futuredapp / infinity

[Deprecated] Infinite paginated RecyclerView scrolling
MIT License
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Hide loading footer during the time adding of new items #12

Open bobymicroby opened 7 years ago

bobymicroby commented 7 years ago

Hi Guys,

I think that you should hide the footer as soon as someone calls the callback with data, otherwise you get this ugly stretch effect (the video is in slow motion so just wait for it ) :


skywall commented 7 years ago


are you sure the footer is stretching? Can you please try to add it some background? In my opinion it's just default RecyclerView behavior when he tries to animate added items.

bobymicroby commented 7 years ago

It is not exactly stretching..it is being pushed to the right in steps as new items are added. You add item, them the loader goes on position +1 , and so on . I think that as soon as you start to add items you should hide it.

bobymicroby commented 7 years ago

With the background is more clear :


skywall commented 7 years ago

Footer is basically shown all the time. We will discuss an option to hide it during the time adding of new items.

As workaround you can temporarily disable RecyclerView animations as mentioned here.

bobymicroby commented 7 years ago

It make sense for me to hide it when items are being added, So I will vote +1 on this one.