                          |
| CVE-2014-9622    |  7.8 |  AV:N  | POC |           | unfixed | xdg-utils                      |
| CVE-2015-4041    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | coreutils                      |
| CVE-2016-10044   |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2017-1000365 |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2018-20976   |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-1011    |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-2639    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-43750   |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-4378    |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2009-5155    |  7.5 |  AV:N  | POC |           | unfixed | glibc                          |
| CVE-2016-4425    |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | jansson                        |
| CVE-2017-10118   |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | java-1.8.0-openjdk             |
| CVE-2017-10176   |  7.5 |  AV:N  | POC |           | unfixed | java-1.8.0-openjdk             |
| CVE-2021-22946   |  7.5 |  AV:N  | POC |           | unfixed | curl                           |
| CVE-2021-3714    |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2022-2795    |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           |   fixed | bind-export-libs, bind-libs,   |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | bind-libs-lite, bind-license,  |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | bind-utils                     |
| CVE-2022-4379    |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2020-26116   |  7.2 |  AV:N  | POC |           |   fixed | python, python-libs            |
| CVE-2021-0146    |  7.1 |  AV:P  |     |           | unfixed | microcode_ctl                  |
| CVE-2022-3564    |  7.1 |  AV:A  |     |           | unfixed | kernel                         |
| CVE-2021-3864    |  7.0 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | kernel                         |

ubuntu1 (ubuntu22.04)
Total: 100 (Critical:4 High:96 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0)
0/100 Fixed, 70 poc, 1 exploits, cisa: 0, uscert: 0, jpcert: 0 alerts
812 installed

|      CVE-ID      | CVSS | ATTACK | POC |   ALERT   |  FIXED  |            PACKAGES            |
| CVE-2016-1585    |  9.8 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | apparmor                       |
| CVE-2022-0318    |  9.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-36760   |  9.8 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | apache2                        |
| CVE-2022-47940   |  9.6 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2022-23960   |  8.9 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2023-0179    |  8.9 |        | POC |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2018-1000021 |  8.8 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | git                            |
| CVE-2022-0729    |  8.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-28391   |  8.8 |  AV:N  | POC |           | unfixed | busybox-initramfs,             |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | busybox-static                 |
| CVE-2022-3640    |  8.8 |  AV:A  | POC |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2016-2781    |  8.6 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | coreutils                      |
| CVE-2016-2568    |  7.8 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | policykit-1                    |
| CVE-2017-13165   |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2018-12930   |  7.8 |  AV:P  |     |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2018-12931   |  7.8 |  AV:P  |     |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2019-19378   |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2019-19814   |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2020-11725   |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2021-26934   |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2021-39801   |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2022-0128    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-0261    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-0351    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-0359    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-0361    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-0368    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-0407    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-0408    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-0413    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-0443    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-0554    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-0572    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-0629    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-0685    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-0995    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2022-1247    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2022-1629    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-1720    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-1733    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-1735    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-1785    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-1796    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-1851    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-1886    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-1898    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-1927    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-1942    |  7.8 |  AV:N  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-1968    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2124    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2125    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2126    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2129    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2175    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2182    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2183    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2206    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2304    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2343    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2344    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2345    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2571    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2581    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2845    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2849    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2862    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2889    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2946    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-2982    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-3238    |  7.8 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2022-3545    |  7.8 |  AV:A  |     |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2022-3715    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | bash                           |
| CVE-2023-0288    |  7.8 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2006-20001   |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | apache2                        |
| CVE-2013-7484    |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | zabbix-agent                   |
| CVE-2016-20013   |  7.5 |  AV:N  | POC |           | unfixed | libc-bin, libc-dev-bin,        |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | libc-devtools, libc6,          |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | libc6-dev, locales             |
| CVE-2016-9917    |  7.5 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | libbluetooth3                  |
| CVE-2016-9918    |  7.5 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | libbluetooth3                  |
| CVE-2017-11164   |  7.5 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | libpcre16-3, libpcre3,         |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | libpcre3-dev, libpcre32-3,     |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | libpcrecpp0v5                  |
| CVE-2018-20657   |  7.5 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | binutils                       |
| CVE-2018-6952    |  7.5 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | patch                          |
| CVE-2021-21240   |  7.5 |  AV:N  | POC |           | unfixed | python3-httplib2               |
| CVE-2021-3530    |  7.5 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | binutils                       |
| CVE-2022-0400    |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2022-25836   |  7.5 |  AV:A  |     |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2022-3623    |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2022-3996    |  7.5 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | openssl                        |
| CVE-2019-14899   |  7.4 |  AV:A  |     |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2021-28861   |  7.4 |  AV:N  |     |           | unfixed | python3.10                     |
| CVE-2022-46908   |  7.3 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | sqlite3                        |
| CVE-2022-0393    |  7.1 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | vim                            |
| CVE-2022-29458   |  7.1 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | libncurses6, libncursesw6,     |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | libtinfo6, ncurses-base,       |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | ncurses-bin, ncurses-term      |
| CVE-2022-47520   |  7.1 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2021-3864    |  7.0 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2021-41617   |  7.0 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | openssh-client,                |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | openssh-server,                |
|                  |      |        |     |           |         | openssh-sftp-server            |
| CVE-2022-2961    |  7.0 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2022-4139    |  7.0 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2022-45884   |  7.0 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2022-45885   |  7.0 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2022-45886   |  7.0 |  AV:L  | POC |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |
| CVE-2022-45919   |  7.0 |  AV:L  |     |           | unfixed | linux-generic                  |

