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SciHub #91

Open stevekrouse opened 5 years ago

stevekrouse commented 5 years ago

Reframe sci hub as just nuance to avoid Tyranny make it about infinite threading with multi home and link to other sites with some cannonicalness

stevekrouse commented 5 years ago

sentences are a brain cage. they are both too large in that they contain both claims and evidence, and also too small to defend themselves adequately. They also don't show linkages to other sentances well. Logichub will be a tool where the top level data strcutures will be a limited subset of sentences but smaller.... but how do we get a flow of prose this way... now that's the right question!

stevekrouse commented 5 years ago

How To Win Arguments Through Collaborative Truth-Seeking https://intentionalinsights.org/win-arguments-collaborative-truth-seeking/

stevekrouse commented 5 years ago

https://advanced-hindsight.com/ https://fs.blog/mental-models/