futuregrid / cloud-metrics

Project to create usage statistics from IaaS such as OpenStack, Eucalyptus, and Nimbus
2 stars 3 forks source link

Porting novadb #46

Closed lee212 closed 11 years ago

lee212 commented 11 years ago


  1. Openstack stores instance data into MySQL database.
  2. FG Cloud Metric needs to read the database to get metrics data from the instances


  3. Copy the live database to metrics db
  4. Use the db to compute metrics
lee212 commented 11 years ago

Koji made a readonly account to the live db id:readonly hostip:

lee212 commented 11 years ago

H. Lee created test db on with the account id: metric password: *** hostip : databases: fgmetrics

lee212 commented 11 years ago

It is done back in early July. 7f92e2274209c0ad3eae48e62cc6a3a8c909c2d5