futurepress / epubjs-angular-reader

ePub.js Reader
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Can't Prevent Caching #27

Open divaddrof opened 10 years ago

divaddrof commented 10 years ago

Hi I have this brilliant idea - I want to sell my ebooks.

So if I had a (Wordpress) site I could allow visitors to read one ebook to find out if they liked them.

epubjs sounded just what I need. I'm no programmer!!!!!

I want to read the ebook (epub) straight from the Wordpress media library

As my site will be designed for people who read sitting on trains etc., it must be 'mobile first'

So I just want one column with no pagination and no last reading position.

This is all just to avoid having to have an html version of the book as well as the epub as I envisage changing which ebook is available free often and also protecting my ebooks from being downloaded for free.

I read all the posts here but I don't seem to be able to change anything in epubjs.

I have put cache control : no cache and no store in the head section of index.html but still, even clearing the browser cache doesn't prevent it from displaying the previously loaded version - so I can't tell if I'm getting anywhere or not - when you don't know what you're doing anyway this can be a bit demoralising. I spend hours clearing the cache opening a different browser and so on - and I'm still not sure if anything I changed - changed anything.

Is there something somewhere other than in index.html that is causing the ebook to be cached?

I thought it was just the browser but I've tried Chrome, Firefox and Safari and they all do the same.

If you could help to preserve a a poor old man's last few remaining grey hairs - I would really appreciate it.

Thanks David

zapolnoch commented 8 years ago

Try to pass { storage: false } to the constructor ePub. https://github.com/futurepress/epub.js/blob/master/documentation/README.md