telegram output

Report Test, [2023-01-28 15:52]
centos3 (centos7.9.2009)
Total: 53 (Critical:6 High:47 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0)
29/53 Fixed
851 installed

CVE-2022-26373 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-26373) 8.9 IMPORTANT 
The kernel packages contain the Linux kernel, the core of any Linux operating system.  Security Fix(es):   a use-after-free in cls_route filter implementation may lead to privilege escalation (CVE-2022-2588)   RetBleed Arbitrary Speculative Code Execution with Return Instructions (CVE-2022-23816, CVE-2022-29900)   Branch Type Confusion (non-retbleed) (CVE-2022-23825)   Intel: Post-barrier Return Stack Buffer Predictions (CVE-2022-26373)   Intel: RetBleed Arbitrary Speculative Code Execution with Return Instructions (CVE-2022-29901)  For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.  Bug Fix(es):   lpfc panics in lpfcelsfreeiocb() during port recovery (BZ#1969988)  * mlx5 reports error messages during shutdown then panic with mce (BZ#2077711)  * Kernel panic due to hard lockup caused by deadlock between tasklistlock and kitimer->itlock (BZ#2115147)   fix excess double put in nfs_prime_dcache (BZ#2117856)

[CVE-2022-1552](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-1552) _8.9 IMPORTANT _
PostgreSQL is an advanced object-relational database management system (DBMS).  Security Fix(es):   postgresql: Autovacuum, REINDEX, and others omit "security restricted operation" sandbox (CVE-2022-1552)  For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

CVE-2021-3864 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-3864) 7.0 MODERATE CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
A flaw was found in the way the dumpable flag setting was handled when certain SUID binaries executed its descendants. The prerequisite is a SUID binary that sets real UID equal to effective UID, and real GID equal to effective GID. The descendant will then have a dumpable value set to 1. As a result, if the descendant process crashes and corepattern is set to a relative value, its core dump is stored in the current directory with uid:gid permissions. An unprivileged local user with eligible root SUID binary could use this flaw to place core dumps into root-owned directories, potentially resulting in escalation of privileges.

[CVE-2022-29900](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-29900) 8.9 IMPORTANT 
The kernel packages contain the Linux kernel, the core of any Linux operating system.  Security Fix(es):  * a use-after-free in clsroute filter implementation may lead to privilege escalation (CVE-2022-2588)   RetBleed Arbitrary Speculative Code Execution with Return Instructions (CVE-2022-23816, CVE-2022-29900)   Branch Type Confusion (non-retbleed) (CVE-2022-23825)   Intel: Post-barrier Return Stack Buffer Predictions (CVE-2022-26373)   Intel: RetBleed Arbitrary Speculative Code Execution with Return Instructions (CVE-2022-29901)  For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.  Bug Fix(es):   lpfc panics in lpfc_els_free_iocb() during port recovery (BZ#1969988)   mlx5 reports error messages during shutdown then panic with mce (BZ#2077711)   Kernel panic due to hard lockup caused by deadlock between tasklist_lock and k_itimer->it_lock (BZ#2115147)   fix excess double put in nfsprimedcache (BZ#2117856)

Report Test, [2023-01-28 15:52]
CVE-2022-29154 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-29154) 8.9 IMPORTANT 
The rsync utility enables the users to copy and synchronize files locally or across a network. Synchronization with rsync is fast because rsync only sends the differences in files over the network instead of sending whole files. The rsync utility is also used as a mirroring tool.  Security Fix(es):   rsync: remote arbitrary files write inside the directories of connecting peers (CVE-2022-29154)  For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

