futurepress / epub.js

Enhanced eBooks in the browser.
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ReferenceError: ePub is not defined #919

Open prographo opened 5 years ago

prographo commented 5 years ago


I cloned the github into my document root directory.

I navigated the browser to /examples/spreads.html

The error in the console is: ReferenceError: ePub is not defined

This is the line:

// Load the opf var book = ePub(url || "https://s3.amazonaws.com/moby-dick/moby-dick.epub");

I did a wget on the URL and indeed the file is there.

Any clue what is problem?

wnabil commented 5 years ago

because the epubjs library is not included in the github project and the example files are loading it from ../dist/epub.js - look the html header element To make it work there is multiple solutions:

eyalgromzin commented 2 years ago

hi, what does it mean "use the one that the developers uploaded to npmjs", cause i do see that there is an epub.js file in my node modules?