What did you do? (required. The issue will be closed when not provided.)
FROM python:3.6.8-slim
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y openssh-server
RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd
RUN echo 'root:screencast' | chpasswd
RUN sed -i 's/PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# SSH login fix. Otherwise user is kicked off after login
RUN sed 's@session\s*required\s*pam_loginuid.so@session optional pam_loginuid.so@g' -i /etc/pam.d/sshd
ENV NOTVISIBLE "in users profile"
RUN echo "export VISIBLE=now" >> /etc/profile
CMD ["/usr/sbin/sshd", "-D"]
CMD tail -f /dev/null
b79f0a00b1cf myapp:1.0 "/bin/sh -c 'tail -f…" About an hour ago Up About an hour>22/tcp zen_taussig
host = ""
user = "root"
keyPath = "/root/.ssh/id_rsa"
containerType = "docker"
containersIncluded = ["zen_taussig"]
type = "sqlite3"
path = "./vuls/cve.sqlite3"
type = "sqlite3"
path = "./vuls/oval.sqlite3"
type = "sqlite3"
path = "./vuls/gost.sqlite3"
docker run --rm -it -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro -v $PWD:/vuls -v $PWD/vuls-log:/var/log/vuls -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -e "TZ=Asia/Tokyo" vuls/vuls scan --containers-only -config=./tmp/docker.toml # path to config.toml in docker
[Apr 23 15:26:38] INFO [localhost] Start scanning
[Apr 23 15:26:38] INFO [localhost] config: ./tmp/docker.toml
[Apr 23 15:26:38] INFO [localhost] Validating config...
[Apr 23 15:26:38] INFO [localhost] Detecting Server/Container OS...
[Apr 23 15:26:38] INFO [localhost] Detecting OS of servers...
[Apr 23 15:26:39] INFO [localhost] (1/1) Detected: localhost: kali 2019.1
[Apr 23 15:26:39] INFO [localhost] Detecting OS of containers...
[Apr 23 15:26:46] INFO [localhost] Detected: zen_taussig@localhost: debian 9.8
[Apr 23 15:26:46] INFO [localhost] Checking Scan Modes...
[Apr 23 15:26:46] INFO [localhost] Detecting Platforms...
[Apr 23 15:26:48] INFO [localhost] (1/1) zen_taussig on localhost is running on other
[Apr 23 15:26:48] INFO [localhost] Scanning vulnerabilities...
[Apr 23 15:26:48] INFO [localhost] Scanning vulnerable OS packages...
[Apr 23 15:26:48] INFO [zen_taussig@localhost] Scanning in fast mode
One Line Summary
zen_taussig@localhost debian9.8 141 installed
To view the detail, vuls tui is useful.
To send a report, run vuls report -h.
[Apr 23 10:54:37] INFO [localhost] Validating config...
[Apr 23 10:54:37] INFO [localhost] Loaded: /vuls/results/2019-04-23T13:34:11Z
[Apr 23 10:54:37] DEBUG [localhost] zen_taussig@localhost (debian9.8) on localhost: config.ServerInfo{
ServerName: "localhost",
User: "root",
Host: "",
Port: "22",
KeyPath: "/root/.ssh/id_rsa",
KeyPassword: "",
CpeNames: []string{},
ScanMode: []string{
DependencyCheckXMLPath: "",
OwaspDCXMLPath: "",
ContainersIncluded: []string{
ContainersExcluded: []string{},
ContainerType: "docker",
Containers: map[string]config.ContainerSetting{},
IgnoreCves: []string{},
IgnorePkgsRegexp: []string{},
GitHubRepos: map[string]config.GitHubConf{},
UUIDs: map[string]string{},
Memo: "",
Enablerepo: []string{},
Optional: map[string]interface {}{},
Type: "",
IPv4Addrs: []string{},
IPv6Addrs: []string{},
LogMsgAnsiColor: "\x1b[32m",
Container: config.Container{
ContainerID: "",
Name: "",
Image: "",
Distro: config.Distro{
Family: "",
Release: "",
Mode: config.ScanMode{
flag: 0x01,
[Apr 23 10:54:37] INFO [localhost] Validating db config...
