futzu / SCTE-35_HLS_x9k3

HLS and SCTE-35 x9k3 is a HLS Segmenter with SCTE 35, and Live Streaming from Non-Live Soures and Looping.
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Check if UDP used to convert to hls is vaild or not #36

Open gauravv5 opened 3 months ago

gauravv5 commented 3 months ago

Hi Adrain, We are using udp feed from playout Engine. i would like to check the if that udp is vaild and can be used with x9k3 for hls creation.

We have tested x9k3 solution for stream coming via elemental and it works fine.whereas udp from playout creates problem while playing.

I am very sure there is problem in udp only. But i tried to meet same parameter tested by ffprobe but issue remains the same.

Any help is Great.


futzu commented 2 months ago

I can't help you, you haven't given enough information for me to do anything. If one works and the other doesn't . most likely it's not x9k3, but your setup on the other system. Show me an error message and give me the streams.

futzu commented 1 month ago

What happened?