[CVE-2022-24903](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-24903) _8.9 IMPORTANT _
The rsyslog packages provide an enhanced, multi-threaded syslog daemon. It supports MySQL, syslog/TCP, RFC 3195, permitted sender lists, filtering on any message part, and fine-grained control over output format.  Security Fix(es):   rsyslog: Heap-based overflow in TCP syslog server (CVE-2022-24903)  For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

CVE-2017-10176 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2017-10176) 7.5 MODERATE CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N
Vulnerability in the Java SE, Java SE Embedded, JRockit component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: Security). Supported versions that are affected are Java SE: 7u141 and 8u131; Java SE Embedded: 8u131; JRockit: R28.3.14. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Java SE, Java SE Embedded, JRockit. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all Java SE, Java SE Embedded, JRockit accessible data. Note: This vulnerability can be exploited through sandboxed Java Web Start applications and sandboxed Java applets. It can also be exploited by supplying data to APIs in the specified Component without using sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, such as through a web service. CVSS 3.0 Base Score 7.5 (Confidentiality impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N).

CVE-2023-22809 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-22809) 8.9 IMPORTANT 
The sudo packages contain the sudo utility which allows system administrators to provide certain users with the permission to execute privileged commands, which are used for system management purposes, without having to log in as root.  Security Fix(es):   sudo: arbitrary file write with privileges of the RunAs user (CVE-2023-22809)  For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

[CVE-2022-1729](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-1729) _8.9 IMPORTANT _
The kernel packages contain the Linux kernel, the core of any Linux operating system.  Security Fix(es):   kernel: race condition in perfeventopen leads to privilege escalation (CVE-2022-1729)   kernel: a use-after-free write in the netfilter subsystem can lead to privilege escalation to root (CVE-2022-1966)  For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.  Bug Fix(es):   XFS inode cluster corruption (BZ#2050464)   sock: sock_dequeue_err_skb() needs hard irq safety (BZ#2070408)   libceph: fix potential use-after-free on linger ping and resends (BZ#2088025)

Report Test, [2023-01-28 15:52]
CVE-2022-3623 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-3623) 7.5 HIGH CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
A vulnerability was found in Linux Kernel. It has been declared as problematic. Affected by this vulnerability is the function followpagepte of the file mm/gup.c of the component BPF. The manipulation leads to race condition. The attack can be launched remotely. It is recommended to apply a patch to fix this issue. The identifier VDB-211921 was assigned to this vulnerability. It was discovered that the hugetlb implementation in the Linux kernel contained a race condition in some situations. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service (system crash) or expose sensitive information (kernel memory).

CVE-2022-25836 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-25836) 7.5 HIGH CVSS:3.1/AV:A/AC:H/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:N
Bluetooth® Low Energy Pairing in Bluetooth Core Specification v4.0 through v5.3 may permit an unauthenticated MITM to acquire credentials with two pairing devices via adjacent access when the MITM negotiates Legacy Passkey Pairing with the pairing Initiator and Secure Connections Passkey Pairing with the pairing Responder and brute forces the Passkey entered by the user into the Initiator. The MITM attacker can use the identified Passkey value to complete authentication with the Responder via Bluetooth pairing method confusion.

CVE-2022-45886 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-45886) 7.0 MODERATE CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
An issue was discovered in the Linux kernel through 6.0.9. drivers/media/dvb-core/dvbnet.c has a .disconnect versus dvbdeviceopen race condition that leads to a use-after-free.

[CVE-2022-0443](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-0443) 7.8 MODERATE CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Use After Free in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.

[CVE-2022-2961](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-2961) 7.0 HIGH CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
A use-after-free flaw was found in the Linux kernel’s PLP Rose functionality in the way a user triggers a race condition by calling bind while simultaneously triggering the rosebind() function. This flaw allows a local user to crash or potentially escalate their privileges on the system.

Report Test, [2023-01-28 15:52]
CVE-2022-1720 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-1720) 7.8 HIGH CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Buffer Over-read in function grabfilename in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.4956. This vulnerability is capable of crashing the software, memory modification, and possible remote execution.

CVE-2022-1886 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-1886) 7.8 HIGH CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Heap-based Buffer Overflow in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.

