futurepress / epub.js

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Need overflow scroll in pre-paginated mode #543

Open ramakrishnan opened 7 years ago

ramakrishnan commented 7 years ago

While rendering an epub in pre-paginated mode, the epub-iframe and its div namely epub-view and epubjs-view-uuid strictly follows the height of the parent container. Ideally the div epub-view should stick to the initial parent container's height and the iframe within it should have scrolling. Due to which the bottom portion of the iframe's content are getting clipped off.

Sunil-bb commented 7 years ago

Hi @fchasen

Have listed down the available options with Layout, Manager and flow and their behavior. Please suggest if there are differences in the understanding. It it's fine, maybe we can add it to readme so that it becomes easy for the clients.


Regards, Sunil BB

Sunil-bb commented 7 years ago

Hi @fchasen

Following is our requirement: 1.) We have a pre-paginated system, we would be knowing the definition of each page's boundary before hand. 2.) Now, each page can be of varying heights based on it's content and we can't determine the height before we load the contents of page. 3.) So, page 1 in a larger device should have same content as Page 1 in a smaller device. 4.) Hence we are fine with having a scroll bar if the content height is greater than container height.

Please let us know what are the best configurations(layout, flow and axis) for the above requirement.

Have attached a spreadsheet with my understanding on these combinations above.

Please suggest if the understanding has any flaws and if you can suggest the configurations for above requirement it will be very helpful.