futurepress / epubjs-angular-reader

ePub.js Reader
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How can I use epubjs-reader? #30

Closed mahag closed 8 years ago

mahag commented 9 years ago

What are the steps to go through to be able to use this reader and pass to it my epub files inside my website?Is there any clear documentation availbale?

alchzh commented 8 years ago

I know i'm 9 months late but... First get the repo. Second open package.json and replace all the "X.X.X-X" and whatnots with "*" Then run npm install from the root folder Then unpack your epub file (unzip your_epub.epub) Copy the folder to the src/ folder in epubjs-reader edit src/index.html and change <epubreader src="/moby-dick/"></epubreader> to <epubreader src="/your_epub/"></epubreader> Get epubjs-search Follow the instructions there with your_epub run epubjs-search edit src/scripts/directives/epub-reader.js so that .SEARCH_SERVER is http://localhost:5000 or whatever it is from the previous step run node server.js from root folder of repo visit localhost:8080 profit