CVE-2022-23960 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-23960) 8.9 HIGH 
Certain Arm Cortex and Neoverse processors through 2022-03-08 do not properly restrict cache speculation, aka Spectre-BHB. An attacker can leverage the shared branch history in the Branch History Buffer (BHB) to influence mispredicted branches. Then, cache allocation can allow the attacker to obtain sensitive information. Enrico Barberis, Pietro Frigo, Marius Muench, Herbert Bos, and Cristiano Giuffrida discovered that hardware mitigations added by ARM to their processors to address Spectre-BTI were insufficient. A local attacker could potentially use this to expose sensitive information.  Update Instructions:  Run sudo pro fix CVE-2022-23960 to fix the vulnerability. The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following package versions:  linux-image-oem-22.04 - linux-image-oem-22.04a - No subscription required  linux-image-oem-22.04b - No subscription required  linux-image-unsigned-5.17.0-1026-oem - 5.17.0-1003.3 No subscription required  linux-image-unsigned-6.0.0-1010-oem - 6.0.0-1006.6 No subscription required  linux-image-5.17.0-1003-oem - 5.17.0-1003.3 No subscription required  linux-image-6.0.0-1007-oem - 6.0.0-1006.6 No subscription required

CVE-2022-46908 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-46908) 7.3 HIGH CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:L
SQLite through 3.40.0, when relying on --safe for execution of an untrusted CLI script, does not properly implement the azProhibitedFunctions protection mechanism, and instead allows UDF functions such as WRITEFILE.

CVE-2022-2343 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-2343) 7.8 LOW CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Heap-based Buffer Overflow in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 9.0.0044.

Report Test, [2023-01-28 15:52]
CVE-2022-0359 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-0359) 7.8 MODERATE CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Heap-based Buffer Overflow in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.

CVE-2022-45884 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-45884) 7.0 MODERATE CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
An issue was discovered in the Linux kernel through 6.0.9. drivers/media/dvb-core/dvbdev.c has a use-after-free, related to dvbregisterdevice dynamically allocating fops.

CVE-2022-0572 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-0572) 7.8 MODERATE CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Heap-based Buffer Overflow in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.

CVE-2022-0400 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-0400) 7.5 HIGH CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H
An out-of-bounds read vulnerability was discovered in linux kernel in the smc protocol stack, causing remote dos.

CVE-2022-2862 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-2862) 7.8 LOW CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Use After Free in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 9.0.0221.

Report Test, [2023-01-28 15:52]
CVE-2021-28861 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-28861) 7.4 MODERATE CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:H/I:N/A:N
 DISPUTED  Python 3.x through 3.10 has an open redirection vulnerability in lib/http/server.py due to no protection against multiple (/) at the beginning of URI path which may leads to information disclosure. NOTE: this is disputed by a third party because the http.server.html documentation page states "Warning: http.server is not recommended for production. It only implements basic security checks."

CVE-2022-0629 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-0629) 7.8 MODERATE CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Stack-based Buffer Overflow in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.

CVE-2021-41617 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-41617) 7.0 MODERATE CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
sshd in OpenSSH 6.2 through 8.x before 8.8, when certain non-default configurations are used, allows privilege escalation because supplemental groups are not initialized as expected. Helper programs for AuthorizedKeysCommand and AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand may run with privileges associated with group memberships of the sshd process, if the configuration specifies running the command as a different user.

CVE-2022-2571 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-2571) 7.8 LOW CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Heap-based Buffer Overflow in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 9.0.0101.

CVE-2022-1927 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-1927) 7.8 MODERATE CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Buffer Over-read in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.

Report Test, [2023-01-28 15:52]
CVE-2021-3864 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-3864) 7.0 MODERATE CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
A flaw was found in the way the dumpable flag setting was handled when certain SUID binaries executed its descendants. The prerequisite is a SUID binary that sets real UID equal to effective UID, and real GID equal to effective GID. The descendant will then have a dumpable value set to 1. As a result, if the descendant process crashes and corepattern is set to a relative value, its core dump is stored in the current directory with uid:gid permissions. An unprivileged local user with eligible root SUID binary could use this flaw to place core dumps into root-owned directories, potentially resulting in escalation of privileges.

[CVE-2022-1796](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-1796) 7.8 HIGH CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Use After Free in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.4979.

[CVE-2022-2175](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-2175) 7.8 LOW CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Buffer Over-read in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.

[CVE-2013-7484](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2013-7484) 7.5 HIGH CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N
Zabbix before 5.0 represents passwords in the users table with unsalted MD5.