INFO[0000] -cvedb-type: sqlite3, -cvedb-url: , -cvedb-path: /vuls/cve.sqlite3
INFO[0000] -ovaldb-type: sqlite3, -ovaldb-url: , -ovaldb-path: /vuls/oval.sqlite3
INFO[0000] -gostdb-type: sqlite3, -gostdb-url: , -gostdb-path: /vuls/gost.sqlite3
INFO[0000] -exploitdb-type: sqlite3, -exploitdb-url: , -exploitdb-path: /vuls/go-exploitdb.sqlite3
[Apr 23 10:54:37] DEBUG [localhost] open cve-dictionary db (sqlite3)
[Apr 23 10:54:37] DEBUG [localhost] Open cve-dictionary db (sqlite3): /vuls/cve.sqlite3
DBUG[04-23|10:54:37] Opening DB (sqlite3).
DBUG[04-23|10:54:37] Migrating DB (sqlite3).
[Apr 23 10:54:37] DEBUG [localhost] Open oval-dictionary db (sqlite3): /vuls/oval.sqlite3
[Apr 23 10:54:37] DEBUG [localhost] Open gost db (sqlite3): /vuls/gost.sqlite3
INFO[04-23|10:54:37] Opening DB. db=sqlite3
INFO[04-23|10:54:37] Migrating DB. db=sqlite3
[Apr 23 10:54:37] WARN [localhost] --exploitdb-path=/vuls/go-exploitdb.sqlite3 is not found. It's recommended to use exploit to improve scanning accuracy. To use exploit db database, see https://github.com/mozqnet/go-exploitdb
[Apr 23 10:54:37] DEBUG [localhost] need to refresh
[Apr 23 10:54:37] DEBUG [localhost] Check whether oval fetched: debian 9.8
[Apr 23 10:54:37] INFO [localhost] OVAL is fresh: debian 9.8
[Apr 23 10:54:42] INFO [localhost] zen_taussig@localhost: 0 CVEs are detected with OVAL
[Apr 23 10:54:42] INFO [localhost] zen_taussig@localhost: 0 CVEs are detected with CPE
[Apr 23 10:54:42] INFO [localhost] zen_taussig@localhost: 0 CVEs are detected with GitHub Security Alerts
[Apr 23 10:54:42] INFO [localhost] zen_taussig@localhost: 0 unfixed CVEs are detected with gost
[Apr 23 10:54:42] INFO [localhost] Fill CVE detailed information with CVE-DB
[Apr 23 10:54:42] INFO [localhost] Fill exploit information with Exploit-DB
[Apr 23 10:54:42] INFO [localhost] zen_taussig@localhost: 0 exploits are detected
[Apr 23 10:54:42] INFO [localhost] zen_taussig@localhost: en: 0, ja: 0 alerts are detected
[Apr 23 10:54:42] ERROR [localhost] zen_taussig is not found in config.toml
[Apr 23 10:54:42] ERROR [localhost] zen_taussig is not found in config.toml
What did you expect to happen?
I expect no error shows up when report ran
What happened instead?
Two errors:
[Apr 23 10:54:42] ERROR [localhost] zen_taussig is not found in config.toml
[Apr 23 10:54:42] ERROR [localhost] zen_taussig is not found in config.toml
And some vulnerable packages
Current Output
docker run --rm -it -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro -v $PWD:/vuls -v $PWD/vuls-log:/var/log/vuls -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro vuls/vuls report --debug -format-json -results-dir=/vuls/results -config=./tmp/docker.toml
[Apr 23 10:54:37] INFO [localhost] Validating config...
[Apr 23 10:54:37] INFO [localhost] Loaded: /vuls/results/2019-04-23T13:34:11Z
[Apr 23 10:54:37] DEBUG [localhost] zen_taussig@localhost (debian9.8) on localhost: config.ServerInfo{
ServerName: "localhost",
User: "root",
Host: "",
Port: "22",
KeyPath: "/root/.ssh/id_rsa",
KeyPassword: "",
CpeNames: []string{},
ScanMode: []string{
DependencyCheckXMLPath: "",
OwaspDCXMLPath: "",
ContainersIncluded: []string{
ContainersExcluded: []string{},
ContainerType: "docker",
Containers: map[string]config.ContainerSetting{},
IgnoreCves: []string{},
IgnorePkgsRegexp: []string{},
GitHubRepos: map[string]config.GitHubConf{},
UUIDs: map[string]string{},
Memo: "",
Enablerepo: []string{},
Optional: map[string]interface {}{},
Type: "",
IPv4Addrs: []string{},
IPv6Addrs: []string{},
LogMsgAnsiColor: "\x1b[32m",
Container: config.Container{
ContainerID: "",
Name: "",
Image: "",
Distro: config.Distro{
Family: "",
Release: "",
Mode: config.ScanMode{
flag: 0x01,
[Apr 23 10:54:37] INFO [localhost] Validating db config...
