futuregrid / cloud-metrics

Project to create usage statistics from IaaS such as OpenStack, Eucalyptus, and Nimbus
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Adding new information (email address) to 'user info' database #63

Open lee212 opened 11 years ago

lee212 commented 11 years ago

We were requested to provide email address accompanied with portal user name. Since the ldap scripts has been updated to support email address with first name, last name, and uid, the database of cloud-metrics needs to be altered to include the new information.

This task will result in a list of actual users of FG in a following template: e-mail; portal username; first name; last name; iaas; date first use;date last use; overall used hours

Task (details)

  1. Create a script to retrieve email addresses using portal usernames of actual users
  2. Alter table to have a column of email address
  3. Update records with the retrieved email addresses
  4. Generate a list of actual users of FG
lee212 commented 11 years ago


lee212 commented 11 years ago


lee212 commented 11 years ago

Now we have email addresses of portal users in the database