[CVE-2022-45919](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-45919) 7.0 MODERATE CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
An issue was discovered in the Linux kernel through 6.0.10. In drivers/media/dvb-core/dvbcaen50221.c, a use-after-free can occur is there is a disconnect after an open, because of the lack of a waitevent.

Report Test, [2023-01-28 15:52]
CVE-2018-20657 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2018-20657) 7.5 HIGH CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H
The demangletemplate function in cplus-dem.c in GNU libiberty, as distributed in GNU Binutils 2.31.1, has a memory leak via a crafted string, leading to a denial of service (memory consumption), as demonstrated by cxxfilt, a related issue to CVE-2018-12698.

[CVE-2016-2781](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2016-2781) 8.6 MODERATE CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H
chroot in GNU coreutils, when used with --userspec, allows local users to escape to the parent session via a crafted TIOCSTI ioctl call, which pushes characters to the terminal's input buffer.

[CVE-2022-2125](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-2125) 7.8 LOW CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Heap-based Buffer Overflow in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.

[CVE-2022-1735](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-1735) 7.8 HIGH CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Classic Buffer Overflow in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.4969.

[CVE-2022-0995](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-0995) 7.8 IMPORTANT CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
An out-of-bounds (OOB) memory write flaw was found in the Linux kernel’s watchqueue event notification subsystem. This flaw can overwrite parts of the kernel state, potentially allowing a local user to gain privileged access or cause a denial of service on the system.  Update Instructions:  Run sudo pro fix CVE-2022-0995 to fix the vulnerability. The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following package versions:  linux-image-oem-22.04 - linux-image-oem-22.04a - No subscription required  linux-image-unsigned-5.17.0-1026-oem - 5.17.0-1003.3 No subscription required  linux-image-5.17.0-1003-oem - 5.17.0-1003.3 No subscription required

Report Test, [2023-01-28 15:52]
CVE-2022-1851 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-1851) 7.8 MODERATE CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Out-of-bounds Read in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.

CVE-2022-1968 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-1968) 7.8 MODERATE CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Use After Free in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.

CVE-2022-2581 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-2581) 7.8 LOW CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Out-of-bounds Read in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 9.0.0104.

CVE-2018-12930 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2018-12930) 7.8 HIGH CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
ntfsendbufferasyncread in the ntfs.ko filesystem driver in the Linux kernel 4.15.0 allows attackers to trigger a stack-based out-of-bounds write and cause a denial of service (kernel oops or panic) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted ntfs filesystem.

CVE-2022-0413 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-0413) 7.8 HIGH CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Use After Free in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.

Report Test, [2023-01-28 15:52]
CVE-2021-21240 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-21240) 7.5 LOW CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H
httplib2 is a comprehensive HTTP client library for Python. In httplib2 before version 0.19.0, a malicious server which responds with long series of "xa0" characters in the "www-authenticate" header may cause Denial of Service (CPU burn while parsing header) of the httplib2 client accessing said server. This is fixed in version 0.19.0 which contains a new implementation of auth headers parsing using the pyparsing library.

CVE-2022-36760 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-36760) 9.8 CRITICAL CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests ('HTTP Request Smuggling') vulnerability in modproxyajp of Apache HTTP Server allows an attacker to smuggle requests to the AJP server it forwards requests to. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server Apache HTTP Server 2.4 version 2.4.54 and prior versions.

CVE-2022-2206 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-2206) 7.8 LOW CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Out-of-bounds Read in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.

CVE-2022-0261 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-0261) 7.8 MODERATE CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Heap-based Buffer Overflow in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.

CVE-2022-2183 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-2183) 7.8 HIGH CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Out-of-bounds Read in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.

Report Test, [2023-01-28 15:52]
CVE-2022-2129 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-2129) 7.8 LOW CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Out-of-bounds Write in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.

CVE-2022-2126 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-2126) 7.8 LOW CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Out-of-bounds Read in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.

CVE-2022-28391 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-28391) 8.8 HIGH CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
BusyBox through 1.35.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code if netstat is used to print a DNS PTR record's value to a VT compatible terminal. Alternatively, the attacker could choose to change the terminal's colors.

CVE-2022-2982 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-2982) 7.8 LOW CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Use After Free in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 9.0.0260.

CVE-2022-0128 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-0128) 7.8 HIGH CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
vim is vulnerable to Out-of-bounds Read

CVE-2022-0554 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-0554) 7.8 MODERATE CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Use of Out-of-range Pointer Offset in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 8.2.

now it is only the result of centos3, no result for centos1,2 and ubuntu22. :)))