futzu / SCTE-35_HLS_x9k3

HLS and SCTE-35 x9k3 is a HLS Segmenter with SCTE 35, and Live Streaming from Non-Live Soures and Looping.
67 stars 17 forks source link

Added Dockerfile #13

Closed josepowera closed 1 year ago

josepowera commented 1 year ago

Someone might find this useful to simplify start when running as a container. sample part from kubernetes deployment (only part of a single container in a pod):

        - name: pysplicer
          tty: true
            - /opt/pypy/bin/x9k3
            - --live
            - --delete
            - --window_size
            - "5"
            - --time
            - "2"
            - --sidecar            
            - /tmp/shareddata/sidecar.txt
            - --hls_tag
            - x_scte35
            - --program_date_time    
            #- --debug   #adds PTS to segments         only 61, not for 59
            - --input
            - "udp://"  #1935 is from ffmpeg
            - --output_dir
            - /tmp/shareddata/variant0
futzu commented 1 year ago

I'm cool with that, but I can't support it,

I just don't know docker that well. Can we put in the examples?

josepowera commented 1 year ago

I'll prepare some basic example of kubernetes pod and docker compose.