INFO[0000] -cvedb-type: sqlite3, -cvedb-url: , -cvedb-path: /vuls/cve.sqlite3
INFO[0000] -ovaldb-type: sqlite3, -ovaldb-url: , -ovaldb-path: /vuls/oval.sqlite3
INFO[0000] -gostdb-type: sqlite3, -gostdb-url: , -gostdb-path: /vuls/gost.sqlite3
INFO[0000] -exploitdb-type: sqlite3, -exploitdb-url: , -exploitdb-path: /vuls/go-exploitdb.sqlite3
[Apr 23 10:54:37] DEBUG [localhost] open cve-dictionary db (sqlite3)
[Apr 23 10:54:37] DEBUG [localhost] Open cve-dictionary db (sqlite3): /vuls/cve.sqlite3
DBUG[04-23|10:54:37] Opening DB (sqlite3).
DBUG[04-23|10:54:37] Migrating DB (sqlite3).
[Apr 23 10:54:37] DEBUG [localhost] Open oval-dictionary db (sqlite3): /vuls/oval.sqlite3
[Apr 23 10:54:37] DEBUG [localhost] Open gost db (sqlite3): /vuls/gost.sqlite3
INFO[04-23|10:54:37] Opening DB. db=sqlite3
INFO[04-23|10:54:37] Migrating DB. db=sqlite3
[Apr 23 10:54:37] WARN [localhost] --exploitdb-path=/vuls/go-exploitdb.sqlite3 is not found. It's recommended to use exploit to improve scanning accuracy. To use exploit db database, see https://github.com/mozqnet/go-exploitdb
[Apr 23 10:54:37] DEBUG [localhost] need to refresh
[Apr 23 10:54:37] DEBUG [localhost] Check whether oval fetched: debian 9.8
[Apr 23 10:54:37] INFO [localhost] OVAL is fresh: debian 9.8
[Apr 23 10:54:42] INFO [localhost] zen_taussig@localhost: 0 CVEs are detected with OVAL
[Apr 23 10:54:42] INFO [localhost] zen_taussig@localhost: 0 CVEs are detected with CPE
[Apr 23 10:54:42] INFO [localhost] zen_taussig@localhost: 0 CVEs are detected with GitHub Security Alerts
[Apr 23 10:54:42] INFO [localhost] zen_taussig@localhost: 0 unfixed CVEs are detected with gost
[Apr 23 10:54:42] INFO [localhost] Fill CVE detailed information with CVE-DB
[Apr 23 10:54:42] INFO [localhost] Fill exploit information with Exploit-DB
[Apr 23 10:54:42] INFO [localhost] zen_taussig@localhost: 0 exploits are detected
[Apr 23 10:54:42] INFO [localhost] zen_taussig@localhost: en: 0, ja: 0 alerts are detected
[Apr 23 10:54:42] ERROR [localhost] zen_taussig is not found in config.toml
[Apr 23 10:54:42] ERROR [localhost] zen_taussig is not found in config.toml
Steps to reproduce the behaviour
Already explained in the first point
docker run --rm vuls/go-cve-dictionary -v
go-cve-dictionary 3c7cb2e
docker run --rm vuls/goval-dictionary -v
goval-dictionary v0.1.1 5070051
docker run --rm vuls/gost -v
gost 39175c0
docker run --rm vuls/vuls -v
vuls build-20190221_050916_53f4a29
Debian database updated
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/vuls -v $PWD/goval-dictionary-log:/var/log/vuls vuls/goval-dictionary fetch-debian 7 8 9 10
What did you do? (required. The issue will be closed when not provided.)
docker build -t myapp:1.0 . docker run --rm -it -p --net=bridge myapp:1.0 docker ps
docker run --rm -it -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro -v $PWD:/vuls -v $PWD/vuls-log:/var/log/vuls -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -e "TZ=Asia/Tokyo" vuls/vuls scan --containers-only -config=./tmp/docker.toml # path to config.toml in docker
file generated:
{ "jsonVersion": 4, "lang": "en", "serverUUID": "", "serverName": "localhost", "family": "debian", "release": "9.8", "container": { "containerID": "b79f0a00b1cf", "name": "zen_taussig", "image": "myapp:1.0", "type": "docker", "uuid": "" }, "platform": { "name": "other", "instanceID": "" }, "scannedAt": "2019-04-23T13:34:11.584527654Z", "scanMode": "fast mode", "scannedVersion": "", "scannedRevision": "ca21602", "scannedBy": "a1eeae4c5a5e", "scannedIpv4Addrs": null, "scannedIpv6Addrs": null, "reportedAt": "2019-04-23T11:06:44.423169617-04:00", "reportedVersion": "", "reportedRevision": "build-20190221_050916_53f4a29", "reportedBy": "cfc640dfc55c", "scannedCves": {}, "runningKernel": { "release": "4.19.0-kali1-amd64", "version": "4.19.13-1kali1", "rebootRequired": false }, "packages": { "adduser": { "name": "adduser", "version": "3.115", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "apt": { "name": "apt", "version": "1.4.9", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "base-files": { "name": "base-files", "version": "9.9+deb9u8", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "base-passwd": { "name": "base-passwd", "version": "3.5.43", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "bash": { "name": "bash", "version": "4.4-5", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "bsdutils": { "name": "bsdutils", "version": "1:2.29.2-1+deb9u1", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "ca-certificates": { "name": "ca-certificates", "version": "20161130+nmu1+deb9u1", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "cgmanager": { "name": "cgmanager", "version": "0.41-2", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "coreutils": { "name": "coreutils", "version": "8.26-3", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "dash": { "name": "dash", "version": "0.5.8-2.4", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "dbus": { "name": "dbus", "version": "1.10.26-0+deb9u1", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "debconf": { "name": "debconf", "version": "1.5.61", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "debian-archive-keyring": { "name": "debian-archive-keyring", "version": "2017.5", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "debianutils": { "name": "debianutils", "version": "", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "diffutils": { "name": "diffutils", "version": "1:3.5-3", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "dmsetup": { "name": "dmsetup", "version": "2:1.02.137-2", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "dpkg": { "name": "dpkg", "version": "1.18.25", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "e2fslibs": { "name": "e2fslibs", "version": "1.43.4-2", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "e2fsprogs": { "name": "e2fsprogs", "version": "1.43.4-2", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "findutils": { "name": "findutils", "version": "4.6.0+git+20161106-2", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "gcc-6-base": { "name": "gcc-6-base", "version": "6.3.0-18+deb9u1", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "gpgv": { "name": "gpgv", "version": "2.1.18-8~deb9u4", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "grep": { "name": "grep", "version": "2.27-2", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "gzip": { "name": "gzip", "version": "1.6-5+b1", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "hostname": { "name": "hostname", "version": "3.18+b1", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "init-system-helpers": { "name": "init-system-helpers", "version": "1.48", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "krb5-locales": { "name": "krb5-locales", "version": "1.15-1+deb9u1", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libacl1": { "name": "libacl1", "version": "2.2.52-3+b1", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libapparmor1": { "name": "libapparmor1", "version": "2.11.0-3+deb9u2", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libapt-pkg5.0": { "name": "libapt-pkg5.0", "version": "1.4.9", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libattr1": { "name": "libattr1", "version": "1:2.4.47-2+b2", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libaudit-common": { "name": "libaudit-common", "version": "1:2.6.7-2", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libaudit1": { "name": "libaudit1", "version": "1:2.6.7-2", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libblkid1": { "name": "libblkid1", "version": "2.29.2-1+deb9u1", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libbsd0": { "name": "libbsd0", "version": "0.8.3-1", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libbz2-1.0": { "name": "libbz2-1.0", "version": "1.0.6-8.1", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libc-bin": { "name": "libc-bin", "version": "2.24-11+deb9u4", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libc6": { "name": "libc6", "version": "2.24-11+deb9u4", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libcap-ng0": { "name": "libcap-ng0", "version": "0.7.7-3+b1", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libcap2": { "name": "libcap2", "version": "1:2.25-1", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libcgmanager0": { "name": "libcgmanager0", "version": "0.41-2", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libcomerr2": { "name": "libcomerr2", "version": "1.43.4-2", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libcryptsetup4": { "name": "libcryptsetup4", "version": "2:1.7.3-4", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libdb5.3": { "name": "libdb5.3", "version": "5.3.28-12+deb9u1", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libdbus-1-3": { "name": "libdbus-1-3", "version": "1.10.26-0+deb9u1", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libdebconfclient0": { "name": "libdebconfclient0", "version": "0.227", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libdevmapper1.02.1": { "name": "libdevmapper1.02.1", "version": "2:1.02.137-2", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": "", "method": "" } }, "libedit2": { "name": "libedit2", "version": "3.1-20160903-3", "release": "", "newVersion": "", "newRelease": "", "arch": "", "repository": "", "changelog": { "contents": 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"version": "0.0~r131-2", "binaryNames": [ "liblz4-1" ] }, "ncurses": { "name": "ncurses", "version": "6.0+20161126-1+deb9u2", "binaryNames": [ "libncurses5", "libncursesw5", "libtinfo5", "ncurses-base", "ncurses-bin", "ncurses-term" ] }, "openssh": { "name": "openssh", "version": "1:7.4p1-10+deb9u6", "binaryNames": [ "openssh-client", "openssh-server", "openssh-sftp-server" ] }, "openssl1.0": { "name": "openssl1.0", "version": "1.0.2r-1~deb9u1", "binaryNames": [ "libssl1.0.2" ] }, "pam": { "name": "pam", "version": "1.1.8-3.6", "binaryNames": [ "libpam-modules", "libpam-modules-bin", "libpam-runtime", "libpam0g" ] }, "pcre3": { "name": "pcre3", "version": "2:8.39-3", "binaryNames": [ "libpcre3" ] }, "perl": { "name": "perl", "version": "5.24.1-3+deb9u5", "binaryNames": [ "perl-base" ] }, "readline": { "name": "readline", "version": "7.0-3", "binaryNames": [ "libreadline7", "readline-common" ] }, "shadow": { "name": "shadow", "version": "1:4.4-4.1", "binaryNames": [ "login", "passwd" ] }, "sqlite3": { "name": "sqlite3", "version": "3.16.2-5+deb9u1", "binaryNames": [ "libsqlite3-0" ] }, "sysvinit": { "name": "sysvinit", "version": "2.88dsf-59.9", "binaryNames": [ "sysvinit-utils" ] }, "tcp-wrappers": { "name": "tcp-wrappers", "version": "7.6.q-26", "binaryNames": [ "libwrap0", "tcpd" ] }, "ustr": { "name": "ustr", "version": "1.0.4-6", "binaryNames": [ "libustr-1.0-1" ] }, "xz-utils": { "name": "xz-utils", "version": "5.2.2-1.2", "binaryNames": [ "liblzma5" ] }, "zlib": { "name": "zlib", "version": "1:1.2.8.dfsg-5", "binaryNames": [ "zlib1g" ] } }, "errors": [], "config": { "scan": { "debug": true, "logDir": "/var/log/vuls", "resultsDir": "/vuls/results", "default": { "serverName": "", "user": "", "host": "", "port": "", "keyPath": "", "owaspDCXMLPath": "", "memo": "", "type": "" }, "servers": { "localhost": { "serverName": "localhost", "user": "root", "host": "", "port": "22", "keyPath": "/root/.ssh/id_rsa", "scanMode": [ "fast" ], "owaspDCXMLPath": "", "containersIncluded": [ "zen_taussig" ], "containerType": "docker", "memo": "", "type": "" } }, "containersOnly": true, "cacheDBPath": "/vuls/cache.db", "cveDict": { "Type": "sqlite3" }, "ovalDict": { "Type": "sqlite3" }, "gost": { "Type": "sqlite3" }, "exploit": { "Type": "" } }, "report": { "debug": true, "lang": "en", "logDir": "/var/log/vuls", "resultsDir": "/vuls/results", "default": { "serverName": "", "user": "", "host": "", "port": "", "keyPath": "", "owaspDCXMLPath": "", "memo": "", "type": "" }, "servers": { "localhost": { "serverName": "localhost", "user": "root", "host": "", "port": "22", "keyPath": "/root/.ssh/id_rsa", "scanMode": [ "fast" ], "owaspDCXMLPath": "", "containersIncluded": [ "zen_taussig" ], "containerType": "docker", "memo": "", "type": "" } }, "cveDict": { "Type": "sqlite3" }, "ovalDict": { "Type": "sqlite3" }, "gost": { "Type": "sqlite3" }, "exploit": { "Type": "sqlite3" }, "formatJSON": true } } }
docker run --rm -it -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro -v $PWD:/vuls -v $PWD/vuls-log:/var/log/vuls -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro vuls/vuls report --debug -format-json -results-dir=/vuls/results -config=./tmp/docker.toml
What did you expect to happen?
I expect no error shows up when report ran
What happened instead?
Two errors:
And some vulnerable packages
Steps to reproduce the behaviour
Already explained in the first point
docker run --rm vuls/go-cve-dictionary -v go-cve-dictionary 3c7cb2e docker run --rm vuls/goval-dictionary -v goval-dictionary v0.1.1 5070051 docker run --rm vuls/gost -v gost 39175c0 docker run --rm vuls/vuls -v vuls build-20190221_050916_53f4a29 Debian database updated docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/vuls -v $PWD/goval-dictionary-log:/var/log/vuls vuls/goval-dictionary fetch-debian 7 8 9 10